Ascension before Ascended Mogul?

@subliminalguy I have Sanguine so adding that to Regeneration would probably be a better option. I remember either @Fire or @SaintSovereign saying that the combination would make one more stoic. Given that one of my main reasons for running Regeneration in the first place is to eliminate my automatic responses to lots of things and also to stop losing my mind or temper over the dumbest or smallest of things, Sanguine will definitely help. I’m starting a new job mid next month and after insurance kicks in I plan on getting back on my anxiety and ADHD medications but also starting therapy.


Both took two weeks to get going, but eventually brought out the alpha and respect from within. AscMogul has mini-wealth management on top.


Ascension has a clear focus, and it’s on making you the man you were meant to be. Since I’ve normally been the “nice guy”, it made me pretty defiant initially to old standards I’d allowed. I had a near physical encounter with a bully coworker. Ascension gets straight to work on you seeing the man you could be, thus the inner anger due to contrasting realities (one lived out, one believed within).

Ascended Mogul didn’t deny any of Ascension by itself, but it took time to fully feel and know my inner truths. Mixing with Mogul, it goes from “grow ME” to “I can grow this idea/business, and others could help it grow”. It’s a slightly different perspective. It allows that awareness that even in business, no successful man is an island.

I still enjoyed the masculine edge (mannerisms, voice, walk) on AM too. :+1:


@subliminalguy That definitely explains why I feel so on edge when I run Ascension. It’s almost if not an anger knowing you aren’t living up to your potential and you need to get to work on that. I can’t and don’t procrastinate at all when running Ascension. Like I mentioned before I am seriously considering running Ascension along with PCC in preparation for a new job I am starting February 19th.


@James, I wrote up on PCC in its discussion thread. I thought of you first before ever writing it, knowing and seeing your history. I considered PMing you about my experience.

For me, PCC is dismantling old thinking–which kept me constantly angry and defensive. I realized I’ve been keeping this thinking in place, as it “made sense” to part of me.

Essentially, I realized I was able to drop this thinking in the moment and relax. Noone in my vicinity was threatening me, but I was recreating this in my thoughts and feelings. Just old habits.

It allowed me to drop the subtle hell that I’d actually created. PCC is completely worth it.


@subliminalguy I am grateful that you thought of me. I know from our history here and elsewhere that we share similar pasts and goals to an extent. If I could eliminate the anger and defensiveness that would help out immensely.Those auto pilot reactions always keep me from responding to something in a rational way.Now that I think about it it’s almost as if me being that way benefited some folks because it kept me from realizing that I was giving away my power to those people. I think that’s what a lot of so called " Nice Guys " don’t realize. The second you become subservient for lack of a better word to a woman they instantly lose any kind of attraction to you


I honestly believe that’s why a lot of guys think that women are attracted to so called “asshole” type of guys. It’s not that the guy is purposely or intentionally an asshole just because. It’s that he isn’t willing to stop living his life or doing what he has to do to please someone else


@subliminalguy Just purchased PPC. I’m going to starting running it today along with Ascension V2


Give it a day or two before responding on mindset shifts. I’d really be curious on its affects on you.

Regarding noticing changes, I’ve been inside all day doing nothing. I shopped and did laundry yesterday, my main to-do’s, but I promised someone I’d get out today. I’m going to walk my neighborhood.

I also just recalled that inner defensiveness I felt the last time I walked out in public. That same defensiveness is why I’ve not dated anyone since my divorce: old fears played over and over again. I’ll report back if anything stands out to me.


@subliminalguy I will wait a few days like you said. I will say this though.Anytime I run Ascension procrastination is not an option. I wasn’t aware that you had gone through a divorce. My heart goes out to you.


@subliminalguy I just purchased Khan and I am going to run PPC alongside that. I think my future just became scary and awesome at the same time


The separation began in 2011, and the divorce happened in 2014. I don’t have much pain with her since while chasing her pre-divorce, I said and did things I’d never done during our regular years. I tried loving her, and that changed me… She didn’t accept. I don’t blame, as that only hurts me.

I can’t and won’t change her. I only have power over me. I do miss having a family, and I’m wondering where that’ll lead now. I felt it during my walk today, which I detailed in the PCC discussion thread. Hmmm.


What do you miss about family?


A simple answer: feeling included in something bigger than myself.

Thanks for the question


One of my goals is to have that Hallmark moment. You know, the end of all those Hallmark Channel movies where they make up and share this wonderful moment with family and friends present. Or those big Thanksgivings or Christmas moments. Or just enjoying each other’s company on the couch under a blanket watching TV.

Hallmark Channel, the place where they perfected miscommunication.

I would love to have those moments. I’ve had far too few. And it remains near the top of my life-goals list.

I wish you all the best, subguy!


@DarkPhilosopher Is it overkill or unnecessary to run Regeneration if I am already Running Khan Stage 1 Total Breakdown?


I’ll let Saint answer that one (after I figured out how to spell “dilapidated”):

Best answer that can be given. You wouldn’t be the only one running them both though.


@DarkPhilosopher I purchased Khan strictly for Total Breakdown.I am done with whatever trauma or unresolved issues I have holding me back.There is a lot of things in life outside of my control that I struggle with understanding or accepting.I may not be able to change them but I can change how I respond


@James, if what you just described about breaking through the walls, Khan ST1 will be enough.
From experience i find Regeneration to be the more comprehensive trauma releasing tool.

Depends if you want the experience to be more carrot than stick. Or even both…


I love that reply @Michel. I could agree with it mentally, but I’m experiencing some reconciliation currently, so I’m not very objective.

Thank you for the accurate response. :slight_smile: