Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Oh, where?

Only been hitting the gym for a couple weeks and not even really had the time to do it everyday. My Mother says I’m already looking buffer, WANTED perhaps lol.

Went to my Daughter’s bday party a couple days back. I got more stares than any other male there, including from the married women. I caught every single female there staring at least twice, except for the ones I’ve already known for a while anyway. The ones that didn’t stare are more like family.

My facial shape seems to slowly but surely becoming more “squared” too.


Khanted or Sean Khannery


daaaamn bro that’s insane, start taking pictures trust me itll help with your recon when it hits you

good action: chew gum


Hit recon today with what I can only assume is WANTED since I’ve changed my patterns of using my stack around so gotta chill a little.

WANTED has made me notice what I’m unhappy about with my looks and is giving me ideas on what to change about them.I also think it is drawing my focus to those things so I can consciously ask for them to be changed (if that makes sense?).



imagine posting a picture and getting 20 likes in 2 hours


one loop today

felt more masculine internally
more assertive posture than usual
some sensations possibly aura (a touch lighter than libertine)
more self-confidence and positivity within me

i like it


overall …it is pretty awesome experience…given the fact that I only ran one loop…


wow, most likes I’ve ever seen a post get,

sexy loving girls presented in half anime, half children’s book style, lusting after a man, who appears to be sweating with frustration and who also appears to have minor gynocomastia.

Demonstrating a universally relatable desirability of any one. (pre-preemptive apology if this cartoon is a drawing of someone you know)

you nailed the formula @Simon :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth::hugs:
and will undoubtedly be successful in any marketing/copy work you pursue


I am going to start experimenting with this on Fridays.

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Bro, i’m on nofap and this aint helping :rofl::rofl:


Reject humanity

Return to coomer

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Physical changes, like height, muscles, facial feature, and so on. Subliminals with physical shifting means that they’ll affect you body


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What’s the delta here? Are there others who have measured significant increases in height with this tech?

Not doubting, just asking. I’ll run this sub for the next 5 years if it gets me another inch or two lol

I’ll say this about immediate effects…I felt taller after just a couple loops of Wanted. Not just the standing up straighter feeling of tallness.

Almost like my imagined, projected self was already taller.

It was a weird, but cool feeling.


@Yazooneh’s 0.8 inch height increase on the older tech.


And now I’m even more hyped about this sub.

Don’t be ashamed to dream bigger. :wink:


I’m sort of curious if you can run say Wanted with Elixir , and Dragon Reborn long enough that nothing really bothers you anymore. That you become somewhere between nonchalant, apathetic, and indifferent?

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This sub is simply unbelievable. By far my favorite sub I’ve ever run and yet I feel like I’m just scratching the surface on all of its power.

Inspired by this question, I decided yesterday to run Wanted (solace) and LoveBomb (prototype). It was my birthday and I went out to dinner with friends to celebrate. Before we even arrived, the girls in our group chat were saying stuff like “Ice is kissing all of us tonight!” Keep in mind these girls are friends and most of them are in relationships.

Throughout the night, they were all showering me with affection and compliments. Lots of hugs, kisses, and free drinks for me haha. Everything about the night was so positive and upbeat it was unbelievable. We were all cracking jokes, having a great time, and just everything was smooth and flowing. I was incredibly smooth and subtly flirty with the girls. I didn’t care about reactions, I just said and did what I wanted to say and do and they were eating it up.

There was no aggressive push for being sexual, as I’ve experienced on PS:ITu and Libertine. In fact, sex wasn’t much of a priority as I was just in the moment enjoying the fuck out of my night.

Now of course some of this behavior from others is to be expected on your birthday, but I honestly can’t remember a time as an adult when I had that much fun and experienced that much joy on my birthday. I am definitely intrigued enough to try this combo again!

WANTED definitely seems to help get me out of my head and into the moment. I’m WAY less self-conscious and way more freely expressive. It has put me into my ideal state, where everything is loose relaxed mischievous and FUN. It brings out the state of mind from years ago when I was most successful with girls, and also crushing life in general. And I suspect the main contributing factor is the easing up of the self-critic. The allowing of yourself to express yourself how you want KNOWING that it will come across attractive. Way less self-conscious and self critical, way more loving, accepting, and honoring your own unique beauty.

Oh, and not to mention I feel myself getting sexier and sexier by the day :wink: