Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan


we need another anime pic to match this dream the man just manifested

hes literally the only man in a building full of women

@pacman make very clear to the single mom youre her sexual satisfier unless you want a relationship which i dont advise, single moms can be a bit “born again virgin”


I’m not sure if it’s sexual or if she will even take the apartment lol I just saw it like a manifestation lol

And like fire said in a post always assume attraction until a definite no…:laughing:

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if she moves in there and after you guys bang and you don’t wanna move things forward, things could get awkward considering you’re living so close and having to cross each other all the time etc

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what does this mean?

a girl whos far from being a virgin any more who has decided that she’s going to start encompassing the traits of a “newly born virgin”

this isnt helpful to any men looking to explore romance and sexuality since theyre going down their own journey and your game effectiveness is futile

id always rather go for 20 year olds no matter my age.


Enjoy this one for now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Paging @Tobyone because he’s been running Khan for months and I don’t think he is angry often? :wink:

Your post is generally correct, that anger should be used as FUEL, ENERGY to do something productive.

Still, I don’t think Khan makes you particularly angry intentionally?


oh no im naturally angry but i understand how the boundary holding aspects of khan will invoke that energy above all.

I see it this way.
Khan instills masculine energy in u. You should not react to anger or let it control you. You will feel it yes.

Learning to control it must come from feeling it and redirecting it. If you don’t feel angry at a situation or person you will not take action to correct it or hold frame.


I can chime in on what I think. This is my opinion after having gone through lots and lots of anger on my journey.

Anger and having strong boundaries is IMO not neccesary linked in any way. Anger to me is destructive energy in the end. Control of anger I would never exercise, because that would be controlling something that cannot be controlled. Instead I would ask myself, why am I angry? Why am I looking outside to solve something that’s clearly on the inside?

But yes anger can be used to fuel you, but for how long? It comes up for a reason to be looked at, accepted and let go of(healed). Tranmutation into higher emotions like courage, acceptance or love is far more advantageous. A higher vibration always kills a lower one.

That is why if someone who’s angry close to me can’t stand being in my presence. And if I get triggered by it I am part of the problem. That leaves you with no control over what you actually can control if you dare look inside. It can be scary, but it has absolutely no power over you if you look at it directly.

And would you rather feel the emotions of acceptance or love over being angry all the time? Maybe if your angry as you get this question you would answer angry because of sheer stubborness. But seriously ask yourself this question as soon as you wake up.


This chart is useful for understanding of what I talk about. Everything under 200 on this chart is self-destructive. But take love, not the clingy one you hear Justin Bieber sing about. But unconditional love, it only extends into more love. Love attracts love and anger attracts more anger. This chart is called The Human Scale of Consciousness.

I was completely stunned the first couple of times I found myself temporarily high up on this scale. It made such an impact and raised my baseline that I could’t go back. I had tears of joy, I saw the beauty in everything, even the most dirty things. Separation between things seem so absurd in these moments.

And how did I reach these states? Definately not through my constant holding on to anger and grudges that I was a certified expert at growing up. And let’s not forget about feeling sorry for myself. But hey it only took 35 years of life on earth to stop that habit…

I’ve been to over 50 countries including some of the most poor countries in the world. And what I noticed is that everyone is just looking to live a decent life, have fun with their friends, eat some good food and burp afterwards.

Learn how to develop your compassion, learn how to serve other people(still working on that one).

Intended this to be short, but that rarely happens as I begin to type. Maybe that’s why I refrain myself from doing it more often. But we have so much to offer to others and ultimately to ourselves. Why would you hold on to that gift. Everyone on this forum is brave as fvck for taking on the level of growth subliminals posesses. I salute them all :pray:


To me pure masculine power comes from being non-reactive, and not because you keep denying or throwing your anger at others. Not many good decisions are made in rage… and afterwards you see that person feeling guilty and sad for what they did or said. You could say that anger is pent up sadness, or anger is sadness up side down.

So you need to wake up, grow up, and clean up. It’s your house, not someone elses.

I’ve recently through Dragon Reborn had painful tears for the way I treated my mom growing up and not seeing the obvious truth that I was too stubborn and proud to admit. I was secretly blaiming her for things that was clearly my own doing. It is time for me to grow up finally.

The funny thing when you do emotional healing is when you realize you are reacting to situations and events in the present time that were from some childhood trauma. Here is me at the age of 37 acting the same way as when I was 8. It never ends until you let go of it. And if you don’t you suppress it and it gets projected out into your aura. So kind of a catch 22 until you see it for what it is. Keep reacting and throw anger around you will never evolve past that.

So when you attract anger it is because it comes up for you to let go of. If you become reactive you are missing the point.

Nothing is better than the other, it just is. When I see angry people I feel compassion(trying at least) instead of pity.

So again, maculine strength comes IMO from having grown up past all the traumas, and not going around blaming and hating others for your hurt that we all in some form experienced in growing up. It’s easy for me to see that now, that’s why I don’t meet anger to anger.

Sure some girls like bad boys, but that’s because they have the same issues. I still respect that but not the type of girls that I would wibe with.

I mentioned it before that a practice called Strong Determination Sitting is by far the most powerful tool(except maybe subliminals and shadow work together with relaxation exercises) to develop that calm grounded masculine presence, the observer, the one that gives attention, but need nothing in return(end of neediness).

Learn how to actively scan your body for tension, learn how to become relaxed in your lower chakras and nothing will face you. If you can do that in any situations you become magnetic.

Think about it… relaxation is everything. Look at all the men around you and you see even the coolest guys having nervous ticks, and other nervous behaviors. And then you have the rarities, the few men that seems so relaxed and at ease that a hurricane would’t move them. You can’t figure them out, how can they be so relaxed?

Girls notice this because it is so rare. Shit tests and all that jadi jadi is not a thing for them. They don’t act in any way or form, they are not ashamed or hiding anything. And most of all they are completely relaxed and at ease.

A good start is taking a vow that you from hereon take 100% responsibility for absolutely everything that happens to you, without blaming, without complaining. Because that is what 99% of all men do anyway. Just think about how attractive a man like that is to a girl!

We are not so different after all… be flexible not rigid.


Yes, I didn’t understand this until recently, people think it’s press play and life get’s better, but running anything here for real transformation and to move our lives in ways we have never been able to do before, is a big deal. Hard recon or no, making these changes and acting on them, and going through the process- is a ride and I likewise salute anyone who is here doing that as well.

@Tobyone -I love the scale of consciousness and Dr. Hawkins work,

short of healing, raising consciousness past the level of anger

My 2 cents-

Anger can go 3 ways

aggression- you win -others lose- negative karmic and literal immediate consequences

nowhere-then it becomes depression- Anger directed at self - got to feel anger and be assertive

assertion- seek win-win / you win-others win, getting your needs met, increasing your well being, setting boundaries, creating new circumstances and relationships.

Anger is the emotion/energy of change- you have to proactively be assertive when it comes up-if it’s present anger, or learn to process/ let it go if it’s reactive past based anger.

If anger is consistently coming up, you have to deal with assertively- the only time to use it for aggression is when others are overtly and intentionally attempting to win at your expense and are not open to anything else/ assertion.


Yes Hawkins is a legend. An easy gateway to these kind of things. I was a total noob to this this way of understanding things before finding him.

Love your take on anger and the three ways. You have a way of explaining things in a well structured and easy to understand manner :slight_smile:


:slight_smile: thanks, I won’t take all the credit though- it’s from something that used to exist with a psychiatrist teaching what he called ‘masculine psychology’ operating system.


i want to chime in too and add to all this.

Khan does not have spiritual programming in it so it seems (i say this because i felt very disconnected from both your posts, which must mean you’re both at a different vibration than me) and the way i prefer looking at it is this: Whether you’re trying to relate to the girl next door, your mother, or your first love, or the woman you’re going to grow old with, if you’re a man who’s wanting and willing to climb a societal ladder as a male you’re going to feel angry and youre going to be territorial, khan is a sex sub and like it or not: the man who has the most territory is the man who enjoys the majority of the women.

Do I like this? I honestly don’t know and I honestly don’t care, i just know on a limbic level that we all as men feel the anger when presented with male exclusive (just between us) climbs to the top of any ladder that involves the things we want the most, on a basic level.

now, we could redirect this rage to have deeper and deeper understandings of how destructive the energy of rage is.

But that isn’t Khan’s goal

at some point you might understand that rage, whilst maybe being a burner emotion rather than a preserver, exists, and has some very hidden leverage usages for men who desire to increase their territory be it financially, romantically, or even maybe the freedom to be in a room alone smoking weed and playing video games, that still requires the resources, emotional and mental and spiritual freedom to do so, and the masculine conviction that you captain your own ship

so it’s interesting to look at the spiritual side of the Khan evolution, but it changes and rumbles more than you could think it would rumble, for me, because it’s priority is alpha.

your thoughts about it and thanks for reading


Hi pacman,
I’m not a believer in manifestation. What I do believe is in the following.

If I give you 10 cents for every time you see something red in the next 24 hours, you’ll see more red in one day than you’ve seen in the last 20 years combined. I believe these subs open you up emotionally and allow you to notice what you may have missed or glossed over before.
Right now, you’re more aware of opportunities and you’re more open to seizing them.

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since ur here, this doesn’t make sense…

Using subliminals is one of many methods of accelerating desired manifestations
There are many methods to achieve the results we’re trying to achieve thru subs…

all involve rewriting our subcon script


yes if it feels like it threatens or dominates our resources or potential resources. This is part of our ‘dark side’ ‘lower self’ ‘animal instinct’ and it’s pure energy and power-pretending it doesn’t exist or we don’t experience it is spiritual bypass in my opinion—it doesn’t need to be cause for pervesive emotional anger-that’s resentment- but the impulse of anger or being on edge-will come up in people who ave this instinct online-even if they are loving-it just needs to be used by us and not use us.


Subliminals changes your thinking, which changes your behavior, which helps to change your life.


Actions are a manifestation of your thoughts.

You’re thinking of magic too much.

Your mind creates reality by what you focus on.

This whole post was fantastic any many things I teach people as well, but this one is key.
I’ve used this in many of my books, courses, virtually everywhere.

Because I truly do believe that the"everything is your fault" approach is the most powerful.

If you think about it. If it is your fault, then you have ALL the power to change things.

If it’s someone else’s fault you are at the mercy of this person deciding to change your outcomes.

No, thanks.

I rather direct my life myself :sunglasses:

I admire you @Tobyone great wisdom, great mindset, great man :muscle:



here in your stmt… you can replace the word Subliminals with many other things… that’s my point

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