Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

yes if it feels like it threatens or dominates our resources or potential resources. This is part of our ‘dark side’ ‘lower self’ ‘animal instinct’ and it’s pure energy and power-pretending it doesn’t exist or we don’t experience it is spiritual bypass in my opinion—it doesn’t need to be cause for pervesive emotional anger-that’s resentment- but the impulse of anger or being on edge-will come up in people who ave this instinct online-even if they are loving-it just needs to be used by us and not use us.


Subliminals changes your thinking, which changes your behavior, which helps to change your life.


Actions are a manifestation of your thoughts.

You’re thinking of magic too much.

Your mind creates reality by what you focus on.

This whole post was fantastic any many things I teach people as well, but this one is key.
I’ve used this in many of my books, courses, virtually everywhere.

Because I truly do believe that the"everything is your fault" approach is the most powerful.

If you think about it. If it is your fault, then you have ALL the power to change things.

If it’s someone else’s fault you are at the mercy of this person deciding to change your outcomes.

No, thanks.

I rather direct my life myself :sunglasses:

I admire you @Tobyone great wisdom, great mindset, great man :muscle:



here in your stmt… you can replace the word Subliminals with many other things… that’s my point

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Lots of reading. But the jest of it is
Remain calm and nonreactive. Use logic rather than emotions.

Khan is training me to live with anger or it may not be anger. It definitely is masculine energy that is new to me which is surfacing as anger.


Guys this anger I feel used to surface when I used pheromones. Especially when I use a heavy alpha product. Khan feels exactly like that.


How well did that pheromone work? I’ve tried one brand years ago. It smelled awful, even when I used a strong cologne(as instructed) to cover it up. Any decent results.

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It worked well. But it really burns you out.
With subs it becomes permanent without having to apply some scent all the time.

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Was it to attract women or something? My was to attract Asian women. Didn’t work for me. but, I haven’t given up hope.

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Mine was the new pheromone additive and i used Lal mornes as well. Really potent but doesn’t give you the mental strength and guidance like subs do.

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Thanks for your reply @Yazooneh.

I think you are right that we see things from different persepectives. That’s why I love reading stories from different viewpoints, we learn from each other. There is no wrong or wright just different paths.

For myself I think that I experienced so much anger during so many years that I just don’t see the point of using it as a motivator anymore, for I found better states that actually fuels me more, and it gives me peace of mind.

Comparing to me is despairing. I remember when I studied pshycology and status. I became completely obsessed and developed a self-destructive neurotic behavior. I could not relax and my mind was racing all the time.

And when I finally started to relax all that knowledge I had actually started working, because I stopped craving attention and needing things from others. To sum it up, anger IMO is a stepping stone not a permanent place to stay.

And when I reach a new baseline I find myself blown out of the water every time. So I am happy to say, I don’t know anything :stuck_out_tongue:

@AlexanderGraves thank you for your kind words. Appreciate you too and your contributions on this forum :pray:

I agree with what you are saying. Not realizing it’s your own doing and that your surroundings matches your internal beliefs is taking away all the power from people. We are surrounded by this mentality everywhere. But here and there you find clues of things being otherwise. Take the emergency card on airplanes as an example, put on your own mask before helping others and even small children. What good are you to help if you pass out…

And it’s often anger and frustration that ultimately sets us on a journey to change things, which was the case for me as well. But at some point I found myself so depressed that I thought about ending it all.

I remeber my first mentor told me that, the more uncommon you think your problem is the more common it is. I guess that’s why I’m here :grin:


This completely decimates the normal narrative around running the Emperor…

That’s hella mindful.

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Looks like you all worked it out! Great team work!

@Tobyone You have gained much wisdom through your introspection!

Khan Stage 1 is bring up all that has been holding me back.

  1. I hold lots of anger in me I have no idea why. I react to situations with lots of anger. This is one of the biggest issues since it doesn’t attract people to me.
  2. I always wait for people to come to me. I wait for them to make the first move. This is a feminine trait which I must get rid of.
  3. I think and make decisions alot withy emotions rather than logic. This is also a feminine trait.
  4. Lots of envy for other males and people in general.
  5. Trying to control people’s reactions towards me. Expecting them to behave in a certain way towards me.

Edit : 6. Laziness - stage 1 just makes me lazy which means I am a lazy bastard :face_with_hand_over_mouth: which I need to correct.

As I go along and become more aware of what is holding me back I will report.


Thank you @RVconsultant , but I’ve berely scratched the surface. Soon I will rock Dragon Flight and I have a feeling that a lot of things will change then :slight_smile:

Wow, dude! This is deep! Thanks for posting this!

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My mum is starting to act really strange the last couple of days. Ignores me when I talk. She was not like this towards me. Like repulsive towards me.


Mini Update :

  • got business up and running again. I got a new client two days ago. Still working on her project.
  • female co-worker came to ask me something work related. I answered her. She basically came to me to make a decision that she will follow. She then walked around the room aimlessly like she’s looking for something then left.
  • a male co-worker moved out of my way. I didn’t expect it but watched him watching my steps and moved out the way for me.

Being persistent and really forcing myself to get things done.