Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of the Nectar Within (Custom Core Available!)

I can say with 83% certainty that, had I known my life partner would stop wanting me at some indeterminate point, I might’ve just bailed on the entire proposition.

So yeah. Sex before marriage/LTR here on out. I’m damned good at giving the gift of orgasm, so I’m doing a disservice by not doing that.


You’re not alone on that. I like the specific number probability of 83% lol

HIMYM. Barney.


If you’re attractive and social, you’ll never need be alone at any age.


And have money. Money solves a lot of problems :slight_smile:


Suit up! :business_suit_levitating:

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Money solves a lot of problems


ROTNW may be the most controversial SC title yet :rofl:

An aura that compels…

So I’m not sure if you’re honestly asking or if you think all men are the same and would obviously want someone who would excite them sexually. In any event, yes, of course we all want someone good to look at. As men we’re wired that way. But I’ve met some girls who weren’t your natural beauties who have personality and vibe out of this world. So much so that their character made them sexy. I would naturally say yes I want someone who excites me sexually, but if I met someone like how I just described? I’d think that my heart would make the right decision. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The heart wants what the heart wants. Looks will eventually fade.

Also like someone said earlier the results really aren’t out yet so I can’t really speak to how it will attract someone, but the original argument was whether to pair it with HS when first meeting someone or running it after you’ve made a connection. I wasn’t saying that physical attraction doesn’t matter. Just that the aura might negate the goal of HS.

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Off topic

Is there a product thread to discuss modules? If someone can help me with that thanks.


I don’t think there’s any one place to discuss modules… but rather many.

You can learn about some here

A few. Not sure if they already cover your questions though

Q Module Questions


I’m not talking about physical beauty, sexual attraction is based on personal magnetism much moreso than physical appearance. I’m looking to present my Point of View that HS and RotNW can mesh perfectly well if it represents what you want. RotNW doesn’t do anything for your looks, nothing about what it helps the user express is something that will fade with age (unless your health declines in old age to the point you lose the ability to engage in sexual activity, but I think we can set that situation aside).

Like you said, men and women are wired differently, you could meet a woman while using both of the tracks and she wouldn’t even unveil that she was interested in your nectar until you had sufficiently earned her love/respect, doubly so if that is the type of woman you were wanting to enter into a relationship with. These titles are all heavily based in free will, no aura you put on will force anything after all.


Saint did have his reservations
but I do I think it could work
The title can ignite initial sparks
It’s good to have a sexual edge

And there appears to be components of Diamond interwoven inside ROTNW

So it could prove practical in ways not yet considered

Quote from a top divorce lawyer: as a man there is no benefit to getting married. If she loves you she will stay with you without marriage.

Thought I’d share as it’s interesting lol


A female friend from my previous job told me the only way she’ll ever marry is if there are lands or titles involved that she’d need to keep in the family if he dies.

“Otherwise, it’s a lot easier to leave if we’re not married. It’s just a fuckin piece of paper”


The world is crazy enough without adding more legal papers on top. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. :wind_face:

I resonate with the idea that we are all basically spirit having a human experience… and as such our inner being craves to be unbound.

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Saint said that this title is supposed to work fast. It’s pretty laser focused. I’m not sure how long she could suppress the goal of the sub. I know nothing about this title. Saint has asked for feedback at least twice with no response. I’ve asked about the sexual prowess the same number of times with no response. Maybe it’ll work the way you say it will. You’re actually reminding me of how I want WB to work. I want to ignore the harem scripting and attract someone who’s generally interested in me. I said somewhere earlier that Saint is a mad scientist that may think he knows how a a sub will generally affect people, but because we’re all so unique the results may surprise even the creator. Maybe you can have your cake and eat it too with HS and RotNW. You’re a sexual attraction anarchist. I salute you.


Oh! I can’t wait then. I’ve played it a lot.

:racing_car: :dash: :blonde_woman: