Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of the Nectar Within (Custom Core Available!)

I take it to mean that a long term relationship should be built on love and not sex. Adding RotNW with HS at the outset might be too misleading. She loves you, but she’s also craving your d—k in her mouth? Not exactly the best how I met your mother story. That’s why Saint is suggesting to add it after running HS once a connection has been established.

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This one makes sense to me

This not so much honestly. If after a while in the relationship you add this and she starts craving for it… what’s the problem?

Also, if a girl loves to go for it she’s not a good partner for long term relationships? lol

Golgo13 explains nicely here @Sungaze.

Honestly it just seems like a bias to me

It’s not a problem after the relationship, but it’s problem before the relationship. One of the red flags if you consider she is a LTR.


U can go for lovers, FWB but not LTR in this case

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Again, to me it’s just a bias … But anyone can choose his point of view :wink:


I see it like sungaze if she likes to harvest the nectar, why this should be a reason for not going for a LTR ?


WB will help with creating a deep connection if im not mistaken and ROTN will make it a bit more sexuell instead of going full on with deepening the connection



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I see no problem with things starting super sexual and growing into something deeper over time. That seems quite natural to me.


Same :wink:

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It’s the first impression and what it’s based on. Love or sex? Say you marry your high school sweetheart and after you’re married you suddenly become this famous rockstar and make a s—t ton of money. You know that she loves you for you and not your money. The money is just a nice bonus to the loving relationship. But if you’re already the rockstar and you’re single and you meet someone, do they love you for you or your money? Same thing applies here. If you’re giving off this suck my d—k energy how do you know if she loves you for you and not your tasty nectar? It’s a thirst trap. A tasty nectar thirst trap. I understand that meeting someone is based on physical attraction and personality that later leads to love, but this physical attraction is based on a part of your anatomy that she’s never even seen before. It’s not like looking at someone’s physique, figure, or face and saying, “Wow. They’re really hot.” They’re being lured directly towards your d—k without even seeing it. Craving it the first time they see you. “Hello! My eyes are up here.” If that’s you’re idea of a long term relationship…cool. No judgement.

Assuming ROTNW works exactly as you’ve described, with those you come into contact with… Most people aren’t running ROTNW solo but with something like Wanted Black or Khan or Stark. Therefore, as Saint said auras mix- none overpower any other but rather form a composite. So, you’ll be exuding much more and hopefully will come off as a high quality guy she’d like to “know.”


Would you enter into a serious committed relationship with someone who did not excite you sexually?


Hell NO

I love my own company.
I don’t need any one.

Golgo13 thanks for keeping this thread alive
And I actually do understand your sentiment

This is an unusual aura- should it operate as prescribed. I’m about fun. Nothing to lose…

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What logic would someone do this though? There would have to be at least something initially or it’s platonic.

Also you have to consider that things change over time. Attraction fades, and then compatability and values really shines for it to work long term

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I always said no when such offers
came my way. :man_shrugging:

Perhaps it appears superficial but I want to feel something. And to me intimacy is spiritual.


My goal is to have the financial freedom to be a travelling nomad. Never tied down anywhere and experiencing new things to engage my active mind.

Escape the 9-5, buy assets, create residual income and have people work for me

One step at a time though