Main Disc. Thread - Rebirth ZP

I was thinking about taking the Chosen + Rebirth route myself after finishing my current Chosen + Emperor stack cycle. I do like the new Emperor though, so I could even test run 3 x ZP titles (Chosen + Emperor + Rebirth). I don’t know if that would be too much or not.

I ran Rebirth ZP yesterday and it is definitely helping me let go of things I have clung to for so long. I used to be literally obsessed with wanting to move back to an area where my Wife and I used to live and today I realized I don’t care where we move as long as we’re happy


Traditionally, we’d use Rebirth to PRIME our minds to welcome the next sub in the playlist. (IMO)

So, my pattern would be:
Day 1 : Rebirth+Emperor
Day 2 : Rest
Day 3 : Rebirth+Wanted
Day 4 : Rest



I had a feeling for this too! It’s just ZP’s listening schedule is pretty strict, I haven’t experimented a lot. Since Rebirth was a stacking module and not a major title, I think there is no wrong in trying this pattern.

I will start with Rebirth+Wanted tomorrow morning :wink:


Are there really any stacking modules on ZP, considering the core script?

I was truly thinking about how to stack Rebirth, regardless of it being a light script, I feel like the recommendation still stands for the 3 titles, or not?

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Look closely. There are only 3 titles.


If you meant the pattern … it was officially approved a month back. :+1:t2:


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I am also curious how to optimally stack Rebirth with Wanted and Libertine. Run Rebirth + Wanted one listening day and next listening day run just Libertine?

I wouldn’t go crazy about Rebirth since every ZP title contains the primer which works very similar to Rebirth.


Pretty sure they added different scripting in Rebirth to make the primer stronger because the Day I ran rebirth, I just felt in control in my relationship with my roommate, like it made Emperor click for me. She is immature as fuck, but I don’t care, I can handle that and ignore some of her comment because they come from a child’s mouth.

Yesterday she also asked me to fuck by txt while she was horny in her room xD.

There is something in rebirth, making the primer on steroid or something, I don’t know what it is, but it’s like accelerating results!


You should be. It’s crazy good.




What’s your experience with it @Simon ?

On my side I feel like I’ll come out of my confinement with Woman waiting at my doorstep to meet me hahahaha

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That is something I wanted to hear! Definitely gonna buy it and try it tomorrow.


Posting this here also since I am not sure if it’s Mind’s Eye, RICH, or Rebirth that caused this shift:


All of the above

Maybe. Just weird when it sneaks up on me like a thief in the night.

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What does it mean when you watch all pharmacy related dreams while sleeping?
I daily search for dream meaning after waking up :joy:

I take into account that Wanted alone neutralized my biggest life trauma within two months. Even the Dragon didn’t do that for me. Why? Because Wanted was directly aimed at that trauma (unwanted child) and thanks to ZP healing power it did it for me. I’m sure Rebirth is an excellent sub but still, I wouldn’t go crazy about it. :sunglasses: I shall try it one day and see how it goes, perhaps. I believe you that it’s a potent sub.


Would this also make sense if the next sub on the playlist is a healing sub (like regeneration)?
I’m using regeneration and emperor and I’m thinking to play rebirth prior to emperor only

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If you really wanna know, ask Support.

Personally, I never had a stack with both of them.

That will also be in line with the Official Listening Guidelines.


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So if I add rebirth to my want-emp stack will there be any problem @Simon