Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Really fascinating read.

Are there other subs in particular that you feel would also be especially potent for xNTP’s?

Hmmm… an interesting xNTP stack?

Stark ZP + Renaissance Man + Mind’s Eye. Enjoy your newfound understanding of the fabric of reality itself that may or may not send you into a depression. :wink:

You’ll probably make good money, though.


And now I want to try out mind’s eye :joy:


Saint… you and @Fire should try to chill…:weary:

I just did my first loop of Wanted ZP a few hours ago, I just finished an amazing workout tonight. I feel so grounded and mysterious. My body is so warm and I feel masculine :smiley: ZP is so powerful.

This is outstanding craftsmanship :smiley::relaxed::headphones:


What about a great stack for an INTJ?


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I was always interested in how the subs get filtered down through the cognitive functions of different types.

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But when I say that smoking before gym leads to better gains, I get framed as the bad guy :frowning:

The fact that you wrote it, and people check almost every single comment you make, is now going to make everyone realize that I am, in fact, not a psychic, but just somewhat smart :frowning:


Depends on the goal and the person (since again, the MBTI is a cognitive function test and not personality), but generally speaking, something you’d enjoy:

Emperor + Limitless + True Social.

For those wondering how I’m coming up with these (in addition to knowing the functional stacks of the various MBTI types and how they interact), it’s part of an unfinished, theoretical framework we’re working on that will help us develop a strategy that you can use to analyze your life and determine which titles should be in your stack. The basic idea, which we’ll explain later, is:


In this example (unnamed INTJ), Limitless is the expansive element, Emperor is the restrictive (grounding) element, True Social is the balancer (in this stack).

The INTJ is incredibly book smart by default, but this intelligence tends to be different than what I explained about the INTP. Their intelligence generally comes from actual experience, as in they tend to absolutely master their craft in all ways. For the martial artists here, you really don’t want to step in the ring with an INTJ who has trained for a few years (along with ESTPs – lawd, they will wreck your soul, see Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor, though the internet is obsessed with typing them as ESFP, but whatever).

Thus, Limitless’s approach to improving cognition works quite well for them, but can cause xNTP issues because of (hard to explain without getting too wordy), how we define intelligence in the first place. That’s the expanding element.

Emperor is grounding, keeps your mind from going off in crazy directions (as opposed to Stark’s focus on innovation, which requires that kind of thinking at times), and it naturally fits many INTJ’s natural attitude, that “put your head down and just get it done” mentality.

INTJ’s biggest issue is how harsh, cold and indifferent they can come across, even though they have a deep intelligence that’s based on actual experience rather than theoretical observations. Daredevil will help change their interactions with others – shaping them to come across as fun and witty rather than mean. But, True Social as a title is less broad than others (hence why I recommended TS rather than Daredevil), as it focuses on JUST that social element without digging deeper into your personality (which INTJ’s may fight against, HARD, because they don’t like anything trying to change them).


why do you recommend 3 products?

im genuinely confused why anyone would ever run 3 products at the same time.

but here you the creator was asked for a stack and im shocked you advised a 3 product stack.

so what am i missing?

i have always assumed running one product at a time would for sure lead to faster/better results.

have i been wrong this entire time?

why did you recommend a 3 product stack instead of just 1 or maybe even 2 which i have done before if its a perfect fit?

but 3 products at a time just makes no sense at all to me and seems counterproductive.

really curious to get your thoughts on this.

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Now this I’m hype for. This is awesome. Looking forward to hearing more about this.



INFJ here. Although after running WANTED ZP during the Private Testing phase and doing an MBTI test got me ENFJ. Must admit I became a bit more extroverted due to WANTED ZP. The personality test actually showed that my introversion and extraversion was more balanced.

But talking about being psychic, I get a loads of flashes of insights of others due to an INFJ’s ability for extreme empathy.


Used to test as INTP, now I am INTJ.

Introvert(25%) iNtuitive(22%) Thinking(12%) Judging(1%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (25%)
You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (22%)
You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (12%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

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Everybody is different. Some people might be able to handle a 3-product stack and get the results they want while some people are only able to handle a 1-product stack.


Any chance you can share with us which strategy games you play?

I have been using a dual n-back app lately to improve my fluid intelligence, but other avenues to that same end goal are always welcome!

I need your theory about this issue. Like Voytek and you, LimitlessZP makes me the opposite to whatever suppose to improve cognitively. No matter how much I study and persevere (taking action) with Limitless or QL on their previous versions only gives me reconciliation that I cannot bear.
An INTJ here.

I used to be INTP as well, back in early 20’s in college.

Just redid the test now out of curiosity and got ENFP, and I don’t know how to feel about it lol.

Only thing that changed is my career (from being a shut-in college student to a high school teacher) and that I got more in touch with my emotions.

Based on what you said about how this is a test for cognitive functional frameworks, I don’t really understand how someone’s results can change so dramatically…

Edit: care to recommend a stack for a newly ENFP-er? If you have a moment to think about it

Edit-2: I know it’s not a personality test, but reading through the “personality profile” pages for INTP and ENFP on 16-personalities, I feel like a mish-mash of both, like I have deeply-rooted defining traits from both. Confusing.


I took the MBTI thing when Saint asked private ZP testers to do so. Mine came back as INFP. Not really sure what that means in real-world shit, because I don’t put a lot of stock in tests like this that are based on purely subjective answers, and not something concrete like brain scans.

BUT assuming I am a INFP, what sub stack would you say that calls fo?

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I wonder if this is why I was led to HoM and Emperor. Explains why all of my creative projects failed miserably.

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I think infp tend more to be on the dreamy creative side,(i myself took the test and it says INFP)

Although i disagree with just running titles that only fits your “personality “ or whatever you call it. Cause we want to run subs to fix our issues. Our lackings and our short comings.

Although infp tend to be really lazy from what i read on reddit or tend to not to like to work, but this is a general statement. I bet everyone likes to stay in bed at 5 am rather than wake up and hit a run in the morning and then workout and stuff

But i think. Stark, RM, QL would be perfect for an infp

Or Ascension + Stark + QL
Or Ascension + Stark + RM

gonna try out stark with my stack maybe next week or something im running paragon alongside ascension, im curios how would 3 zp titles would work


That’s clearly not the approach being taken: Restrictive/Grounding, Expansive/Growing, and Balancing.

It sounds like it’s channeling your strengths in order to help you grow (in your preferred direction) and expand.

No matter where you choose to travel, any decent navigation plan must include your starting point.

An airplane ticket for a flight that departs from a different city from the one you are in, is not going to be much use to you. You won’t be able to get on the plane.

On the other hand, once you correctly identify your local airport and make your way there, you can fly anywhere else that you choose.