Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I’m gonna try the @James approach:

Man I’m REALLY looking forward to EoGZP. Hope it comes out today.

haha. ok I’m done.


Just a little result for you guys from @Invictus

He’s becoming a little too psychic using Minds Eye.

He’s started predicting what I’m about to say before I say it. We do speak quite a bit but it isn’t the fact of just predicting words because I’ve said them before - it could be completely different topics of things and he’s saying stuff before I even say it. Like what? Get out my head bruh. :sweat_smile:

Edit: I mean literally the same words/sentences. Exactly.


Or or or, think about it this way:

Maybe you weren’t going to say those things, maybe, just maybe, I used the law of attraction to plant those words in your head as I would be telling you or typing out what you would be saying, and then that signals to your brain that “woah, I totally wanted to say that”, leading your brain to actually believe that you wanted to say that, due to the fact that I gave your brain a shock, by putting it back into the thinking pattern that it would normally use, leading you to think that I “predicted” what you said, when in reality, I was the one who put the thought in your head, by just repeating and using your own thought patterns against yourself, but just a bit faster, while also utilizing the concept of “statistical probability”, to ensure that those words I said, match with your usual thought patterns, making you believe that I might be a psychic.

Or I just wrote all that to make sure it stays a secret :rofl:


That’s a whole lot of ENTP crap :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @Simon look at this!

ENTP can see through other ENTP’s deception!


I feel exposed (._.)


What’s an ENTP?

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Check this out, you can even take the test for fun :wink:


welp there goes my new brushes and my list of gregorian chants


FYI the test isn’t the most accurate thing in the world especially if it just spits out your personality type without detail, so if you do want to try it I’d suggest this one here. Gives you the percentage values and everything.

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He’s an ENTP. @Fire and myself are INTPs. While ENTPs and INTPs are drastically different in regards to expression of their functional stack (due to the fact that we use the same functions, but in a different order), both types have the ability to come across as psychic (INFJ is another one with this ability).

But, alas – he is not psychic, and neither are we. Mind’s Eye is like crack to an xNTP as the script very much enhances our functional stacks:

Extraverted Intuition – Ne
Introverted Thinking – Ti
Extraverted Feeling – Fe
Introverted Sensing – Si

The xNTP often hides their intelligence behind a facade of humor and detachment, and we tend to hide it to the point where people think we lack intelligence. Generally speaking, this is due to the strange way we think – we don’t quite understand it ourselves, so we know others won’t, and when we do begin to show the richness of our minds, people start to get unnerved at the alarming accuracy of our predictions.

The truth of the matter is that the xNTP mind operates like a giant relational database on steroids. We take in EVERYTHING around us. Everything we hear, everything we see, everything we perceive is saved in our subconscious mind (Ne). Then, the introverted thinking (Ti) kicks in. This function serves as a pattern maker. It relentlessly and tirelessly analyzes all of that data and begins to make connections on a level that you wouldn’t believe. Ti creates a “model” of things – and by model, I’m referring to logical structures (similar to a database), where data is cataloged and analyzed. After awhile, that model becomes predictable (yes, even a person). Filter that model through introverted sensing (Si – life experience, restrictive element to the ever expansiveness to a fault Ne) and what you get is an individual capable of making incredibly accurate and almost surreal predictions – which we are compelled to do due to extraverted feeling, Fe. Those of you who think @Invictus is being arrogant by talking about his results are misjudging him. xNTP has a burning desire, a near uncontrollable compulsion to share their findings / work with the world.

At my former day job, the president of the company regularly complimented my ability to “make a message out of a mystery.” He would give me massive amounts of data that seemingly had no connection, and I would be able to mine that data and pull out some pretty mind-blowing revelations that we could act on.

The issue? Since they couldn’t understand how I made those connections, they would doubt it and just think I’m wrong. We’d never act on them, even when I’d go rogue and prove that I was correct.

Now… what do you think happens when you introduce the xNTP to a title with scripting to give them a photographic memory, improve their pattern making abilities, improve and enhance their visualization ability AND their ability to describe what their seeing in their mind?

So – Mind’s Eye won’t make you psychic, but it does enhance the cognitive functions related to forming patterns and making mental connections.


roflmao, I just blew his secret up, hahaha. Mine too. :frowning:


Well, start campaigning then!

I’m a marketer by profession. I run campaigns on a daily basis. :joy:


Primal ZP ready to go.


Oh ok . I took that test
This is what I am


Can you fix the sage Immortal mask? @SaintSovereign

Nice, I’m an xNTJ too (barely an E over an I).

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I studied the MBTI in-depth for quite some time about a decade ago. Note that it’s not a “personality test,” it’s actually a cognitive function test. It measures how you perceive, catalog, dissect and act on information. Somewhere along the line, just like much of the “New Age” material, pop culture decided to monetize it and turn it into a “personality” test. Personality emerges from something deeper, something we can’t quite define yet (though society is currently obsessed with the tabula rasa idea).

As I mentioned, @Fire and myself are both INTPs, but we’re drastically different people.


Yes, it’s on the agenda for this week. All the Q machines are currently in use.