Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Guys and gals

How do you experience recon with ZP?

Ever since i started using ZP i had almost no experiences of recon. I just cant even define recon cause i dont have that much of an experience with it personally

Im not the fastest to respond to subliminal influence, it takes maybe more time with me with certain stuff, maybe thats recon

But in terms of emotional turmoil and Depression, feeling lethargic etc, i have no experience so far

Things are very subtle. Results come but in a very slow and steady pace. Not explosively and fast

So thats my experience with zp recon so far of 2-3 months of running it

So maybe my reconciliation comes in the image of slower results than average? Im not sure. or its just how my journey is folding and its not recon

Other than that never seen any recon


Also nice stuff from paragon zp here

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So you’d say that your days are just normal ?
appart from some results from time to time

What subs are you running appart from paragon ?

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Yes this is by far my experience, just regular days and results pop every now and then like every couple of days i would notice some small subtle change and i would record a voice memo to journal

I ran 1x Stark ZP 1x Paragon Zp for almost 2 months

and honestly those 2 months i wasnt seeing something really noticeable from stark like idk, i liked stark Qv2 better. But maybe paragon is taking priority cause its a healing title, but until now my journey with stark could be better . Like i cant define really what changed with stark until now

I just feel some cognitive enhancement a little of that but im not sure if that was me before or not. But anyways im sure its just a matter of time till i see better and better results happening.

Today is the end of my first cycle of 21 days with my custom zp

So ive been running my first custom for about 21 days now alongside paragon

1 loop (Ascension, Stark) custom ZP, 1 loop Paragon zp

Things are great overall


Is there any reasons why you keep running paragon ?

Healing no matter the type usually take most of energy, you don’t run and make muscles with a teared quad do you ? Or you still don’t run and make no muscle right after the operation or the week after ?

So like anyone here could suggest if your need for heal has lessened you should consider to no longer use paragon

If your “quad” has healed it’s time to walk and if he’s good go back to “running”
Is the metaphor good enough lol ?

If you’re facing any medical conditions don’t forget to consult your doctor
A sub is not a replacement to any treatment

So to resume everything
You have the choice to either focus on healing if it’s important or “get out of your bed your healed enough goddam” and go after what you want lol

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Yes and no,

The main problem that made me purchase paragon zp was a skin issue, a real troubling flaky scalp. Real flaky not just regular small dandruffs

After 1 month 13 days something like that the issue was almost gone like 99%

However im still worried that it might come back. Cause ive never felt fresher in my life. working out freely without worrying about how my head is looking and if

So the main issue of what made me purchase paragon is totally gone.

And now im thinking also for paragon to help me with a couple of health concerns that i have that i didnt focus on before, cause before it was just pure i need to get rid of the flakiness of my scalp i just cant deal with it anymore

Now i wanna see if paragon helps me with:
1- improving eye vision,
2- improving my digestive system and healing it,(since ive done a surgery 3 years ago where they cut 85% of your stomach and that really hurts and messes your digestive system like on a whole new level)
And a couple more

Theyre not major but i think somewhat important

I thought about it.

But i think you can still run paragon with another title or custom and see results still from both and walk your journey right? I know of me and @SaintSovereign who do that i think like running paragon for overall health

But maybe paragon is slowing the progress more than the usual as a healing title

But im seeing improvements for now and results slowly creeps into my life.

I thought about maybe reducing the exposure of paragon instead of removing it all from my stack, but i dont know how to do that like how it would look like

Like instead of listening 4 times a week to paragon every listening day maybe ill go for 3 days of listening or 2, and by reducing the days of paragon i will replace the loop with another loop of my custom
(7 day a week is like 4 day of listening with the pattern, the 3 days are rest days so no exposure )

Actually thats a nice idea :slight_smile: i think i answered my question lol,


Yes you will still have some results with other title but the healing take the lead no matter what

Also big dandruffs are also a problam I have, I can asure you that a lot of the time it’s mostly due to some psycho-somatic reasons, it’s a form of expressions for stress, and it’s not because you’re so used to the stress and can’t feel it anymore that it doesn’t express itself in other shapes ! (dandruff,aches, insomnia blah blah blah)

You seem to have valid reasons to keep running it
And your end solutions to use it less seems to fit your needs, so well done ahahah

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@SaintSovereign can you comment how healing titles such as paragon zp or others can slow the progress of subliminal growth?

And how much of delay is it causing, like is it seriously not advisable if you want faster progression?

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I think you should be more sure of yourself and your solutions and be more patient

I think your idea of running 2 times paragon at max to keep it’s results and enhance it furtheris a really good idea, just then be understadable with yourself and allow startks results to unravel slower than you’d like

Stay patient my friend it’s a great gift you’re doing to yourself to take care of your body and issues

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Makes me wonder why, its very interesting but i have no idea on why it takes the lead and i want to know why lol

I think I disagree when it comes to my case, yes i think it can be that and maybe not

Hmmm that’s interesting like getting used to stress that you almost think that its your normal everyday.

But i think that wasnt my issue. I had a major goal to just demolish those embarrassing flakes i tried all kinds of detoxing methods nothing worked honestly.

and id say im kinda stress free maybe? No one is stress free lol, but i think i dont get stressed usually like on a daily basis

Im sure of my issue as maybe an internal health condition that expressed itself as those flakes

But maybe its the stress factor too who knows :face_with_monocle:

Its weird in this life that you can never be sure lol its funny, im becoming more and more curios and easily fascinated by life everyday and i think thats the blue skies module in my custom working its thing hahah

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Thank you my friend I appreciate the love and the advice

I wish you nothing but love and glory to your life and journey fellow human :heart:

I will do that, actually im thankful we had some replies back and forth that made me conclude this idea of reducing the exposure by half so i could space some for my ascension, stark custom to shine

Cheers brother :heart::pray:t3:


The feelings are shared brother :pray:t2:
Just like you said cheers


I’ll use please the universe and why I am here.

But I agree. Ever since I am truest to myself and feeling the moments more deeply, life became way better. AC certainly helped on building the mind for that.
Now that I am on DR, things will only accelerate.


I start to feel this way around day’s 17-21 of my listening cycles. (And I always follow listening instructions to a T.) By this time it’s like my subconscious is just filled to the brim with all kinds of emotions, questions, regrets about my past, resentments etc.

I’ve been experimenting with 7 min loops and 5 min loops and so far it’s been much smoother and the results come a lot faster.

At first I was upset by this news, but the more I think about it; It seems like the right thing to do.


Something similar happened to me on the last day of the cycle and now, two days into the washout I still feel this kind of recon. It’s like some kind of regression and not being comfortable in your “new” skin. At the same time, I’m getting the most common symptom of overexposure which is lots of vivid dreams. I suppose the washout I’m doing should deal with it nicely. It’s interesting since I didn’t get any kind of recon during the cycle but on the last day. I think we just need to keep going and if it was really too much, do a washout and maybe try another stack.

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It is possible that you haven’t experienced recon on ZP. When I go through it, I usually know it and I understand why it’s happening. The reasons why why I go through recon are not always the same.

I’m keeping an offline journal of my experiences with the subs. It helps to go back and read about your own experiences to understand what the subs are doing and how you can maximize your results


At any given moment, I’m usually in the midst of a mid- to long-term plan (say, 3 to 6 months time frame). So I tend to have delayed emotional reactions to the various announcements like this one. :rofl:

So in 4 months time, when I’m ready to experiment with some new tracks, I’ll finally be like, “Hey!!! Wait a minute!!!..” lol

Same thing happened with ZP. Everyone was getting excited about the new programs, and I was thinking, “I am going to be listening to Dragon Reborn for the next 6 months, and then I’ll finally be able to get back to the two customs I got 3 months ago.” :rofl:

My brain naturally tends to make longer-term plans. It’s…a design feature. (yeah, that’s it. a design feature… :expressionless:)


Awesome feature
Or is it :rofl:

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my thoughts exactly.

guess it’s on me how I use it.


These perceptual shifts happened because of ascended Mogul .

The key component here is past either in memories , perceptual shift or results

Zp Perceptual shift (after ascended Mogul ) 2nd shift :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Qv2 resulted in :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Paragon ultima memories resurfacing :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Now Let’s see this part of Vadim Zealand second book

" we are looking at time travel here from a slightly different angle. Why is it that a feeling of the past sometimes bleeds through during transaction? The following gives a rough explanation of this phenomenon.
From early childhood the heart intuitively moves towards its goals through the necessary doors. In childhood we are still on life lines that would lead us to our goals. Maybe you had a childhood dream. Or maybe you were not aware of what you really wanted but your heart will have known nonetheless. And yet in life we are more influenced by destructive pendulums than we are by the dictates of the heart to say nothing of the long line of negative branches which everyone passes through due to a tendency for negativism. All this taken into account you gradually shifted further and further away from those initial lines that lead to your goal.
By performing transaction you are being shifted in the opposite direction and arrive at a life line where you have been previously, only now your position in time has changed. That section of the former life line that you may have travelled along is now in the past but you have returned to the line itself. Every line has its specific inherent features, taste and tones. It is these shades that you experience in the moment of clear sight towards the end of the transaction. Do not be confused by other differences such as the way a house looks in the morning and how it looks in the evening. The contrasts between different life lines are something quite different. You will know what I mean by this when you have experienced that feeling.
This is the return to the past we are talking about, by going forward to previous life lines. It might not be quite as exotic as what you were expecting but it is real. Imagine what a huge detour you have made by straying from the path and wandering around the forest for so long. However, now is not the time for regret. Now is the time to delight in the fact that you once again are gradually returning to your own path; for the majority of people never return……You may not necessarily experience the shades of a line you have been on before if the path to your goal lies via new lines you have not previously travelled through. In this case, a return to former life lines happens rarely or not at all"

  • Transaction technique is the same visualisation technique Neville Goddard speaks about but with energetic exercise described by Zealand