Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)





@SaintSovereign do you listen to your subs when youre awake or asleep?
feeling curios :slight_smile:

what do you recommend personally :smiley:

If I remember correctly he listen to it before sleeping to wake up along the shift

But he may have changed wth all his experiment ahahaha

I listen to the subs the same way, so just before sleeping (plus it gives awesome dreams lol)

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Awake. Usually at night, around 8pm.


We’re thinking of nerfing ZP a bit. We tested this thing extensively, and we know what the recon looks like and feels like at pretty much every level, and I keep seeing people consistently talk about how bad their recon is, and when they explain what they’re going through, it’s CLEARLY the result of overexposure. We’ve put warnings everywhere, including in a new version of the “New Order” email, which has at the top:

Your order is complete! Your order number (necessary for support) is: #91780

You can now access your downloads by clicking the links below, or clicking HERE. You can also access your downloads by visiting, clicking “My Account,” and clicking “Downloads” on the left sidebar.

Please be sure to read the instruction manual. You can click the following link, or download it below: “General Instructions - PLEASE READ BEFORE USE!” It contains certain safety information as well as the proper and safe way to listen to your new subliminal program. Please pay close attention to the instructions regarding overexposure (listening more than the recommended guidelines).

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to submit a ticket at our support portal @

You can also visit our friendly community forum at

The responsible thing to do is to pull it back a bit and allow those who have exhibited an ability to experiment to access the more powerful versions. But for now, we are discussing whether we should even release new titles under the current ZP power level.


Nerfing it for the whole community seems like a bit of overkill, as if we are all being punished for the lack of reading comprehension of others.

I listen to two subs, every other day, for either 5, 7, 9, or rarely the full 15 minutes.
I experimented once with 3 subs at 5 minutes each in one sitting, definitely felt overexposed the next day, and returned to my regular routine.

I think keeping it at the current power level is fine.
If anything, in my opinion, make that disclaimer ALL CAPS AND BIG RED LETTERS so the people not following directions have something that forces them to pay attention.

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Wouldn’t they just double up on the reduced power one to get what they think is the more powerful zp?

I get why you want to do this, but it seems like someone’s always gonna think they’re the exception to the rule.

If you were to nerf it a bit would the 15 minutes of exposure effectively be the same power level as a 3 minute loop of the current one? Or is it different than that?


What is the cause of the issue? Is it that the recommended 15 minutes once every second day is causing too much recon? Or do you think that people are overexposing themselves by going beyond standard listening instructions?

Personally I love the 3-5 minute listening range, and would love if that was a more formal recommendation with the option to listen up to 15 minutes for “advanced” listeners or whatever.

Instead of having to watch the clock so that I only listen to 3 minutes of my track, what if the track was naturally 3 minutes, and you can listen to up to 5 loops of it per listening day.


I like the idea of 3 minutes with up to 5 loops ever listening day (every other day). It could be like that weight loss trick of using a smaller plate. So if you do 5 loops you’ll be on the high end of that and you’re x4 the minimum recommended dose. So maybe that would actually help to curb the “greedy.”

My idea was to keep the healing titles as normal strength and everything else gets nerfed, if it has to be that way. Or make the full power titles only available to those who have used a healing title such as Regeneration for a minimum of 1 full cycle at recommended instructions.

Also I wonder if there is already some scripting for people to listen and know what their ideal listening amount is and to stick with that because well it’s the best course for the individual.

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That’s one of the functions of Informaticon in customs at least. I think


I agree with this assessment.

Maybe you can have a system similar to the Elites discount and badge, where a certain amount of credibility and honesty would grant them access to higher power levels.

Oh and @ABC333

Mind’s eye helped me figure my personal pattern, which has evolved further, and is at a point that it could overwhelm the majority here.


I’ll be the first to say that I find ZP subs practically addictive, but what keeps me from overexposure is just reminding myself that these are tools in a journey of self evolution and with ZP it seems the more time goes on the more I manifest from them and practically become the scripting.

Basically what I’m saying is there’s no need to rush results with ZP or somehow fear that the exposure isn’t enough, but it’ll take patience (not much needed as ZP is very fast-acting). Those who are tempted to keep overexposing just need to remember that time is needed for your mind to “digest and utilize” the material in these subs, just like your body needs time to digest the things you eat and utilize the nutrients to reap the benefits.


Unfortunately, people mix up “faith” with “reliance” here, or else this wouldn’t have been an issue in the first place.


Folks have to realize that it’s not just the tool, it’s how you wield it, there are no magic pills in life and the point of these tools is to upgrade your potential and more importantly take action to fulfill it. Where’s the power in just sitting around waiting for results?


I’m just sayin, wouldntjathink that recon over and over means you are taking on too much. That’s means to slow down and take it easier. You bought the subs and they’re not going anywhere. Recon can knock you out of the game, sometimes for days or weeks. Build a strong foundation. Easy does it.

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nice :slight_smile: i will try to listen to my subs only when im awake to test to see if my results differ

ive only strictly listened to them when im asleep only since i discovered subclub , so ill see how it effects me


wouldnt it be better if you listen first thing in the day? that way it effects your whole day rather than playing them before bed right?

i have to test strictly awake listening, maybe its better, plus the internal mood change is very nice after the loop

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Even if you nerf it, people will still find a way to overexpose themselves. Then what? Are you going to nerf it again? My opinion is that most people follow the guidelines. So you’re going to nerf a technology that seems to work beautifully because a minority of people can’t follow instructions.
@SaintSovereign : Those are the same people who try to cross a highway on foot (knowing full well that it’s illegal), then get hit by a car. Then what do we do? Do we stop driving fast on highways because some people can’t follow the law?

Ever since I joined this community (years ago) some people were already not following the rules. It’s never going to change.
You’re trying to solve a problem by creating a bigger one (aka penalizing the majority because a minority won’t listen).
Edit : @SaintSovereign , you told us already that the current ZP is a nerfed down version of what testers used. Cool! So I’m already using a weaker version of the actual tech. Now I’m going to have to use an even weaker version because some folks can’t follow instructions?

Edit #2 : I went ahead and downloaded to my computer the current ZP versions of all the subs that I ever purchased, especially those that I haven’t ran yet. I don’t feel it’s safe to leave them in my account and wake up one day to all nerfed versions.
This is @SaintSovereign 's platform and those are his products, he has a right to do whatever he wants to do. I don’t have a problem with it. I do have a problem with being penalized because of some folks who won’t listen.



Saint, could you please analyze the data and confirm if there are clear measurable recon differences between the December 2021 ZPP releases and the February 2022 ones?
(which won’t be shocking given how hard you guys were working behind the scenes specifically for this purpose!) :sweat_smile:

For me, all the recon management tools – food, water, sleep, timing, 3-5-7 min being better, separate the 2 files by a few hours, take more rest days between plays, etc. – are only necessary for the older files.

The later releases do not need any further support besides the Official Listening Guidelines.


Obviously, people are different, and it’s possible that those who found Qv2 challenging to run, also require recon management on ZP. So of course, the question applies to the majority of the bell curve.
