Main Disc. Thread - Paragon ZP

Do you practice any sort of art form which requires the use of your hands?

Like playing the piano, guitar, card magic, drawing, calligraphy, etc.

You might be healing some nerve damage that you weren’t aware of (or was in developmental stages).

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it could be that (paragon is the only sub i’ve been listening to for a while)
I’ve been playing some tennis here and there. its nothing intense.
I just remember saint saying that he specifically put in scripting to relax tense shoulders and was wondering if there was any other kinds of specific scripting in paragon.

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This might be recent, but is it the only thing you’ve done all your life?
Or at least in the last 4-5 years?

Now I’m not claiming to have more knowledge than physicians or doctors, but nerve damage can stay dormant until you’re older, till they fully surface.

If you would take some time to really think about the things you’ve done in the last couple of years, that requires excessive movements of your hands (and wrists), then it would be very helpful to draw an educated guess as to why you’re experiencing the soreness.

Think about your hobbies as well.

Is it possible Paragon could cause my vasectomy to correct itself? Would listening lead to the vas deferans reconnecting? @SaintSovereign

Because having them cut, clipped and cauterized, to the body that’s an injury right?

I’ve been experiencing dull aches and weird sensations in my right one. It could be healing something that I’m not aware of from the past but I’m not sure. I say this because I don’t feel much of anything in my left.

This is all started once I started using Paragon. The Ultima version specifically. Just curious, as the sensations have increased the past two days. But I’ve also had increased sexual ideation in that fog of half asleep/half awake state. I wouldn’t call them dreams.

Also, I’m celibate while I’m running my healing subs and no fat for approx. 6 weeks. Never had issues(positive or negative) until Paragon.

Not hating on it either. It’s not painful. Just uncomfortable sometimes.

I’ve been running paragon 2-3 times a week for only 5 minute loops on ZP.
I notice. Initially, it relaxed and energized me a fair amount and felt soothing physically. Lately seems directly related to a temporary increase in sinus/ stuffiness issues and extreme tension in my right shoulder and wrist. I also get vague sensations both pleasant and painful in different areas of my body. These come on very specifically after running Paragon the last 10 days or so. So maybe some deep healing is getting worked through.

I’m running it for

  1. overall health-
  2. To heal/dissapear a minor cyst (that I’d prefer to avoid minor surgery for)
  3. Healing back/ low leg pain (previous fitness subs/healing subs and working out had disappeared this for me but after months of being off my game a new version is back in a minor way-most from lack of fitness)
  4. Vesitgaes of ear issues
  5. Clearing up my skin

So far I have seen what appears to be minor progress with goals 1 and 2.

I notice lately I am incredibly aggravated and feel ‘slow’ after running Paragon-so either deeper healing is taking place or it’s time for a wash out.


Dude paragon is pure magic i love this man.

Yesterday I had so much throat pain i couldnt swallow and eat well it hurts when i swallow really bad like really with a lot of pain. then i went to bed last night i was really tired with a lot of pain

I Woke up just now

Almost 90% of the pain and the problem in my throat is gone now. Holy potato

I love this


did this ever improve for you?

i have horrible sleep quality since i was a kid.

i was just about to run paragon ZP to deal with a cold/flu i have and i was hoping it would also help me with sleep and then i saw your comment.

did paragon ZP eventually help you with sleep?

how long did you do this and what where the results?

Being as smart as you can bring relentless thoughts
Often a cause of insomnia

But gladly there are solutions
Either you take so many things to think about and do that you’re exhausted and fall into an abyss of sleep.

Or you learn to control your thoughts

Or you could exercice a lot 1hour before going to bed that works too


No, it did not. This is why I stopped Paragon ZP.

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did it help with anything else at all?

It helped with recovering a little faster from workouts—that’s about it. Of the physical ZP titles I’ve run, this one had the least noticeable effects.

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did you eventually find any subclub product that helped you significantly with sleep or still looking?

Hey man,

This past cycle I’ve been on consisted of Cfw + regeneration with 2 or 3 days a week Paragon Ultima.

At first I thought my great sleep was paragon Ultima but now I realize it’s Regeneration. The qv2 version of Regeneration per description on sales page lists “Rich deep sleep” though ZP is a rewritten form, I still experience great sleep.

I used to take sleep products for the past 20 years, homeopathic and herbal tinctures as well.

Have you tried regeneration? Aside from sleep, it QUIETED my mind, the racing and obsessive thoughts that plagued me are greatly reduced if not gone. It’s for MENTAL/emotional healing. I’d highly suggest you run it for a WHOLE CYCLE, not just once.

I’ve had improved sleep this whole month minus 2 days when I felt anxious over a work issue.


Unfortunately not. To date, I am unaware of an audio-based product from any vendor that helps me significantly with sleep.

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I sleep well on Paragon ZP. It´s actually the only sub I can listen to late at night!


5th day of my washout

some dandruff coming up out of no where, when paragon zp made my scalp completely and i mean completely 0% dandruff so idk whats happening

now some are coming back but very little, might be recon from the washout

physical recon or something

but not like flakes or anything, but definitely there


Can this happen?


I’m curious to know the lasting effects of the physical shifting /healing components of the subliminal as well.
I understand like going to the gym, there needs to be maintenance with most components although the baseline often improves.


Last washout with me it didnt happen


Its just a 5 day rest duno why its happening

Maybe its just recon.

Let’s see where it goes, if it gets worse and stays that way without resuming paragon it’s a regression, not recon. If it’s temporary then it’s recon.

The baseline on my physical injuries is much better after running EF stage 4, DR, and healing subs for 8 months. It’s not as good as when I was running those but it’s overall higher baseline