Main Disc. Thread: Paragon Complete Ultima (Formerly Primarch Complete)

Hermit, I’d view you, in this context, as kind of a unique case. Many people relate to spirituality and spiritual development as a kind of a (nice or nasty) Surprise. It is not something that they were necessarily setting out to do or what they were centering their conscious life-goals on, but more like something at the edge of awareness that may inspire them, frighten them, or mystify them. It may be more aligned with the realms of dreams, intuitions, half-remembered and half-forgotten impressions. For many people, in other words, the spiritual path may remain primarily in the subconscious realm.

In you case, though, your conscious and subconscious minds are equally oriented towards mystical and magickal practice and development. You seem to have enthusiastically and intentionally embraced the Archetype of the Magician and to have integrated it into how you organize your life—even on a pragmatic and conscious level.

Because of this, titles that typically are described as not-so-Spiritual, may still work in your particular mind to support and drive spiritual projects, mystical faculties, and overall spiritual development.

If you feed corn to an elephant, that corn will (partially) transform into an elephant trunk. If you feed the exact same corn to an ostrich, the corn will transform into wings and feathers. The unique environment of your mind, shapes the expression of each subliminal program. It is a two-way conversation.

Stark is about Mercurial innovation, communication, and energetic delight. It seems natural that, in your life, the innovation and the delight would involve mystical and spiritual expressions—because you’ve already embraced that as a primary orientation of your mind.


Hi @Gemstone, would you like to share why you thought StarkQ less natural for your age?

Stark enhances things that are related to your visualization abilities that Mind’s Eye doesn’t. Like, the intense drive to innovate has the side effect of enhancing your imagination abilities. Mind’s Eye is focused very much on JUST the act of visualization.


Because your Empire that Stark drives you to build is in essence…spiritual one :slight_smile:


That–much more concisely–is what I was attempting to express.

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Perhaps because it is written all over my numerology and astrology that my life-path and purpose are related to being a spiritual teacher.

Even Ascension drives me towards Spirituality, it’s interesting.

And to answer my own question regarding Stark unlocking visionary qualities is because it really opens up and charges the higher chakra’s, plus the femininity that comes with it, combining it with Mind’s Eye has been beyond my expectations.

That being said, Mind’s Eye with Ego Adsum was not such a wise choice as it seems to ground me too much — everpresence would be much better in this case.

@Malkuth thank you for your insights and well-articulated as always.

Spirituality is the key to everything.

From a mental point of view for certain, but when I look at it energetically – Stark really unlocks those higher chakras and increases internal awareness (feminine energy) as described in my other post. Stark with Mind’s Eye is really a golden combination.


lol… the Emperor just spoke, hahahahaha :joy::joy::joy:

While you have to decipher what Malkuth says, @Azriel just gets straight to the point, I love it hahaha.


Thanks for this detailed clarification!

This was what I was trying to point out with the sales page. Stark focuses on your unique gift or gifts to the world. And the second last paragraph specifically mentions spirituality. I had a similar impact from having Stark in my custom and subsequently running it solo. I had a very strong push towards meditation, supernatural ability, my research into alternative science etc., because my own unique gifts were also in that area (as well as in writing and music). And those mental faculties you mentioned have an impact on executing the visionary mindset/plan, so your subconscious guides you to hone these more. The “leading expert in your field of choice” it mentions connects in with that too.


Same here. I have a deviated septum too.

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I have a bacterial infection on my right armpit that I went to the doctor for on Thursday and I was put on antibiotics. I ran one loop of Paragon Friday night but I don’t know if it helped any. After talking with @Hoppa I am tonight after my job related activities are done I am going to run three or four loops out of curiosity


It has been said that Paragon works like morphine and induces unbelievably deep sleep, can anyone confirm?

Besides, if Paragon really heals everything, then every wise man and woman should have this in their stack rotation; that which is above is that which is below – good physical health is good mental & emotional health.

Not even mentioning the benefits of having a healthy and functioning heart, lungs, intestines, etc.


I’m working on that by trying to become immortal. There can be only one


I have used it every night, on my sub-days, for a couple of weeks.
In my experience it does have a sedative effect. Especially if you listen when already in bed.
I intend to listen to it 4 times a month (or when needed) after my current loading-dose.

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Hey @Gemstone, what have you experienced so far? In terms of the healing effects, feeling healthier and things as such?

I don´t have any problems to begin with, except some body-aches in the morning.
I do have sleeping problems sometimes, that´s why I bought it in the first place.

Paragon gives a rejuvenated feeling and better sleep.

And the body-aches in the morning is gone!


Continuous great sleep. Best sleep I’ve had in years. Works better than melatonin for me.


I think it has helped my sleep. Am I sleeping better when I play Paragon Complete Ultima just before sleep? Yes.


Peaceful, serene top-quality sleep, with minimal twisting and turning at night with a fresh awakening is the first thing I noticed. Something akin to higher doses of Melatonin, or well, morphine.


Depends on the person. It knocks me out and gives me incredibly refreshing sleep. My girlfriend? Not so much.


It doesn’t make me sleepy at all, it makes me feel clear, and alert, and peaceful, I can go to sleep easier on it, but no drowsiness.

My breathing becomes almost instantly better.

I don’t know if this is from paragon, but every time I’ve run it I seem to manifest an external circumstance that supports in healing something.