Main Disc. Thread: Paragon Complete Ultima (Formerly Primarch Complete)

Yes, I use Paragon as part of my stack for general maintenance.

No, what we mean is, still continue going to see your doctor and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Don’t come off of prescribed medications. Don’t do reckless things thinking you can just use Paragon to heal yourself, etc.


Ah now I understand. Excellent, thank you Saint


@SaintSovereign Does Paragon have the agegis initiative Covid scripting in it?

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Naw. It’s all new scripting.



I noticed my sleep got better on Paragon v2. Deeper. It’s been a while since I felt well rested from sleep.


I’ve noticed the healing dreams have continued on v2. I already mentioned one where a spiritual master was working to heal someone using some kind of breathing technique and laying on of hands.

Well this time, after a long dream about dinner and an argument with my mother, my dream self was in a shop of curiosities, trying to find cake of all things, because the restaurant we went to had closed (long story, you know how the dream plane can be). I found this section of the shop filled with new age things arranged on shelves, and just as I’m about to go the owner/assistant tells me I was looking at the pendulum. I’m like (to myself) what pendulum? but I agree with him and he proceeds to ask if I would like a demonstration of how it works. I’m expecting to see something along the lines of David Hawkins and their so called reflexology so I tell him sure.

He starts running some tests on me and clicking his tongue saying “Ohhh this is not good, this is not good at all”, and pulls one move with me trying to do the resist where I all but fall over from dizziness and have to go into my third eye within the dream to stay steady.

After the session he explains this is his own healing modality with the pendulum, and that basically thanks to strong empathy and taking on the characteristics of different diseases so they can learn how they works he knows how to heal them. Except I complete his sentence for him and he grins looking like a Reggae aficionado and I decide I want to spend some time gabbing with him over a bottle of alcohol. I tell him I’ll be right back and go looking for something to drink with him and wake up before that happens.


Would Paragon help heal chemical imbalances in the brain or other mood-related stuff? I wonder if part of my increased feeling of positivity in the past few days is partially attributable to PCU v2 fixing things related to stuff like dopamine/seratonin/etc. Hard to tell as I’m also running DR.

I have wondered that because I’m fasting and feeling fairly good.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire would you please see the above post and comment?

@RVconsultant I’m also curious as to what recon for PCU looks like.


Perhaps you would the best one to answer the about inquiry?

What’s the highest number of loops to run for PCU that’s safe?

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Please see above.

6+ loops threw me into a time loop, a few months ago.


@Phoermes can you please elaborate ?

Well, It had something to do with mental overload.

Things were slowed down, but I suspect it was me and not the outside. There was an unsettling kind of stillness, something didn’t feel right. It was like a long shot of deja vu; the conversations I had with people were like ones I had before, “I hear this before, I’ve observed this before”. As if you’re in a RPG talking to npcs and what they say is limited by their programming, where they end up repeating things again. That’s what I can remember from the day. Hit the bed earlier than usual.

I have tried doing it again some time later, but to no avail, capturing the exact same moment is no easy task. Most likely I wasn’t getting enough sleep and was in some sort of autopilot.


I found my limit yesterday at 2 loops for PCU v2. I started getting a weird stomachache—and I haven’t had a stomachache in A LONG TIME at about halfway through the 3rd loop so I stopped there.


It’s really crazy how every person responds to the subliminal, and amazing :smiley:


@mnemosyne did you experience any physical changes as i believe you were looping it overnight.

Has anyone used Paragon as a standalone and then included it in a custom sub? Any difference in effectiveness?

I’m thinking about building Halcyon v2, and Paragon sounds like a good fit.

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