Main Disc. Thread - Emperor Fitness ZP

I think EF ST3 and Ramadan won’t mix well. But EF ST2…now you got me thinking again.
@Invictus at what time of the day will you listen to subs during Ramadan?

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Well, what’s your “unusual” program?

Program from this book

And it is great, I do not have to go to the gym as I used to 4 or 5 times a week.

The principle is you are working with positive phase 5 second, negative same 5 seconds till failure around range 7-12 reps and just one set. Max 10 exercises at one session. When you reach 12 reps, next workout you can increase weight by 5 kilos (11lb).

Since it is to the failure you need a lot more time to regenerate so why I am going only much fewer times.
I first tried to go just with 3 days rest but I was still not fully recovered.

And of course, you have to have a caloric surplus.

It is in nutshell all.

And I like to go to the gym I do not mind going 4-5 times a week but if you can go less with better results why would I mind :)? That is just a no-brainer for me and a win-win situation and you have more time to focus on something else.


I think during Ramadam it involves fasting from sun rise to sun set. If your going to run EF stage 3 its best to avoid any kind of physical exercise.




What makes you think that?

The program he has in there for kettlebell swings is amazing. I need to get a kettlebell again and do that or Simple and Sinister from Pavel


@Simon you currently using EF ?.

If so could you please share your experiences ?.

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I think it’d be interesting to follow up after my current fast with EF ST2. @Invictus @DarkPhilosopher

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I just wanna jump to st4 and see what that is about :rofl:

Also, about the ramadan timing thing, I’ll probably listen 20 mins before breaking the fast, will probably also help me eat less when we’re on the table :sweat_smile::rofl:


Yesterday night i slept while listening ef…i got some gross filthy dreams of shit and what not…people eating shit… vomiting everywhere in villages…few people dominating most of the people…it was bizzare…watching uncensored movie with family

Its just bits and pieces of dream

I don’t know it’s because of ef or other sub i am running like st1 of Dr and khan

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@Invictus you may not of heard of Steve Reeves he was one of the greatest body builders of the 21st century.

When you look at him you may laugh and say hahha he is not so big. However at the time before supplements and the internet cane along he was big.


Just one loop of EF4 last week, as reported above. :point_up_2:t2:

Starting today, I’ll be stacking KGF-2 for the next 2 cycles,
which should be about time they release KGF-2.




What is GOLD ZP?

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Most likely EOG :stuck_out_tongue:

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I thought that Simon is one of those lucky people who is testing Custom ZP.


Today was 2nd loop of ef and guyz this is some amazing stuff…i am also running Dr and khan but this ef is on another level

You’re running like five subs and overexposing. I’m going to have to create a badge for those who overexpose. People see posts like this and then we get a billion support messages asking if they’re going to get dreams like this too.

Yes. If you overexpose and listen to too many titles.


With no permission to change unless they prove that they’re following guidelines, that way, new and/or inexperienced users don’t fall in that cycle of recon and nightmares.


Yeah i experience that yesterday…i am cutting on 2 other titles and stick to 3