Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

What he said.


My gf has been listening to the Elixir for three weeks now, one loop a day taking one day off from time to time. Our relationship has changed for the better a lot since she is much calmer, in a better mood and she can manage her hot temper easily and it was her inability to do so that was the main reason I thought we couldn’t be together. In short, our relationships has started flourishing for real. Great, great sub indeed!


I’m very happy for you!


Congratulations :clap:

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Hi @SaintSovereign i have purchased the Elixir V2 ultimate over the limit distroyer because i thought its well rounded and gives the same results interms of healing and also breaking any limiting belifes holding back and does it help with deep rooted self esteem too which is coming from childhood trauma?

  1. I have many sub that i listen to so if i have to choose from regeneration and the Elixir i choosed to buy elixir because its ultimate which means it goes to work on it quickly, so i can listen to this one only interms of healing, so do you think this sub itself can help me root out all trauma and deep work if i had to listen to only Elixir?

Thanks all answers open.


Given a long enough timeline, yes – Elixir can heal most childhood traumas. Regeneration is a bit more broad in its method of healing. Elixir “tunnels” from present and goes backward. Regeneration lets your subconscious decide what needs to be worked on to achieve the goal of emotional healing.


Wow, this is an interesting fact


@SaintSovereign What about Elixir and Dragon Reborn?


On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero - Fight Club


Makes me incredibly curious how that pairs with Dragon Reborn. Given enough time as Saint said and a person could potentially obliterate any trauma they have



Perhaps post this above post about Elixir and Regeneration at the FAQ section?

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Ok,added it in already.missed that one cause wasnt on the forum much today,lol


Absolutely agree!!! I ran Ascended Mogul first and was hitting heavy reconciliation. Still got AMAZING results with it. But the second thing that I ran was Regeneration and it is chilling me out, making me less stressed about accomplishing my goals (completing them feels automatic), and is helping with reconciliation. Especially starting out with subs, I’m glad I got into this so early. It’s as foundational for subs as Ascended Mogul is.


Hi, ive seen good stuff about regeneration,

Im planning to buy my mum and my sister a copy of each of regeneration,

Since theyre fairly new very new, i want to run one sub for them i dont want to run a stack for them,

Since DR is way too intense to let them go for it,

But i think DR will do. The job pretty well, but sadly its not for beginners and new ones

Will generation do all the trauma healing ? And deep roots of childhood traumas?

I checked a lot of journals, they seem to jump every 30 days to a new stack which i could not see how that would show some benefits especially with healing you need more time, but @khan ran it for a long time

But i cant msg him PM,

So would regeneration be a good choice?

1- If the goal is to delete all that childhood traumas and fears that are stored in the subconscious and shape a new you

Will the regeneration be the way to go? I dont want to use a stack since theyre new to this i dont want to overwhelm them,

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I would actually encourage you to think about getting them Elixir to start with.

DR I would think is the best for this.

will it be really that bad for them to start with DR?

if thats the main goal?

i think DR would suit my mother theres a lot of stuff that need healing and to be cut and sliced from the root of the problem

also why is that?

As someone mentioned on another thread, the sales page for Dragon Reborn couldn’t be more clear on its warning:

"To repeat and make it clear:


If you’ve never used any Subliminal Club subliminal, please start from a title such as Ascension followed by a harder title like Emperor. There will be reconciliation, but there also will be untold greatness waiting for you with Dragon Reborn – it will be your worst enemy, your closest friend, your wisest advisor, and one of the most powerful tools that you will be able to use again and again throughout your life, whenever you need another phase of profoundly intense self-discovery."

Regeneration and/or Elixir are very well documented stacks, and besides the parts RV mentioned, I think you’ve got the ticket with those two.

The last thing you want to do, which could potentially happen, is overwhelm your mum and sis with too much. I’ve read a few DR journals here and it has humbled people that HAVE previously run Khan and the Emperor.

The choice is yours of course, but perhaps this will help. Why not let them run one of the two for a couple of months, and then see if DR works?

You mentioned that there’s LOTS of trauma there, which isn’t exactly the best thing to put in front of the Dragon with a subliminal virgin mind…

How do you feel, @Budewr? Does this resonate?


Honestly, having skimmed through the page to find that, I’m wondering now if I should run DR…

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i think regeneration as a starter will be fine :smiley:

yeah true she might be overwhelmed especially my mother, easy and steady maybe let her run regen for 2 months then go straight to DR

:smiley: good idea then


I hope you add your perspective on their journey in your journal at some point :slight_smile:

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