New Pearl (observation journal)

  • Mogul
  • the Elixir

Since my girlfriend has been using the Elixir Ultima with very good results for over three weeks now and I’ve convinced her to start running Mogul today, I’ll be journaling for her in here basing on my observations and “interrogating” her on the matter.

Her results (so far) on the Elixir can be found here:

Her listening pattern will be one loop of the Elixir in the morning and one loop of Mogul in the evening,

We’re going to see how it goes for her.

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She’s unemployed currently and her earning ability here, in Thailand, is rather low. She used to be a factory worker. She’s a great cook and masseur as every Thai woman should be. She has a masseur’s certificate. Her goal is simple; get rich. Shall see how it goes for her (us).

Typing here to follow this thread.