Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

Regeneration and The Elixir, our new emotional healing subliminal and associated supercharger is now available for pre-order! Grab them both at a discount as a bundle: Once you purchase Regenerate, you’ll be presented with a one-time offer to get The Elixir at a special price!

The time for healing has begun. Welcome the newest addition to Subliminal Club: Regeneration .

The first of its kind created in PrimalTech v2, a revolutionary subliminal of emotional healing. Remove and heal all traumas and emotional vulnerabilities that you have. No more will you have to constantly work on healing yourself emotionally. You will regenerate your true, uninjured self.

No trauma will be able to hide itself from Regeneration; everything will be dug out and brought to surface. You will experience your trauma and face it, as the power of your past loses its hold over you. And if the trauma is too strong for you, it will gradually weaken and weaken until it either disappears by itself or you face it.

All the energy you have been using to support your trauma and negative beliefs will now be released and be able to flow freely in your life. Powerful healing awaits you, from every imaginable angle. You will feel your body relax as your negative beliefs leave you. You will experience in your mind an ease that you forgot. You will feel as if your spirit is finally unleashed.

Imagine what you could do, if you were the one to fully define yourself, and not events that were out of your control. Now you have the tool to get yourself in a place where everything is possible, a place where you can shape yourself in any direction you desire.

You will replace your pain and limiting beliefs with the foundations of a powerful man, using Regeneration, the first subliminal designed fully around healing you mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It is time to let go of your past pains, of your past negative beliefs, of limitations stopping you from greatness. It is time to destroy what is holding you back, and experience complete Regeneration.

Are you ready to finally… heal?

Pre-order now.

Elixir, a supercharger for Regeneration.

Combining the powers of both your subconscious and conscious minds, you will be able to heal yourself of any limiting belief or trauma, as well as boost your physical healing abilities.

Using the powerful new PrimalTech v2 technology and exclusive technology from Regeneration you will be able to intimately involve your conscious mind in the process of healing.

You will experience what it means to disable and remove all that holds you back, one by one.

One by one you will become healthier, more stable, more grounded in your reality. One by one you will get rid of useless beliefs that were implanted in you throughout your life. And one by one you will empower yourself, steadily moving forward to your dreams.

Elixir will help you root out any and all insecurities, limiting and negative beliefs, pain, negativity, traumas…

Combine Elixir alongside Regeneration for the fastest possible healing, and watch carefully how you react to it, since healing is not always easy.

If you are ready to drink the Elixir and start the healing process…

Order now.


I’m a bit confused about what Elixir is compared to Regeneration. Is this a guided meditation or a stack module? If it’s a guided meditation what if you suck at visualization?


The Elixir is the supercharger for Regeneration, just like Beyond Limitless is the supercharger to Limitless. Libertine to Primal / Emperor. We’re just releasing them very closely.

As for visualization – even if you can’t visualize, you can still imagine. There’s a different. Some people see vivid images in their mind’s eye (like myself). Others may “see” or “hear” words. Everyone, however, can close their eyes and get some kind of “view” into their inner world.


Is it possible to target specific issues with Elixir? And maybe Regeneration can continue the work?


Yes, you can consciously select what specific issues will be worked on.


Just polished off the script for The Elixir. This is by far, the most advanced Supercharger we’ve created yet, and kudos to my hypnosis consultant, who collaborated with us VERY closely in order to achieve the goal in less than 10 minutes.

If you’re interested in emotional and physical healing, pre-order now.


Would “physical healing” also count for “workouts recovery”? :sweat_smile:


Yes, it would. Its mainly for general healing and health, but should help with working out.


Great! :slight_smile: I’m just restarted my gym workouts and wondering what sub will suit the best. Thanks!


I haven’t pre ordered Regeneration yet but I should be able to within the next couple of days. I’m so excited for this audio . I have embraced minimalism into my life for the last several years and I see Regeneration as a path towards mental and emotional minimalism. Similar to how material possessions and the pursuit of them can lead to physical clutter and overwhelm I feel that by we can easily do the do the same with our mental and emotional state.


Keep in mind the The Elixir is a supercharger / guided meditation — works a bit differently than subs.


What do you mean?


You don’t listen to it as much as possible like a subliminal. Instead, you listen to it once or twice per day, with full conscious attention, and follow along similar to guided meditation. It is a supercharger.

Regeneration though is a subliminal.


Thanks a lot for clarification. Even if I knew it before it seems just “click” right now :slight_smile:

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Do we order Elixir and Regeneration separately or is there a bundle option where you order both cheers

Just ordered both and got the 3 percent discount based on my post count ranking as an “aspirant”.


If you order Regeneration, after checkout you’ll receive a one time offer to get The Elixir at an even greater discount.

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I am guessing wounds will heal more rapidly ?. Say if cut myself or break a bone. The body will rapidly regenerate?


Just ordered cannot wait to put this in my stack will use for at least 4 months. When is the exact release date please

This sounds amazing. I’d love to add Regeneration to my Sleep Stack someday. I already have Rebith + Limit Destroyer running at night with Primal and S&S and so far I’ve slept pretty well. If things go well I’d love to have something like this running at night that will total 8 hours.

Regeneration x2
Limit Destroyer x1
Regeneration x2
Rebirth x1

Then maybe add an Elixir in the morning right after my workout

Also I heard that Libertine and Beyond Limitless came with bonuses for those that pre-ordered. Will the Elixir supercharger also come with bonuses?