Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

will it be really that bad for them to start with DR?

if thats the main goal?

i think DR would suit my mother theres a lot of stuff that need healing and to be cut and sliced from the root of the problem

also why is that?

As someone mentioned on another thread, the sales page for Dragon Reborn couldn’t be more clear on its warning:

"To repeat and make it clear:


If you’ve never used any Subliminal Club subliminal, please start from a title such as Ascension followed by a harder title like Emperor. There will be reconciliation, but there also will be untold greatness waiting for you with Dragon Reborn – it will be your worst enemy, your closest friend, your wisest advisor, and one of the most powerful tools that you will be able to use again and again throughout your life, whenever you need another phase of profoundly intense self-discovery."

Regeneration and/or Elixir are very well documented stacks, and besides the parts RV mentioned, I think you’ve got the ticket with those two.

The last thing you want to do, which could potentially happen, is overwhelm your mum and sis with too much. I’ve read a few DR journals here and it has humbled people that HAVE previously run Khan and the Emperor.

The choice is yours of course, but perhaps this will help. Why not let them run one of the two for a couple of months, and then see if DR works?

You mentioned that there’s LOTS of trauma there, which isn’t exactly the best thing to put in front of the Dragon with a subliminal virgin mind…

How do you feel, @Budewr? Does this resonate?


Honestly, having skimmed through the page to find that, I’m wondering now if I should run DR…

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i think regeneration as a starter will be fine :smiley:

yeah true she might be overwhelmed especially my mother, easy and steady maybe let her run regen for 2 months then go straight to DR

:smiley: good idea then


I hope you add your perspective on their journey in your journal at some point :slight_smile:

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I would encourage them to think about Elixir first. How about asking them to read the description pages for Elixir and DR?

DR is very strong. Perhaps start with Elixir. Even better how about making sure they decide what they want to do before buying them anything?

Thanks @Sage_Ninjistic!

I know this sounds weird but I’m a bit curious if you ran Elixir and Dragon Reborn long enough would you just maybe not stop caring entirely but incredibly indifferent?

Combine Elixir alongside Regeneration for both deep and wide healing. :slight_smile:

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gave thm the link for them to explore and read,

why not with regen instead of elixir? elixir seems like a booster, but regen seems more core about everything?

Elixir started out as a supercharger/booster for Regeneration, but is now its own sub


I’ve run regeneration for about 3 weeks now

im currently on 2 loops a day, after my rest days coming up Ill bump it up to 3 loops afterwards

Honestly I really don’t know why but i know Regen is bringing out to light my previous time consuming habits and Im slowly understanding to not give my time to negativity online, not take social media seriously and really making me more positive about my outlook on things

im understanding on a deeper level how fragile and feeble the mind can be and how people can live their lives in these loops of negativity based on their environment and circumstances

how one can stay stuck in loops for years and replaying traumas over and over and over again without even knowing

I don’t feel like a happy giddy like a school child but I do feel more content and optimistic. I’m slowly becoming more selfish with what I give my time and attention to but I don’t also feel like I’ve completely changed I still have my same characteristics and demeanor which is good

Ive been reading self-development books by Jack Canfield too something I havent done before this

Any experiences or any feelings/sensations with Elixir. Im thinking of getting it to add with my Regen loops


@robbycityfc Elixir is amazing. One of my favorite subs especially now that it’s a V2 Ultima.

I am running Dragon Reborn with Elixir and after reading what Saint posted this I’m very happy I am


You are running DR again fully? Or a particular stage?

@anon2351792 in its entirety. Every stage one by one


Great! Im gonna search for your journal


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Does elixir have a feel good vibe to it afterwards

Something noticeable or distinct after listening?


I used it from the first time in months, some days ago while feeling low. Within an hour I was laughing and generally feeling better.


@robbycityfc I was in a really bad mood earlier and Elixir helped.


I don’t know why but just hearing the word Elixir sounds like a potion from Wizard of Oz to me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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