Luther's WANTED ZP journal (ChosenZP then PSZP added later)

After the first month I realized that “yeah this definitely works” and just trusted the physical shifting since then.

I don’t look like the same person anymore. My face, hair, clothing, etc…
You know in the later years of high school, how some people start figuring out who they are and suddenly after the summer, come back looking completely different…
It’s like “woah, what happened to you”.
You give the friend next to you a puzzled look and go “what the fuck happened to so and so”.

That’s exactly happened to me after 5 months of Wanted…
It’s like I enter a new stage of myself.

I look a lot more masculine. Everything from my facial structure to my upper body (shoulders, neck, chest) etc has become masculinized and more sexy…
The unwanted fat that I had on my body has just decreased more and more… I now have a visible 6 pack. I gained a lot of mass because I eat food (healthy food) like a mindlessly possessed monster. I’ve gained muscle mass but not like a bodybuilder, I’m still very lean.
I used to workout religiously and even in the beginning of Wanted ZP I was trying to get active (see my Spartan ZP journal). I have almost completely replaced my physical training shit with sex, lol. I find that different positions can exercise your core muscles and lifting women can have your muscles sore, especially over long periods of time.

My skin has gotten darker with a steamy glow to it and is pretty much impeccable like a supermodel’s.
My hair became super thick and darker…
I can run my hand through tap water and slide it through my hair and it’s like I have gel in my hair but I don’t have anything in it, lol.
My rear has somewhat increased in size and been commented on by women.

My face… I honestly don’t even know what the fuck happened to my face, lol… the bones just expanded and shit lol.
It just happens… You feel pressures and sensations, might wake up one morning feeling like someone operated on your nose…
I started randomly and subconsciously doing tongue exercises, squints and jaw stretches… and I just acknowledged it as my subconscious mind doing its thing.
I tried to explore facial development a bit, out of curiosity through my physical shifting and I came across this thing called “mewing” which I had never heard of…
When I understood the basic mechanism of it, I was like “wait a second… I’ve been subconsciously doing similar shit like this”.

Anyways, my face got more symmetrical + masculine and my jaw got more square and broad. My eyes look like they’re injected with sex and have this glow to them, it’s hard to explain physically but it’s like a veil.
Aesthetically, my eyes became more panther-like and darker. My eyebrows are darker (pretty much all the hair on me got darker).

I definitely seduce with my eyes and it’s very effective but I don’t know how much of that is because of how attractive my eyes are or because of the seductive mesmerism/energy I project. I haven’t had any woman really comment on my eyes.

I’m rocking the tall (5ft10 maybe not so tall, lol), dark, handsome type of archetype and my hairstyle is disheveled in a sexy primal way but it’s in a way that isn’t a sloppy mess.
I had the sloppy mess before Wanted because I didn’t give a shit about my looks… and I still don’t, lol…

Guys often tell me that I have cool hair or ask me “how’d you get your hair like that” and it’s funny to me because I really didn’t do fucking anything, lol… I literally just wake up, rinse my hair, put a bit of holding product, move it around with my hand and then that’s it.

The clothes I wear have changed but not in the way that one would think. I’m not wearing leather jackets and all black like some guys think they need to do for sex-appeal or to look like the cool mysterious guy.
That’s not how it’s manifested for me.
I wear bright colors and interesting looking handmade shirts that contrast my dark looks, lol. I just like the shirts honestly…
I somehow dress nonchalantly and without too much care, but still in a way that’s interesting and attractive.

There are probably a thousand things that I’m unaware of and not able to touch on due to lack of awareness…
So I’m just going to end with this:

You’ll become more physically attractive to women. Don’t worry about the “how” or “what” specifically is changing, just accept this fact.

You will get feedback eventually and women will start seeing you like a snack and it will just keep getting stronger.

Even for the older folks on here… You can be 50+ and still be an attractive sex magnet to women.
I’m not saying this out of reassurance or sugar coating the sub to make men feel better. I mean it literally, as in you can really have the sex life that people say isn’t possible.
The only thing in the way are the limiting beliefs that you have.


Bro thanks for responding can wait to try my custom sub once I get it.

yes, but how do you learn that?


:expressionless: so…What was the game changer…

They’re both game changers lol

Use both


@RVconsultant you’re right, my bad

I’ll tone it down, lol

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Currently running Wanted ZP + PSZP (I only listen for 3 minutes each):

There is definitely women manifestation in these subliminals because I keep encountering bombshells.
In strange ways too…

I went to my bank branch to deposit a cheque and on my way out this blonde bombshell was holding the door open for me. I tried to start a conversation and start doing my sexual energy jedi mind tricks, lol but she was in a hurry. I could tell she was interested because of the smiles and connective eye contact, but she was just set on going into the bank and had too much momentum to her destination. When they have that high pace momentum like that, it’s very hard for me to entrance them. I waited outside for 10 minutes and started moving to my car and as I’m about to leave the entrance, she comes out at perfect timing. I got her number but didn’t text her yet… I’m fucking exhausted right now, lol… I swear today was like 48 hours long.

PSZP has me in this weird type of recon… lots of thoughts surfacing about my relationship with my partner. I think I might possibly be getting my ass kicked lol…
I’m ready for the breakthroughs though


Getting my ass kicked HARD by PSZP right now lol…

I’m not quite sure what is happening… well I do

I’m trying to go into the next level of my primal sexuality but I have a whole ton of blocks.
One of them is the fear that I’m really a sex addict and in denial about it… This is something that my friends have pointed out, but I never took it seriously introspectively. I always just handwaved it because of how much fun I’m having. I also have a fear of what other people think about my sexuality and how they’ll perceive me. I realized that I don’t have any cool hobbies like most people as my life is purely work and seduction/sex/dating… I’m almost at a crossroads where I have to face myself, change the path I’m on, or keep going and never look back. I have no idea what the fuck I’m supposed to do lol. I’ve been trying to get my partner onto the idea of threesomes but I subconsciously fear that she doesn’t want to share me. All types of messy stuff going on…

Despite living a life of sexual abundance, I still constantly have my own hurdles to overcome and demons to fight.

I don’t know if there is some telepathic shit going on with these subs but ever since this recon hit me, women have been popping up in my life like magic as if it’s directly correlated. Unfortunately, the recon is distracting me so much… it’s frustrating. It’s almost like my subconscious mind is telling me “you can have your fun but only if you face yourself”.

I woke up this morning with texts from 3 different women, asking me what I’m doing today/wanting to “hang out” but I’m just sitting around on a Saturday going through the motions and not feeling like doing shit or meeting anyone lol…

I need to take a break from the forum and get more introspection time.
As much as I feel cool saying “Nobody gets to run from ZP”
I have to remind myself… “You don’t get to run from it either, Luther.”


Actually am getting the uneasy feeling in Wanted. Sometimes I think of dropping subliminals totally.
What’s your view on adding Primal Seduction to my stack?

I recommend you check out the post I link as it was what helped me get through a lot of harsh recon while running PS (Thanks again to @Luther24 for sharing his wisdom). Personally, while I was running PS I had more emotional recon symptoms than while I was on Wanted, maybe it could be because I’d already use PS to clear up some blockage, but I personally equate it to Wanted letting you stay in your comfort zone so to speak. The archetype that PS aims to build is one that really pushes you, so you’ll quickly find out if it’s what you need in the moment or not.


Actually need a subliminal that pushes me to act.

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Long ago i read in the forum that ZP had some kind of anti-recon tech…was it just a myth, a misunderstanding?

No, it does. But it’s less a anti-recon as a recon-reducer.

Recon is an inevitable reality of changing your reality. It’s a NECESSITY.

People need to stop trying to avoid it and LEAN into the feeling.
There is a reason it happens.


You can never grow without pain

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Amazing journal man wish i found this earlier! It gives me some hope in the physical shifting part of things. My face(one of my eyes has slight asymmetry) which im going to attempt to fix with a wanted custom. I Look forward to following the rest of this journal

Planning to make a custom soon but I’m not sure what to put in it yet lol

Currently thinking something like Emperor + Stark + Chosen…

I’ll decide by the end of the month.

I’m also no longer going to post in the forum aside from my journal…
and I’m only going to journal once every few weeks.


Primal Seduction. :wink:


NOOOO, I really appreciated your deep insightful posts!


Time for me to explore some new subs…

I’m getting bored with the same ol’ shit, it’s time for me to hang up Wanted and PSZP.

If I keep running Wanted, I’m going to have to spice it up by running a custom version.
I miss the excitement of having a bunch of modules and watching them manifest before my eyes.

Can’t do Emperor either… way too boring.

I’m interested in Stark, Khan, EoG, Daredevil, Spartan, Quantum Limitless, Power Can Corrupt, Diamond, Sex Mastery, Love Bomb…

I’ll decide in a week what I’m going to run next


From what I remember, you like to workout right?
Look into emperor fitness :wink:

Also, HoM is a good one for you, since you have a pretty strong foundation.