Guiding the growth consciously

I change constantly
So it’s natural for me.
But when I start something new or learn a new habit or walk a new way I always say to myself :this is my new starting point and I build it up from here.
This helps me stay on track

Also a couple of years ago I had this feeling of pressure to arrive at the goal in life until I realized that the Goal is not the end, it’s the START. So I change that internally and for me it’s this one question I have since then: what do I want to start😉
This gives me way more energy and happynes for whatever I want to do and I have no fight internally to reach the goal


Like that way of thinking. First time I’ve read it. I’ve started shit tons of stuff hahaha, I’ll have to see where it goes! And I have to keep track of it!

I just follow the flow and get great results. :sunglasses:

But I guess, working towards the goals of the objectives of the sub would help. Right now I have no idea what I could do towards the objectives since it’s a healing stack (Regeneration+Elixir). So just staying at home learning Spanish/Swedish and posting on here. :slight_smile:

Yeah, healing is a little more geared toward yourself!

My next stack, most certainly, will be QL ST1 + Elixir so some more time to focus on my languages just staying home but later on… a lot of work to do.

Healing is a very broad label. I think that may be part of why it seems tricky to think of how to consciously guide it.

Healing often means re-establishing balance. If you are too low in a given area, that means going higher. But if you’re too high, then it means turning things lower. These two opposite directions can both be considered ‘Healing’, if they bring someone back to balance.

So, you need to establish what kinds of changes or experiences you personally need in order to re-establish balance, flexibility, and functionality.

Then whatever those turn out to be will, for you right now, be healing.

Two General Categories of Healing Action

I. Observing with care to evaluate where you may be out of balance or in need of support
II. Addressing those needs yourself or seeking help from others who can help

Your healing is unique to you and what you need at this time. So the first step is learning to listen and find out what you need.

Anyway, I remembered throwing up a random list of healing activities at some point. Just went and found it.


Seems healing is taking care of yourself in ways you are not used to!

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Adapt this.

Write down your greatest sexual & social fantasies/dreams, and then all your reasons why they would be impossible for you to have/achieve.



Fuck, it’s so counterintuitive. It’s like the total opposite of the mainstream way to think. Usually you hear something like :Write about how amazing you are or visualise. Yet it is so simple, you, need to know why your subconscious doesn’t believe you deserve X.

Same with @Azriel post, when he said I might be censoring myself. Really it’s when you see new ideas that you realise how little experience you have.

Love you guys :v:


Whoah. This is a fantastic idea that I’m going to try out with ST1 and my custom. Some questions about the process:

  • Would these goals & dreams be written only once? Same thing with the reasons why they wouldn’t be doable.
  • Is our healing sub supposed to be played while of the other steps are being done, or not at the same time?

My concern: by writing down these reasons wouldn’t we be manifesting those outwards again? Or is it that the writing process is the act of bringing the thoughts into awareness and then listening to the subliminal afterwards is our conscious work which then tackles these thoughts directly to eradicate them?


I think it is to bring awareness to your limitations. Or the thing that is holding you back. One of my friend once told me, a few years ago : “Sometime the reason you can’t move forward is not because you don’t have enough motive to push you to your objective, but because there is something holding you back. What is holding you back?”

I just posted in my journal a honest text about my limitation. Just writing this made me realise that my objective evolved, first of all, in the beginning I wanted to get laid easily. Now I want to get laid (relationship also hahaha) with my dream girl. Also, some stuff that I thought had completely changed are not completely removed, only part of it was changed. I built the fastest route to my objective, getting laid and didn’t do the rest of the work… And I have a couple of reasons which I elaborated in my journal.


Quoting this to find it later


Hahahaha, I think Simon should write a book :joy::joy:

Or at least an article.


From the linked post…

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This is a daily journaling process.

Yes. :+1:t2:

If something manifests, it’s not because you wrote it down, but because it was already on your mind – and in your mind’s estimation, was the best outcome for you. :hugs:

The purpose for writing down barriers is multi-fold…

First, writing brings it out of your mind – releases some of it’s stress, and opens you up to doing something about it.

Second, combined with the daily action taking, journaling, and subs listening; those barriers get transformed automatically.

Emotional subs like Regeneration, Elixir, or Sanguine will remove the emotional charge of the belief. Within days, you will feel it go down in intensity - like from 8/10 to 1/10.

Reframing subs like Rebirth, K1, or G1 will bring you new perspectives by which to see the same situation/story/concept. Within days, you would be laughing at your old belief because a different perspective will seem to be a truer frame for the matter.



We are conscious creators and subliminal’s are only tools to aid us in our creations. This is what you are experiencing, what does placebo effect prove? That our consciousness has an effect on external reality. Your energy is greater than the force of a subliminal, you can literally, consciously make any subliminal input redundant if you truly believe that is has no effect on your unconscious (nocebo).

The power of consciousness, is real.

I believe and I am not pointing fingers at you @GoldenTiger. For a lot of people habits are crutches borne out of laziness and instant gratification. We can spend months, sometimes years ingraining a new habit. Then suddenly we experience a moment of relapse we loose focus and we are back to our old habits. Hence the old saying old habits die hard.

When you are at a mental or physiological low I believe we loose sight of our goals and revert back to our old bad habits. I have had similar experiences due to the abuse I have to deal with from the past.

I think the question you might have to ask yourself is what is causing you to have these moments of loosing focus. Is it personality what i mean by this is lack of will power ?. Is it addictive ? something to do with drugs, alcohol ?.

The biggest killer is the environment well it was for me. For example if you are an alcoholic and want to give up drinking. You need to disconnect form friends who you go out drinking with ?. Are you feeling lonely ? if so it might mean you have to rid yourself of all those things that keep you at home like netflix, youtube, porn etc.

The examples i give might be extreme but I am just trying to clarify my take on what I believe might be causing this.


Yeah, I do understand :slight_smile: Might be other stuff than beliefs. Do you think tho that eye of the storm could help with this? It’s a strong module, on it I can have nicotine laying around and just don’t jump on it (found out I had 3 gums of nicotine, took one to focus on my work in the afternoon few weeks ago, and didn’t touched it again!!)

I still think this goes in multiple direction. In the sense that if you don’t feel like you are enough, you could jump into a relationship with a really beautiful and smart girl, but feel like you don’t deserve her. At this point I think the best course of action is to change the belief. Might also be good to keep in mind that old belief, like you mentionned, when you have a low, it is possible that the belief comes back!

@Simon thank you for sharing this, didn’t knew you could read the whole post from a snippet haha, but it does makes a lot of sense! I’ll try to push in those direction.

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Do i feel that the eye of the storm would help with this ?. I have read the description however as to whether it will help I really do not know. It might put you back on track however if your old habits react then it might push you into heavy reconciliation. For every reaction there is going to be an equal and opposite reaction.

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