Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)

Just finished my last loop of the second cycle on Stage 1. It’s been absolutely fantastic in terms of palpable changes in my life. Gonna write something more detailed later.
Are you planning to pair Stage 2 with anything? Sanguine or TWTP could be a good fit.


Already stacking with Mogul atm.

I mainly have 2 goals, first one is growing as a person and becoming a man I’m proud of and my gf will appreciate more and more.

Second goal is $$, mastering trading. First goal will help master the second goal.


Woke up horny ass shit today and ready to work


One loop of khan OG (this one) stage one and I see what the sales page means, I am not breaking down any vital parts of me, only things that need to be gone!! And the process is so surgical and precise; so close to the heart and soul that I’m astonished it went to areas I didn’t think I had the courage to go to formerly and just made me drop it so effortlessly

I also notice humility, the ability to understand that I should stare at myself every once in a while and be honest about how I look to others, as a metric to my superb next move, I enjoy this game!

Thanks!!! Very good program


Mini review, highlighting some of the positive aspects of Khan Stage 1 after two cycles.


Yo you already finished two cycle? How did you do it I thought I was the fastest

Edit : Can you link the simon’s list method, I have one of it’s method in my bookmark but I want to make sure we have the same.

Edit 2 : Guiding the growth consciously - #20 by Simon


Feeling recon I’m sure as I’m hitting the feeling I had when I originally ran Dragon Reborn St 1. Mostly unmotivated and feeling apathetic towards almost everything. @Sub.Zero Remember that? @SaintSovereign Any suggestions?

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Do shorter loops.


And more rest days


Yeah, I would say like @Viktor and @Joe to do shorter loop or reduce the amount of loop per week.

Try to find a middle ground, it’s also normal to feel a bit wack on st1.


I’ve said it multiple times but for my love for you, brother, I’ll say it again.

Recon ALWAYS reveals our traumas, limits and issues that stand in the way to executing the scripting. To overcome them you need to actively work on them and/or just experience overcoming them in the form of recon, although lots of obstacles SHOULD BE WORKED ON ACTIVELY. Additionally, you could run a sub targeted at those traumas, limits or issues to speed it up.

Another thing is, this is what happens when people are not well-prepared for what awaits them on the sub of their choosing. Don’t make me wrong, and I’ll just repeat what I said about @Xavier’s jumping to St2 after running barely one cycle of Total Breakdown, HAVING NO RECON IS NOT AN INDICATOR OF BEING READY FOR THE NEXT ROUND, or being done with the sub. It only means that the main obstacles on the way to executing the scripting are no more on some level, yet there may be more of them on the deeper levels.

The most reasonable solution, since based on the classical adaptation model, would be stepping down, and taking care of those issues in the first place, and only then proceeding.


Read existential kink


I would suggest multiple things.
1-Go out in nature and ground yourself. spend half and hour lean back against a tree if possible.
2- Do a seperate meditation just to let go heavy feelings/energy. FOCUS on letting go above anything else.
3- Facing trauma in the face, diving into unknown facets of your being usually called “shadow work” as i understand it you do alot of that in past and got little bit exhausted. So i would suggest trying some “lightwork” do visualisations on what would make you happy/euphoric/ecstatic. Don’t get lost in it when recon hits you. Consciously push yourself out of it and focus on what you “prefer”. New pathways you have created through lightwork will override anything else.

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Yeah, that’s the one. From my notes(I adapted it for Khan, since it was originally meant for EoG):

Simon's method adapted for Khan

Simon’s Instructions for using Khan ’s First Stage

  1. Create a section in your physical journal.
    Write down your sexual and social goals.
    Could be anything and let your imagination fly.
  2. List the ways in which you want to get to that goal - ideas, basic plans, etc.
  3. Write down all the reasons you will FAIL - why you think you can’t achieve such a goal, or are not capable of succeeding with those plans. In short, what are your limitations that are currently not allowing you to achieve what you want?
    Fears. Obstacles. Lack of Skills. Everything you’re concerned at all about.
  4. Play Stage 1. (or stack it with the next Stages if you’re also using them already)
  5. Read those Goals, Plans, and Beliefs everyday.
    Notice & update it with any new thoughts you’re having - both positive & negative.
  6. As days progress, you should find more & more of those limiting/failure thoughts appearing like some other idiot’s ideas, and you feeling more & more like you can DEFINITELY achieve that Goal of yours .
  7. This is when the job of Stage 1 is complete, and you can progress to Stage 2.

Do steps 1-3 to the best of your current ability. You don’t have to have all the answers, but it helps not to be lazy with your thinking.
Also, remember that refinement of your goals, plans, and skills development is the focus of Stage 2. The job of this document is far from over.

I was halfway through my first run on Khan Stage 1 when New Khan came out, and I simply switched to it. That’s why I am already through two cycles. And lol, it’s not a competition;)

Is there a specific reason why you only go on the washout for three days instead of five?


I am Interested in everyone experience with Khan with women. I suspect @Vinci aura effect is influenced by SB.

I am trying to understand what Khan is doing because I am used to the good results from WB and GLMTC in that they work on me like pheromones meaning they quickly change how I see myself and how people interact with me. They are branded as aura based.

I am on Khan stage 2. Here I still don’t have a similar uplift in confidence, it is more of a coaching. Kind of having like a life coach and it is a journey.

Let’s talk about women.

So it is not a feel good. Most women avoid my eye contact, as if I was a predator. A girl kept on checking me out or I was checking her I don’t know and she complained to her guy that I was staring at her. Yet she kept on checking me and coming back around me, alone, when her guy was not there. Mind you I was with another chick. Maybe it’s just me.

So first most women don’t initiate eye contact with me, and when they do and smile it is the kind of girls that look very confident or “know what they want”. Or the submissive. I get polarized reactions from women we can say.

Other women when not in these two categories when we lock eyes, they are deers in the headlights, and don’t know what to do, with WB it is happiness to see me and big smile.

I fucked two new girls (or 3 not sure when I type this as I am having a drink lol) while on this stage 2 and the dynamic is weird: I can’t be bored to do the mating dance. So I know the tech can be guided but I can’t be bored. So sometimes, in fact every time, there is awkwardness in the discussion because I am not nice or smooth. Yet every time I take out a new woman she asks to be taken to my place. THEY ASK. They are not drunk. Lol.

Meaning they have to break so many mental barriers to do that. Like i wasn’t going to ask because I don’t know, I wanted to go sleep. That doesn’t happen with wanted black. With WB I asked them because it is part of the game.

Yet women don’t act easy like, the conversation is not easy to stir but I do because I am the man. Maybe they don’t want to feel like they are easy or they want to match my status. Or maybe it is me building congruence in a different way.

So the overall feel for me is more rugged and masculine seduction than “feminine” in the sense that I don’t smile a lot and I don’t try to make them feel good. Like imagine a girl who want to seduce Clint Eastwood in a western movie. Not easy.

Then also it may be because women expect seduction to be either worshipping them or being heavily sexual. I don’t think I appear like I am sexual I think I appear like I have big cojones and high status I have something attractive so there must be a primal attraction playing. Not nice sexy caveman like Khal Drogo but fucking caveman caveman. I am unmatching so many girls on Bumble/Tinder also my standards are refining. Like I had a few match and a few texts in the conversations I was like no I don’t want to do that.

A girl kept on staring at me while I was with this chick. I was sitting in a round bar. She was like smiling at me, waving her drink at me accross the room while it was obvious I was with another chick. So I asked the barman to ask her to write her number on a paper discretely. She did. This is Khan for me lol. WB not sure I would have done that, maybe I would have teased her until she comes open me in front of my girl (happened with WB).

My recon tonight is I am out and I want a woman energy with me but I don’t want to fuck any of them. But I am intimidating so there is this thing that I need to embrace that I am high status and I go for what I want, I care about you girl but I am not responsible for your emotions, yet if I wronged you I will say I am sorry. I am saying that but not sure words convey the intensity of what I mean. These words are to be understood at bachelor level while most people have heard them from regular motivational speakers whose level are primary school, they don’t know how deep this is. I would need to break it down ala Luther one day :grinning:

In work environment social interactions are “good” in the sense that I lead and people may think I enjoy their companies while I am focused on my goals which may include being nice to them. Like a psychopath.

I am nowhere yet to where I want to be in terms of confidence and taking charge. Some specific things around taking charge terrify me. I am in a leadership position now and I am recon-ing around some of the things I have to do. This is Khan who brought it out because it was not there previously.

And it is interesting to me that the aura based subs do change me “instantly” but their effect wear off after some time because some of my deep foundations don’t allow them to remain. And here the take off is much slower. For me.


Yes, I wanna win the competition in my head!!

Hahaha for real, I’m feeling good during my cycle. My listening schedule is monday, Wednesday and friday, weekend off so it keeps the processing flowing.

Since I’m staying with Khan, and each stage is building on the previous one, I’m confident that 3 days is enough to process a bit more before jumping to another stage.

There is definitly an element of me wanting to jump into st2 because that’s where a lot of my work needs to be done.

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Instead of calling 21 day listening process “cycle” or “loop” i come up calling that “Level Up” :joy: Feels more like advancement there, with a “cycle” you end up where you begin with. Maybe something like “Spiral Up” works well too.


Really nice introspection and honesty here. Looking forward for your transformation!

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Feel like doing stage 1 and stage 2 of khan repeating cycles…

Stage 1 destroys, Stage 2 creates… how we build muscles is exactly like that

I think Im gonna test out this method for 4 cycles and get back to you guys.

I’ve had crazy growth and I’ve seen how @Yazooneh got crazy results on Khan Black by running just Stage 1…

I wonder how this process of constant refinement is gonna work out


Anyone ever think they’re somehow ‘failing’ at Khan?

Been running stage 1 now for 4x 21-day cycles (2 with old, 2 with new), and idk what’s going on lol.