Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)

I’ve avoided drugs my whole life in honor of my father, who gave up his strong nicotine addiction the day I was born and hasn’t relapsed since. It is a strong motivator to do it for someone else you care about.


On amore serious note, while running TB i had a lot of “why am i like this, just change it” moments

For example “why am i scared of confronting this or this person?” And then i answered to myself “well, it’s because you feel like they are better than you, you feel inferior” so i replied “why do i feel inferior? Im not inferior, from now on i will confront”

And when a situation arises i confront confidently and assertively

This is just an example, there have been many aha moments like this one

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I read this, went to shop, and purchased an energy drink with my meal. :grimacing:

Awesome, King. I’ve had several unsuccessful quit attempts, even this quit attempt was directly after a pretty comedic addict-beggar episode that made my friends hysterical with laughter when I told them. Suffice to say it wasn’t easy lol.

Most of it is mental. Like the physical withdrawals are gone after 3 days. It’s so much easier than the nicotine-gremlin in the brain makes out. Just gotta see that lil’ fucker for what he is, then it becomes easier. Good luck to you bro. :muscle:


Use Champix.
I’m not sure of it’s available in your country.

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You own what have and change what you physically can within your own power !

End of my ted talk :joy:

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Do it. I’m curious as I have adhd myself

@SwagKing My man, here’s my short Khan st1 resume :

  • Helps me uncover things about myself by manifesting triggering situation and bringing up some fears.

    • For example : Comments people made about some of my work, people trying to take advantage of my empathy, freezing when feeling overwhelmed by shit to do.
  • Helps me see my inner critic, it becomes easier to spot why I’m feeling “bad” when I’m realizing my inner critic is working overtime at talking me down.

  • Now I’m realizing I truely learned a lot from the situation I went through.


Man that’s the last habit for me to kick as well. I went from smoking years ago, to vaping, and finally was able to kick the vape with zyns, but that’s been a rough ride for me to kick. Pretty major nicotine addiction have been using for nearly 8 years daily.

The issue now is, although I feel the zyns would be easier then the vape as it’s less fufilling, but I’d basically have to take a weekend and 2-3 days off of work. I literally can not think at all when I try coming off, worst head aches, etc.

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It’s essentially optimizing your diet for testosterone and intermittent fast, meditate for 10-30 minutes twice a day , and high intensity cardio / excercise 4-5 times a week.


I can’t sit and meditate like that. I go for a walk and listen to music or something. I just got a new kettlebell so I got that covered. I definitely need to check out the fasting thing.

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Well neither could I but what must be done will be done . I use the term meditation loosely because it’s more so just a mindfulness excercise I had gotten from a mental skills coach back in uni .


Can you share which resource for optimizing your diet for testosterone you used? I know there’s a bunch but it’s hard to know who’s legit and who isn’t, so having your experience directly advocate for what worked for you goes a long way.

For for me I just eat a lot of fatty meat , loads of eggs raw to soft boiled and try to sleep as much as possible , also seeking actually competitions would help .

On YouTube look up team 3d alpha and kaal ram


3d alpha is good he knows his shit


What is 3d alpha?

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He recommends guides on nutrition to optimize levels of testosterone and performance @James


Khan feels like what being the adult in the room or situation would feel like.


Khan is one of the titles I have never tried. Looks intriguing. Seems to get a lot of positive feedback.


Yeah it’s so transformationnal because of the way the sub is built

Even if you only achieve a fraction of what Khan is designed to foster in your world, it will be well worth your time. I only achieved the tip of the iceberg and it has greatly enriched my life. I’m sure, in my case it was a mix of Khan and Wanted Black and modules… :moneybag: :peach: :man_in_tuxedo:

And everything I experienced was prior to NSE… This year should be an exhilarating and dangerous (for anyone trying to stop me) year :slight_smile:

All the forces of darkness cannot destroy what God has ordained.
-Isaiah 14:27

What a beautiful passage?!