Unlocking the Khantastic Potential within: Khanquering My Fears

1xNew Khan 15m.
1xNew Khan 11m.
(Stage 1, Cycle 2)

Realized just how many negative beliefs about myself co-exist within myself and how they literally lower my vibration. The traumatized reality is practically based on a whole host of negative emotions that continually reinforce themselves if not checked. This cannot but create a repellant aura that people don’t want to be near.
Khan, so far, has made me more and more aware of them and given me the strong urge to not entertain them anymore. Sure, we have no device with which to “measure” these low or higher vibration auras, but all of us have seen it in action. We constantly produce them and pick up on them subconsciously.
That’s why you cannot pretend to be alpha when your inner beliefs drag you down instead of up.

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I was really mistaken in thinking that I had already overcome the toughest part of Stage 1 of Khan, as today I experienced the most intense recon yet.
I woke up from the first macable dream I’ve had on Khan so far, where I came across a pit with three dying babies inside, almost fully covered in flies. Tried to shoo the flies away and called an ambulance, but it didn’t come before I woke up. I then experienced a kind of grief centered, as usual, in the middle of my chest for the entire day. Was different from the usual panic/anxiety attack in that it felt like I was constantly on the verge of breaking down crying. Since I couldn’t find any obvious thoughts connected to it, I tried my usual recon mitigating strategies like drinking a pre-workout coffee and then working out hard, trying to catch some sun and then willfully redirecting my emotions towards more positive ones. Today it didn’t seem to help much. Went for an extended walk in the forest, but that only alleviated the uncomfortable feelings by a bit.
I am close to the end of cycle 2 on Khan TB, and I have no idea how people can claim that they get no recon on the new Khan. Maybe I have more things to work through? What keeps me going is the knowledge that there always awaits greater freedom and serenity after these spells of irritation, panic and grief pass.
The dream was really disturbing. According to dream dictionaries, babies may signify new beginnings, but why were they then dying and covered in flies? Or perhaps the babies signify something precious that I was holding onto, which wasn’t that great in actuality(signified by the flies) and that I am now in the process of letting it go(dying state).

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1xNew Khan 15m.
1xNew Khan 12m.
(Stage 1, Cycle 2)

As expected, I feel much more relaxed today than during yesterday’s megagrief. However, I still feel “sore” in the middle of my chest, as these events seem to leave an afterglow of sorts in me. It is really wave-like in nature, this process of recon->euphoria/greater freedom/inner serenity->recon. Question is, how long will this continue like that? While it was far too early for me to proclaim that I am through the roughest patch of TB, I seem to at least be able to handle the loops now, as they no longer cause a slight headache or this feeling of spending 99% of my energy on the processing of it.
Still, TB on its own will naturally not be that great for productivity because of the huge energy requirements and the frequent emotional breakdowns that could happen anytime. But seen from another perspective, it is also the perfect sub to convince people that they’re definitely listening to more than water sounds^^

1xNew Khan 15m.
1xNew Khan 15m.
(Stage 1, Cycle 2)

Was deeply relaxed when I listened to the loops, so I didn’t notice that that the second loop went all the way to the end. Whoops. Predictably, it was a bit much, and I’ve felt really sleepy for most of the day.
The release of the new Sanguine couldn’t have come at a better time. Finding a better way to deal with the emotional upheavals and getting through all that irritation would be a godsend, and one of the goals I’m striving for is to remain unaffected by whatever people say and do around me. This does not mean that I want to be callous or antisocial, but rather that I want to be supremely confident in myself so that I cannot be rattled out of this state of being completely present to myself and my surroundings.

I just LOVE being on Khan TB whenever I am not in recon. The sheer sense of ambition, clear thinking and inner serenity is amazing and the productivity is really good.
Unfortunately, recon on TB practically kills productivity so if you plan on using TB in your future and have to be productive every day, you’ll have to add something like LE or Stark, in my opinion.

Last night, I had an interesting dream in which I bade farewell to my classmates in highschool(whom I haven’t seen in 18 years or so) and slipped through a gap under a door leading out. It felt symbolic because many of my hangups are centered on that time, and most of my dreams take place in my old school. I’ve rarely dreamed about any of the places I’ve been to or the people I’ve met afterwards, so that formative period definitely left its mark.


1xNew Khan 15m.
1xNew Khan 8m.
(Stage 1, Cycle 2) (from yesterday)

I had this gut feeling to shorten the second loop, and it turned out to be a good call because I was getting close to maxing out my mental capacity(I can feel the heavy processing the moment I start listening to the loops). I’m finally figuring out what’s been holding me back all this time – mainly issues with feeling good about myself and showing myself some love. I’ve spent years unfairly comparing my height and looks to others, which only made me feel worse and set off a chain reaction of negativity(kind of weird considering that I am not even short at 5’10" and look fairly normal). It was like a vicious cycle – feeling down on myself, then finding ways to avoid facing my inner issues and making positive changes. I’d end up seeing myself as a victim of my own body, thinking I couldn’t do anything to change it and just accepting my fate. It’s only now sinking in how damaging this mindset has been for my growth. I’ve also realized why I’ve been so focused on the downsides of materialism – this obsession with outward appearances and feeling limited by genetics is just shallow materialism and discounts a great many things that actually happen between people. Seeing through this has helped me break free from that victim mentality, at least on a conscious level. I feel like Khan is helping me embed this new understanding into my subconscious, where it really makes a difference.

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1xNew Khan 15m.
1xNew Khan 15m.
(Stage 1, Cycle 2)

Wrapping up Cycle 2. I decided to go for the full loops today as I was well-rested, and thankfully, I didn’t encounter any noticeable fatigue or challenging recon.

Even though it felt like I was being steamrolled every other day, the last two cycles on Khan Stage 1 have been absolutely incredible. My only regret is not discovering the Simon List method until the start of Cycle 2. Ever since then, things have been ultra-focused.

The most significant sign of progress is that I’ve stopped associating myself with nearly all the fears on my list regarding my sexual goals. They just don’t faze me anymore - some daily pondering and running the subs seem to have achieved that in just a few cycles, quicker than expected. Keeping a daily journal, both private and open, has also been crucial in tracking these changes and keeping me mindful of them. If I had to sum up Khan Stage 1, it’s a self-esteem booster, or revealer.

I no longer slouch when I walk, and I don’t even have to remind myself to stand tall. When I’m not in recon, there’s a strong, unwavering sense of confident ambition and bubbling energy in my lower abdomen. Side note: Almost everything turns me on now, but an unexpected effect of Stage 1 is that porn doesn’t excite me as much as before - it feels too static and fake to be enjoyable. While I find everything arousing, I now find it unsatisfying to release my energy through artificial means - if that makes sense.

Maybe it’s due to the deep introspection I’ve done, but I’ve spent a lot of time refining my list of desires and fears, and noticed something interesting: as mentioned, the fears no longer seem relevant, but my wants have also shifted. Half of what I wrote seemed to stem from seeking external validation and low self-esteem. It’s rewarding to witness my growth in such a short time span. A sense of optimism is starting to settle in - a stark contrast to my previous negativity, especially concerning my sexual goals. I took some challenging steps to confront my vices, and it was tough to face them head-on. Some of my beliefs were overly materialistic - despite my affinity for non-materialistic philosophies - like playing the victim of genetics to avoid addressing my mental barriers and maintaining an off-putting superiority complex rooted in deep-seated low self-esteem.

This attitude pushed away many people I encountered in the past. Some issues that I was already aware of have become more pronounced in my day-to-day contemplation, as they appear to be significant obstacles on my journey to success. I accumulated numerous socially traumatic experiences during my childhood and teenage years, leading to the development of severe social anxiety by age 12. This, in turn, shaped me into an introverted individual with nerdy interests and a strong reliance on porn, which my subconscious viewed as the sole outlet for my high libido. I delved into PUA in my early 20s, resulting in awkward interactions and fruitless dates due to trying to mimic alpha behavior while holding onto a traumatized inner self that was the complete opposite. It wasn’t until I turned 30 that I entered my first genuine relationship, which brought some healing. However, it’s only now that I no longer feel like a mere pawn of fate. I believe I can actually solve my situation and go for what I want.

Now it’s time for the washout.


Woke up with anxiety and a feeling of constant panic in my chest. Drank some coffee and trained hard on my rings. Came home feeling elated. Since noon, there’s been an ever intensifying sense of gentle silence within- and a feeling of relief and untouchability. It feels like I am constantly bathing in a type of self-assured inner bliss. I practically went 180° within a few hours.

Such is the rollercoaster that is Khan.


The same pattern has continued on Washout Days 2 and 3. Waking up with mild inner panic/anxiety, which intensifies to that state that feels like one is crying inside one’s chest, then sudden reversals to calm serenity and relief.
Today felt especially severe, as for the first time, I felt like I was losing grip on my identity. It was alright since I’ve been expecting it. I took the usual measures to deal with it- contemplation, high water intake, lots of sleep, walks in the forest under the sun. Still, the main thing that carries me through is the foreknowledge that after these recon waves, there’s always relief/serenity and a feeling of increased personal power.

Had to make a brief trip to the next actual city to pick up some supplies. Noticed that quite a few younger women there were either staring or smiling at me. Didn’t expect that because I felt really down inside. Older folks gave no reaction.

I suddenly feel the urge to document my fitness journey on instagram. I don’t even have an IG account and I’ve never had that thought before. Curious.
Since washout began, I’ve been struggling to be productive because of the strong mood changes.
I’ll definitely add Sanguine to the next cycle.

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Washout Day 4. Last evening I had a full panic attack of sorts. Fight or flight state for quite a few hours, and then my head almost felt like it was about to explode, and my heartrate went up, even though I was resting. Yep, something in me is shit scared of change. I calmed myself down with meditation and was able to sleep well.
However, this morning I again woke up with mild anxiety/nervousness. It was about to shift to that inner crying-in-the-chest state when I internally shouted “enough of that whining” and suddenly I got really productive. On the first washout day, while training outside, I had this sudden vision of how to rewrite that Simon-inspired list I used for Cycle 2 of Khan TB. On Washout Day 2 and 3 I was reconning so hard that I wasn’t able to follow through, but today I got laser focused on it, and 9 hours later, I now have a completely new file that goes into great detail about every mental block I am aware of. Compared to what I was able to write a month ago, it is much more detailed and useful for me, so hats off to the introspective enhancing effect of Khan TB. I am using that section to determine what stack I actually need to run at what point in the future. More importantly, I am bringing them to my conscious awareness everyday now and seeking out specific practices to counteract each trauma/block. And the ideas were really flowing today.

The most important thing so far is that I no longer feel like overcoming these self-imposed limits is just a possibility, but rather, it’s a sure thing and just a matter of time.


1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

(from yesterday)

Sanguine certainly mellows things out.
While I am obviously running it alongside Khan to help with the recon, I am also interested in fully exploring the following through intensified meditations:

  • Meditation and other spiritual practice that relates with cultivating peace, harmony or stillness of the mind can help develop the more deeper spiritual aspects of peace.

Yesterday, I had a migraine type of problem after eating too much of the wrong food, and most of the day I couldn’t really look at any source of light. Nausea, headaches and so on. Instead of taking ibuprofen, I ran a loop of Paragon, and again it did wonders. Within 30 minutes, I felt well again and was back on my feet.

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1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

Third day of the third cycle on TB, and I already had a major breakdown. The loops were fine, even pleasant. But around 6 hours after, I found myself discussing with my father how my two attempted forays into the humanities went wrong(I got the degrees and placed best in class, but didn’t make the right connections and found no job placements for too long, so my current career chances are next to nil). While I was talking, it already dawned on me how this was untypical of “me” to bring up a topic like that and that it was likely caused by something Khan dredged up. And surprise, surprise. One hour later all kinds of bad emotions came up and I felt depressed as hell about my situation. Unlike the previous breakdowns related to looks/height/random dating memories which I easily was able to reframe as they came up, this one was hard to reframe- it just is what it is. However, I’ve come to associate Khan with a kind of righteous anger that sometimes swells up and propels one towards action(along with extreme horniness) and this was also the case today.
I knew that this must be one of the hidden insecurities I have and that in this case, I’d simply be better off by stopping to identify myself with what has happened, as I cannot change it anymore. I can only move into another industry(which is what I’ve been setting myself up for anyway). The important part is the letting go of something I’ve intensely focused on for one and a half decades- so that is not an easy thing to let go of. But obviously, if I want to walk around with a swagger and be a free spirit, I cannot drag around this kind of sorrow with me, so out it goes.
Towards the evening, the usual Zen like serenity of Khan settled in again and that grief-like energy in my chest gave way to the feeling of relief and relaxation.
Clearly, Khan is not simply a seduction type of sub, but rather a comprehensive self-transformation program, and I love it for that.
To take action on Sanguine, I’ve begun a new habit: two sessions of Yoga Nidra(yogic sleep) everyday, going as deep as possible.

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1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

What @Lichtenauer wrote yesterday in his journal resonates with me. I’ve also spent much time in digital worlds levelling up some character instead of developing my own. However, I’d extend this concept to include other forms of Dissociation as well: reading novels as an escape from a boring life or watching movies for the same reasons. There is nothing inherently wrong with these things- after all, we’ve all benefited in some way from any of these entertaining mediums, they can be a form of therapy(which would be positive dissociation). However, I’d lie to myself if I pretended that it has always been a form of positive dissociation for me- far more often than not, it was simply an escape. And @Luther24 is right when he observed that these accomplishments in these digital worlds simply don’t translate to anything in real life. There is now a clear urge in me to stop spending my energy on things that don’t translate to the real world.

The yoga nidra exercise I’ve mentioned in the post above has done a lot to make the most out of Sanguine. I find that after 20 minutes or so my body goes to sleep and I can barely feel my hands resting on my thighs. A feeling of floating in space comes about and suddenly, my whole being is enveloped in bliss. This not only helps with inner silence but generally lifts my mood for the rest of the day and helps me deal with recon.


1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

Things have turned quite smooth. Since four days there has been no noticeable recon. Just a drop in productivity from time to time. Yesterday, I was jogging in the forest here when an old woman stopped me to compliment me on my hair. Caught me off-guard. I live in a nordic country where these things don’t usually happen between strangers. Even in almost total isolation here, Khan manifests some social feedback :wink:


1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

Mood has noticeably improved. I smile and laugh much more throughout the day, and this has been noticed by those around me as well. It is becoming more difficult for me to become pessimistic about my situation or my future, and I instantly seem to notice when such thoughts come up. And I just swat them.
Maybe it is just the result of a good workout/diet/sleep schedule along with some mental hygiene, but I am getting many comments about my glowing skin recently. For the first two cycles, I basically felt nothing when I looked at myself in a mirror. Or I’d just focus on some muscle group I’d want to improve on. But in the middle of the third cycle of TB, I’ve actually started feeling good about looking at my overall appearance. I just feel good in general now, if not a bit restless.
Now I am curious how Khan is going to meld with Sanguine and the new Lovebomb. It should really be a killer combo for self-esteem, self-love and self-confidence. All the things you’d need to truly feel comfortable in your own skin, which is one of my end goals.


Jotting down some thoughts I have about the new Love Bomb Release:

  • Khan Black and a relevant inner alchemy practice used in conjunction with it cleans one’s energetic system and allows the build-up and refinement of unimpeded sexual energy, which in turn fuels one’s aura.
  • One thing I’ve learned in Chinese Neidan is that the deeper you can go in inner silence, the larger the amount of energy you can circulate in yourself and beyond. If you run New Sanguine and practice a serious method for cultivating deep inner silence, you’ll naturally improve just that.
  • Love Bomb is designed to cultivate self-love to a high degree, which allows one to sincerely love others as well. It also generates a profound aura of love, which in turn will be fueled by your energetic practice and Khan Black, starting from Stage 3 onwards. A possible action one could take on Love Bomb would be to add a conscious daily self- and other loving practice like the metta method from Buddhism. I’m sure the Sufis would have something for that, as well. Many possibilites.

If this is done on a foundation of a strong sense of self-worth and inner security cultivated through something like Khan or Emperor, and you keep this stack of Khan Black+Love Bomb+Sanguine for many cycles, until they become fully integrated with your being, well, I cannot imagine the kind of enchanted world you’ll live in and the massive aura you’ll radiate wherever you’ll go.

I also strongly suspect that if you practice something from Indian Tantra or Sufism, and you run the upcoming Alchemist+Khan Black+Love Bomb, you’ll have a fantastic journey.

Naturally, this is what I’ll be going for.


1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

Sanguine is just amazing. It quickly made me re-integrate practices into my life that used to give me good results but which I had dropped due to self-sabotage, such as Yoga Nidra and Kasina(focusing on the afterimage of a candle flame to induce deep states of absorption). These practices help me become calm in all situations and help me towards accomplishing one of the most important goals of Khan: to have a source of internal self-confidence and bliss that is independent of what is coming from others around me. Years ago, I had already noted down how surprisingly long-lasting the effects of Candle Kasina are(just 30-40m of it will create a state that lasts for the remainer of the day during which it creates a warm lull that seemingly surrounds you and puts you in a very relaxed but also highly alert state, where everything you see turns more vibrant in terms of its color and form).

I walked by an old neighbor today and she asked me if I was high. A few hours later, my mother asked me why I am in such a good mood for seemingly no reason(she thinks that I should be unhappy because I am unemployed and have next to no money and just got dumped by my long term gf last winter).
My ex, who wants to videochat with me more and more now, has asked me to lend her my glowing skin. Lol. All kinds of good results in just half a cycle of Sanguine and consistent practice.

Funnily enough, the state I’ve been in the last few days is really similar to how Radcliffe plays Harry Potter in this scene, while he’s high on the potion:

More importantly, I originally took up Sanguine to help deal with Khan TB’s punching my guts on a daily basis. That has worked out really well so far. While it is true that on the third cycle of TB, I’ve gotten fully used to the sub, to the point that full loops no longer cause that feeling of heavy processing going on all day, I haven’t experienced any massive emotional breakdown since that event at the beginning of the third cycle I noted above. Like before, I usually experience panic/grief in the evenings when I run TB in the mornings, but now they’re so fleeting and tamed that they’re barely noticeable. In the last two days, I felt very slight irritation and lack of focus for around 20 minutes maybe, but then it got quickly replaced by that strong feeling of freedom and relief that I’ve also gotten used to now.
That offline file I’ve been working on since the beginning of the second cycle has proven to be immensely useful and the focus of my daily re-reading and contemplation. It started off as Simon’s method adapted for Khan. But between the second and third cycle, I realized that I had become able to easily reframe all of the blocks and insecurities I could find in myself and intuitively knew how to counter them to become the man I want to become. None of the issues I listed have that sting they had when I initially wrote them. I’ve also greatly slowed down in terms of identifiying more issues and self-imposed limitations. The ones I find are becoming increasingly subtle. I am confident that by the end of the the third cycle, I’ll be ready to move on. However, it remains to be seen what I’ll experience during the washout, as last time, almost every washout day was a living hell for me.

I would also like to note that I went for full loops of Sanguine straight away, and have not experienced any noticeable recon whatsoever. It feels really gentle. Amazing sub, really. Like others, I’ve also observed that running Sanguine before the second sub seems to make the whole experience smoother. Likely because it just relaxes you so much, and opens up your mind.


1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

I am becoming really stingy with what I spend my energy on. Unless I absolutely need to do something, I don’t do much for entertainment anymore. I find that all the good ideas I get come from deliberately placing myself either in nature or somewhere where I am alone, away from all electronics.

Instead of watching youtube or listening to music, I’ve begun listening to my own recording of my offline file that contains all of my identified limitations and responses to them. I’ve noticed that whenever I feel like I am in slight recon or have doubts, listening to my own voice recording immediately lifts me up and puts my back into what I am calling the Khan state now. A palpable inner power that drives and coaches me.


How are you today?

1xSanguine 15m. (First Cycle)
1xNew Khan (Stage 1) 15m. (Third Cycle)

Splendid actually, thanks for asking!
I still am in above average mood all the time, which is precisely what I was looking for. Still look high to some people around me.
I’m currently trying to figure out how to replicate Sanguine’s effects through the afterglow effect I get from practices such as Yoga Nidra or Fire Kasina(focusing on the afterimage of a candle flame for prolonged periods of time to induce deep concentration and bliss). Why? I don’t want to become dependent on Sanguine and I think it is within my means to reach most of its goals on my own, which will make it possible for me to replace it with Lovebomb.
I’m ready to move to Stage 2 of Khan after this third cycle of TB, and I know that either Sanguine or Lovebomb will always be the perfect second title for me, personally. However, I know that I’ll fall in love with Lovebomb since its main features are like a comprehensive list of all the things I need to work on, and it is one of the titles I want to keep in my stack for a very long time and fully integrate in my being.
Through TB I’ve also come to realize that I need to go through Khan Black for three reasons: first, to kill off the remainder of my urges for wasting my sexual energy through porn(and the weakening of my inner frame that goes along with it), which have already gone down substantially through TB, and secondly, to help with the formal Neidan(Chinese refinement of sexual energy) practice which I plan to take up seriously, and thirdly, to help power the love bomb aura(or any of the seduction related titles I may run in the future).
I am aware that there are quite a few people here who run Khan and Khan Black concurrently. However, I intentionally avoided running Stage 1 of both titles since Khan TB on its own was already kicking my behind.
I know that Sanguine is a very gentle title which I didn’t need to microloop at all, and which has given me no noticeable recon so far. I really hope Lovebomb will be similar in its feel, because it will make my stack more feasible.
So the current plan is:
Love Bomb / Khan Black Stage 1 (microloops)
~ Day off ~
Khan Stage 2 x 2
~ Day off ~

I hope this will be manageable. If anything, this is the time to take risks with recon city, as I am still able to in the upcoming months.
On a different note, I’m currently waiting to hear back from a Swedish university about my application for a MSc program that I submitted half a year ago. Keeping my fingers crossed! If I get accepted, it’ll finally bring me to a city again where I can actually get social feedback, the one thing that has been missing from my Khan progress so far!

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