Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

The definition of a Microloop is any subliminal exposure that falls within the range of 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Any amount of time exceeding that is considered a full exposure.

That was the answer support gave me.


Thank you.

Okay, then I would interpretate this as “if you listen for more than 3 minutes, you will be exposed to the full script and thus it is considered a full exposure”.

I hope this interpretation is correct and would mean that regardless of which title I run, in order to be exposed to the full script once in full, I need to only run it for 3 minutes…?

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Nice to have this defined. And, it makes sense to me as in my experience, running even 7 minutes compared to 15 minutes, I didn’t see a noticeable decrease in the feeling of processing that I get after loops of some titles.

I’ve dropped down to 3 minutes a lot more recently and I can feel the difference.


3 minutes has seemed to be the sweet spot for me as well. Things seem to integrate more seamlessly, less recon and just as much results if not more then the 15 because I don’t feel so foggy.

Especially with the newer titles.


This works in one loop. Additionally I’ve been running at full length each time, though these reports at shorter lengths make me consider experimenting on duration later.

This actually made me throw in Sanguine into my stack, KB, Stark Black and Sanguine. Seems like a powerful combo!


It’s commonly believed in here, that healing titles overpower other titles in the stack.
Is KB considered a healing title as well?
Did you make the experience, that KB overpowers other subs?

Tomorrow is my last day of Stage 1. Probably the most intense healing stage, I’d guess.

So I’m wondering, if GM will be more noticeable once I reached stage 2.

KB is IMO unique. Stage 1 is a healing stage and can take a bit of power. With St. 3 and 4 it’s the opposite: In my experience KB 3 + 4 fuel other subs and help results a lot.

KB 2 is difficult to predict. Results (and recon) varied considerably.


We’ve been researching this “stage 2 recon” phenomenon and we may have some ideas for the future update to help with it.


I just completed my first cycle of KB 2 and KB 1 was rougher for me. I have DRLD, and CWON with KB 2.

Stage 2 has been rougher for me as well.

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I’m in my third khan black stage two cycle and it’s been nothing but smooth sailing for me. I ran 5 cycles of stage one.

Seriously not trying to act cool, I know my older runs with khan help and such, and I get recon on some titles.

But for me, khan black stage two is euphoric


Yaz, did you run full duration if st1?

I’m on my third cycle on st1, am running shorter loops, average perhaps 3 min.

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Short review of Stage 1

I listened now for 3 cycles.

Cycles 1&2 were mostly 3-5 minutes.

Cycle 3 only full 15 minute loops.

The first 2 cycles I was super tired in the morning. I felt like a truck hit me. Didn’t know where or who I was for the first few minutes.

Regarding sexuality, I didn’t feel much. I was still horny and tempted non stop. Finally I relapsed and fell back into PMO and porn games.

During that time I wasn’t able to keep a regular listening schedule. Sometimes I listened every other day, sometimes there were 3 or 4 off days.

End of February I decided to listen more disciplined and started full loops. That brought the change for me.

I woke up quite normally. Not super energetic, but this feeling of being hit by a truck was gone.
Sometimes that uneasy feeling still is there but at a much lesser intensity.

Sexually it made all the difference. Since then, temptation is almost completely gone. Not one serious thought of watching porn or playing porngames. I played Assassin’s creed instead.
While gaming there was a few times the thought of checking if there is a nude mod available or if there’s videos of the female main character.
But it was always just a short thought popping up in my head. Then the rest of my subconscious intervened immediately.

Finally, I got me some accountability app for all my devices, that sends screenshots to my GF.
To me that was the last step. I now know, that everything I do online is sent to her and that thought alone is liberating as fuck.
I never “loved” using porn, especially not since I’m in a relationship. But it always got the better of me because I thought I could keep it secret. Not anymore.
We have a deal that she’s not looking at my SubSclub screenshots so I can freely journall in here.

Today is the last day of stage 1 and Saturday is the start for stage 2.

@KingEsh perhaps this is interesting for you.


That’s awesome progress brother.

That’s interesting because I also went overdrive into PMO the first two cycles and now on my third cycle it stopped. First cycle I was like WTF, I woke up the beast even more! This is no good, and went into apathy.

But this cycle I went 2 weeks without and engaged and started it. It wasn’t a horny feeling coming up, it was me deciding to do it. I do experience stagnation side effects so I decided to do it and had to “start it up”, once a week until I can properly rotate my energy. And usually once I open the flood gate, it floods, that means I get even more horny and want more. But nope, I’m good and feel the stagnation effects gone and no crazy PMO lust. Which tells me it’s from a healthier place and I have greater control over my sexual energy. So lesson here is, keep going if you feel cycle 1 didn’t help with PMO (to other members who feel it might not have worked).

Cool, I mean I’ve been running 3min loops but I think it’s time to push it a bit more, I’ve been entertaining the idea.


It was also the first two stages for me. There was an initial stage where there was a waning of my desires, I felt kinda neutral in my desires. And then the desire to PMO ramped up.

I ran the first stage 3 cycles I believe and ST2 just the one.

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Only on the fifth cycle I begun going for 15 minutes just to milk it


Now I’m here after my four week complete washout.

I was fostering how to continue. I’ve done ten months of KB in total: 2*(St1+St2+St3)+4*St4.
And I really was unsure how I should continue. I would love to keep KB as a part of my stack. On the other hand, I also want to explore some of the new releases and already have a three title stack with KB and two customs. Quite heavy, I always did microloops (3min) and sticked to the recommended three-title-listening pattern.

What can I say about Khan Black? Just a quick check with the goals:

  • initiates an intense healing process, targeting and repairing any traumas, insecurities, or limiting beliefs surrounding your sexual energy and sexuality
    → 5/5 on stage 1! It literally had solved a rather major sexual hangup of mine within the very first cycle.

  • profound cleansing and purifying of your energetic channels, ensuring that your sexual energy can flow freely and without obstruction
    → 4/5 on stage 2. My Qi Gong practices became easier during this time, so I contribute this to stage 2.

  • strengthens your energetic channels, particularly the sexual ones, enabling you to handle and direct the immense sexual energy that will course through your body
    → 3,5/5 on stage 2 and 3. Not quite sure about this one. I did notice though that I was and still am able to separate my orgasm from the actual ejaculation, meaning I can have an orgasm during sex without ejaculating right away. I know one way to do this with physical pressure on the base of you p*nis when having an orgasm, but that does not really work for me because it only delays ejaculation for a few seconds. KB does a better job at this and I consider this quite huge. Why only 3,5/5 stars then? Because besides from actual sex I couldn’t directly spot the proclaimed ability, but maybe it is just disguised for my eye (see the points about boosting efforts to achieve goals and usage alongside other subs below).

  • as your energetic channels become more robust, your charisma, magnetism, and presence will grow, increasing your influence and attractiveness
    → 3/5: I’ve always been charismatic, I’ve done my research about it before; I’ve also developed my attractiveness beforehand. But KB sure didn’t hurt in this department.

  • cultivating vast amounts of sexual energy
    → 5/5 on stage 3: yes, it really does and it is amazing! Unfortunatelly this subsided on stage 4. It didn’t really make me very horny - because of stages 1 and 2 I did not need to use porn/masturbation as a valve for my sexual energy, and also because of… [see below]

  • can be used to boost your efforts in achieving your goals or strengthening your energetic aspects, depending on your personal preferences and aspirations
    → 4/5: it really helped me to work on my creative goals as musician. All the extra energy that I had could be directed into my musical ventures.

  • can be used alongside other subliminals such as Mogul or Sage Immortal, unlocking powerful synergistic effects
    → 5/5: absolutely. I did use all of the four stages alongside my two customs (music (UE + MEye) and leadership (Chosen+OG Stark)). I feel that it fueled them nicely. They are very focused but still quite heavy two core + 18 modules customs and I could pull them off easily. They also are very aligned with my goals.

  • challenges you to confront and overcome your deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations regarding sexuality, sexual expression, and sexual energy
    3/5: still working on this and one reason why I want to continue with KB.

  • develops mastery within you that allows you greater control and precision over your sexual energy and it’s transformative powers
    3,5-4/5: yes, see above.

  • naturally develops your energetic sensitivity
    3,5-4/5: probably, but I feel that I should use Alchemist that I bought as one of my very first subs, when it is updated, to get a more comprehensive grasp on this.

How am I going to continue? I started today with newLB and newSanguine on a two-stack cycle and hope to focus more on myself, because during the last year I worked quite hard and I had to pay some toll regarding my health, so I’m cutting back on this behalf and will elevate myself through self love and self care. Hopefully my relationship with myself, people and life itself will really benefit from this.

Later on I’m sure I will redo the KB cyclus, with all four stages. Maybe I’m then building a custom with nLB and nSanguine, we’ll see how they go as major titles.

Thanks for reading and big thanks to Fire and Saint for this truly life altering and enhancing title.


could you share your experience on that ?I never wash that long…I am curious what will happen during that time,I know it will be deeper integration ,better execution and etc…what is the time frame of all that ? :grinning: also congratulations for your success !!!

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Could this mean, that your subconscious is prioritizing content from other stages? EG that there’s still trauma left that needs healing?

Did you ever run full loops or at least longer loops of all the stages?
Perhaps that would help. Saint recently explained, that each title is built like a mini fourstager it self. So if you only ever listened to the first 3 minutes, you’ve probably never reached stage 2, not to speak of 3 or 4 of each stage.
Since each substage builds on the previous one and deepens the effect, I could imagine, that building up to full loops might bring better results.

I’ve listened to stage 1 for 2 cycles with 3 minute loops. Minimal results. For the third cycle I went straight to full loops. And bam, the results I’ve yearned for.
I wouldn’t recommend going straight to full loops (I had 2 cycles of 3 min loops to build up momentum), but since you’ve listened to KB for 10 cycles, perhaps one cycle where you crank it up? Perhaps step by step?

I’ve just re-read your entries and I do understand you. My first hunch was just start from stage 1 again. But then, I know, that I feel a bit limited with my stack being fixed for 4 months.

Or perhaps you could run microloops of KB4 every other week to keep it working in your system?
Of course that would be experimental.

If run long enough, will stage 4 ever bring the same amount of energy stage 3 delivers?
Or will the other stages always have precedence?

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