Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

Well, this brought tears to my eyes… beautifully written. I’m deeply touched. 🥹


Does this also bring you to a place where you can begin to hold unconditional love, this has often been proclaimed as a love that is beyond duality and the need for motives, agenda, and direction. All other forms of love are based upon the expression of human needs and desires. Unconditional love is more of a spiritual love transcending the realm of human nature, bringing love to a cosmic scale as just a presence to warm yourself in, it is there simply as part of the existence and brings a profound sense of peace.

I have always thought of this as both the origin and source of love as it is the very essence of this magical feeling. It is something we can emote, feel, and sense but it is neither of those as we only use emotion feeling and sensation to experience it, the very nature of this unique property of life is the very attribute of the element space itself.

Can this program connect us with that unconditional source of love for spiritual growth?

Or is that not the intention of this program?

Have experienced this before with spiritual masters and I can only describe it as a presence of love that surrounds them and emanates from them but does not have any kind of intention. This is unconditional love. It is not objectified…


I think this is the clarification that we’ve all been missing in the “self love in LB vs LBFH” convo

Thanks Saint!


I know I’m a metal head but this is one of my favorite songs ever

Feels appropriate for the new Love Bomb


Dare I say this copy, speaks to me most of all copies to date.

My intuition for Love Bomb was correct.

This is going to integrate beautifully with Khan Black (Sexual Creative Energy) and Khan (Strength, Victory).

Like it feels already like the great balancer to integrate the depth and the strength of the Khans into the heart, as a full expressive sovereign loving strong being.

Warrior of Love kinda vibe… like a very true aspect of my psyche.

This is definitely joining my stack next cycle.

Hype hype.
Never ‘believed’ in presults before, but my mind is already drawing up lines and relations and interplays… I think this is the missing key to light the Khans ablaze in the fiery heart of Luuurve. Now that feels like an authentic expression.



I’ve had the same reaction when I read the copy. Here are my thoughts on it:


Wish heartsong was included in the similarities/differences section


This title seems to be so universally good, unfortunately I have no room in my stack for it now, but consider to crate custom with Heartsong and this included.

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I like your thoughts.

There’s something about reading this copy that shifts my perspective from a ‘Am I failing at Khan?’ to ‘Bro, you are that in your deepest core’

Love as the leverage needed to transmute these leaden grudges into Gold… and embody the Strength of the Khans.

Just riffing…

But I got a good feeling about this sub, and I look forward to next cycle.


Heartsong is purely for romantic love and related healing.

Love Bomb is for self-love and also for attracting all forms of love including romantic, platonic, familial, work, etc.


Really nervous about running this. May hold off. I have spent so much of my life hating myself that I’m not sure I know how to change that


You don’t need to change anything. Run Love Bomb and let love change you into something you love.


I had Sanguine and PN in a custom which did wonders for the marital bed. I definitely can’t wait to see LB and PN together.


Khan TB has become much more enjoyable since I’ve added the New Sanguine. I think it is fair to say that either Sanguine or Love Bomb added to an alpha multistager like Khan will not only make it easier for yourself to survive the rough patches, but also make it less likely that you’d change stacks prematurely out of frustration or self-doubt.


Yeah, I had similar thoughts about Sanguine.
Love Bomb/Sanguine may end up being my first custom, we’ll see.

Glad to hear it’s been helping you, I remember reading about some of the uncomfortable psycho-emotional symptoms you’d been enduring in your run of TB. Certainly had my share of those as well.

Well, roll on next cycle. Got LBFH to see me through this one!


regarding outwardly love?

When I read this I think Picard, Mother Teresa, Ghandi, is it a right way to see it? Is it what this product works to create? Or is it more LBfH?
So there is no product right now only focused on self love (without the outward love and empowering others).


Love this line.

Om Mani Padme Hum vibes 🪷



I’m seeing some great stacking potential(s), though it’s designed to stack with anything.

Khan Black and Love Bomb seems tremendous.

Heartsong and Love Bomb, as mentioned in the title.

And, Hero Origins and Love Bomb.


@SaintSovereign How would LB stack with Renaissance Man?


I think there is something to the saying that you will not be able to truly love others if you cannot love yourself first. I think it is also a kind of hindrance to think in terms of external/internal love.
Or rather, you could view yourself like a cup that, if you fill it with love, will eventually overflow, at which point it becomes “external” as well.


The New Bomb + Ascension or Genesis now seem to be the perfect starter combo.
This sub is worth staying in a stack for a full year or longer.