Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Sanguine (Now Available! Q Core Available!)

Yup. Thinking of combining each stage of Khan after TB with New Sanguine and the upcoming Lovebomb, while practicing shamatha(concentration) meditation to take action on Sanguine and some type of metta meditation to amplify Lovebomb.


Splendid explanation Sir

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Has anyone been playing this BEFORE other subs? I feel like it’s helping relax my subconscious, allowing other subs to integrate better.

I started using NR on Tuesday, playing this (Sanguine) before it. I’m heavily logical so have a hard time believing manifestation stuff but had a crazy experience: Went to buy a new fragrance Yesterday but the shop didn’t have it in stock. Was walking home and my intuition told me to walk a different way than usual, the scenic route.

So I’m walking along and there’s a bright red shopping bag in the bushes. It was a bag for another fragrance shop that i’d totally forgotten about - thought I’d check them out for the fragrance I wanted. It was literally half price in there, saving me £60.

I’ve never had a sub work so fast. I can only put it down to Sanguine making the programming work faster (better?). Absolute staple in my stacks now.


I didn’t get the instant dose of goodness from my first or second loop with this sub like it seems many here experienced. In fact, I was irritable af in certain contexts over the last week, like driving – it’s like a little rain scrambled people’s brains, and I had no patience for it. Not every time, but enough to be noticeable. I was “off”.

This morning I’d had enough of the emotional roller coaster though, and found my way into a deep, identity creating/dis-creating meditation for about an hour and change.

After I was done, I felt like a new man. Lighter. Bigger. Calmer. Present.

I realized afterwards, right as I was going to run my subs, that Sanguine had finally kicked in…

And guide me it did…

I was just about to swap it out of my stack too, but now that I’ve had a glimpse of how deeply, and subtly, the NSE scripting can operate, it’s stickin’ around.

It might not be the relaxation I want, but it’s def the relaxation I need.

This one took me by surprise.


It definitely had to settle for me too. I was actually surprised how much recon it kicked up at first. But it was like the relaxation just allowed the emotions to surface. What I did with those emotions was then entirely up to me. Not always easy. And throughout my life I mistook dissociation for relaxation, so learning what relaxation is when those emotions pass through and give way to space has been a new experience to me.


Really good results half a cycle in:


What’s the best relaxation technique you ever come across?

Has anyone had experience with Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)? Does that stuff work?

I don’t do much “technique” aside from meditation… But:
Mental reframing is giving me the most relaxation.
Believing in reincarnation and law of compensation take so much off my shoulders.

law of compensation

You will be compensated for everything that you do.

Whatever we do, think, or feel, will create a level of compensation equal to the deed we perform. We receive what we deserve for the things we do in our lives, big or small.

It may not always come back to us in monetary forms. We could gain friends, business relationships, accolades, and new opportunities.

This being ultimately real or not does not matter. It comes down to if this benefits me or not.

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Anyone running this with Khan?

I am. They work together really well. Khan St1 makes you introspective, and an elevated mood and deep relaxation will help you calmly analyze what is holding you back.

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That’s how you feel?
Does it make you feel positive and happy or just chill?

Oh yeah! As I’ve mentioned in my log, some people around me think that I’m high on something. Aside from a few grumpy neighbors, people have responded positively to this change as well, and in conversations I feel carefree and expressive. For some reason, even my choice of words and memory recall have become better(most likely because of increased relaxation). I do everything to maximize Sanguine’s effect though(I sit down to do Yoga Nidra and various other relaxation techniques until I feel like I am floating and experience strong bliss throughout my body), as I really want to make sure that I won’t get as irritated on Khan as before. For that purpose, it does everything it says on the tin.

Edit: One more thing: I ran full loops right away, and experienced no recon. It feels really gentle and lightweight, pretty much the opposite of Khan. Then again, it could be that I experience no recon because I feel it is really easy to take action on Sanguine, as I already have experience with various forms of meditation, so your mileage may vary.


This product seems to be faster acting than Love Bomb.

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Hmm, I view it from a different angle.
If you say that it is “faster acting” than sub x, then it makes it seem as if it was a pill to be ingested.
However, I think that the speed at which we execute on subs is naturally dependent on how closely aligned with its goals we already are. If not, then we experience reconciliation and have to act correspondingly until it becomes congruent with our own individual reality, at which point we no longer experience recon and execute really well.
And for that matter, it seems to me that the goals of Lovebomb are more difficult to realize for most than those of Sanguine. Being chill and in a good mood and experiencing deeper levels of stillness is most likely closer to most people’s lived realities than feeling unconditional self-love for themselves to the point that their cup is overflowing with a corresponding aura of love.


It’s with LBFH instead of LB, but it took me around 4 cycles to truly understand and live it. it’s a hard concept to grasp if you’re unfamiliar with it.

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I used to. Nothing officially, I just followed the book. It had some benefits and some drawbacks. Benefits, most relaxed I’ve been after sessions. Drawbacks, very easy to overdo it and not realize it. I had to stop using it because it was too direct for me. I found it left me very raw and open afterwards, more sensitive, so I’d snap back into trauma patterns like a rubber band. I’ve since learned that these purely physical approaches don’t work for me because it’s a type of bypassing and forcing changes for me.

However I have heard good things about it. Just seemed like a mixed bag to me. It didn’t sit right for me, maybe I needed a professional to guide me.


Thanks for explaining your experience. I was doing it at night, tremoring for 3-5 minutes after the exercises, or until the shaking felt somewhat completed.

Like you, I felt relaxed afterwards and slept very well. Sometimes the next day I felt more emotional, like I was processing my feelings more.

It’s an interesting practice. I kind of became lazy and have not done it for a week or more. It feels like the type of thing that would take years to reap real benefits from and I’m not sure I am motivated or committed enough to see it through for that length of time.

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Reading through the sales page again, I feel like Qui-gon Jinn embodies the “Sanguine archetype.”

Yesterday I ran 15 min Sanguine (second cycle) along with 1 min Phoenix.

Done some gratitude and mindset work before going to sleep. Today I woke up with great mood, despite again sleeping not that much. I was happy all morning, appreciating things around me, nature beauty, I was really positive during my way to work which almost never happen. Overall, I felt great better part of the day.

Also, it seems that Sanguine is helping my massively regarding my brakeup of long term relationship. It makes me much more chill about it and generally optimistic about the future.