The Wanted Emperor

Hello ladies and gents; staff and lurkers; bots and AI…this is where I’ll document some of the magic moments along the journey to embodying my concept of The Wanted Emperor.

I’ll explain more about what that means, but first I have to share something boggling my mind that happened after listening to just ONE loop of Wanted this morning.

Before I tell you that though, you need some context.

It was my birthday recently and I decided to climb a mountain. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and took me close to the edge of my physical limits.

If you’ve never climbed a mountain before (like I hadn’t before this), imagine a hard day at the gym (or any other activity) where you felt fatigued, winded, and had waves of nausea. Then imagine that lasting for 6-10 hours every day for three days. That’s pretty close to my experience.

I highly recommend it.

And of course, I had to get a picture of myself at the summit. Otherwise, did it even happen? :wink:

So here’s what happened today after just one loop of Wanted.

I posted that photo of myself at the summit to a social media profile (where I hardly share anything and usually only get a handful of likes plus the odd comment from family members), but today I got the unexpected…

A ton of interest from (non-family) women in the comments in the form of asking questions, complimenting my looks (you can’t really see my face), and dropping fire emojis.

Now, I’m a little skeptical to say the least because I know women are drawn to men who do activities like this anyway, but the coincidence is too great not to share it here.

Pretty damn sweet as a first taste of what just one of these subs can do.

Looking forward to adding Emperor to the mix later today.

When I get a chance, I’ll post more about my concept of The Wanted Emperor, how it aligns with my current state, and where I want to take it.


Ok, I know I said I’d post my concept of The Wanted Emperor next, but I have to get this new thing that happened with a ridiculously hot young woman down before I change my mind.

So I decided to listen to another loop of Wanted (after listening to a loop of Emperor) before taking a walk down to the store to pick up some groceries.

I had the idea to field test this combo in the wilds of my small neighborhood to see what was what, and if the effects were something I could notice right away.

Well, long story short: yes. I noticed. They were obvious. But the effects weren’t what I thought they would be.

First of all, I felt invincible. Like nothing in the world could throw me off my game mentally, emotionally, or physically.

I already have a decent amount of self-confidence, but this was like taking a shot of 3 parts James Bond swagger, 1 part No-BS-taking King Leonidas, and a healthy float of animal magnetism.

Second, I felt taller (yea, it sounds as weird as it felt) and I had a moment with myself in the bathroom mirror – it was like unconditional self-love – where even though my nose is peeling and my neck is red from my trip up the mountain, I noticed and felt completely perfect (and damn good looking) the way I am.

So that was interesting and cool to experience, but here is where the magic happened with that hot, young woman…

On my way back from the store (where I got looks from women, but it seemed like they were more intimidated than enamored), I randomly decided to go into Starbucks to test it a little more.

Nothing notable happened except more of the same: decent amount of looks but no one woman seemed comfortable with my return eye contact.

Except for when I walked out of the Starbucks.

There she was. Standing across the street at the light. Radiating pure, unadulterated sex appeal. Completely comfortable with how she filled out her tight tank top and jeans.

We made strong eye contact as I rounded the corner of Starbucks that lasted all of three-to-four seconds, and even though all my base animal instincts wanted to keep my eyes locked onto hers…

…I broke eye contact and continued down my side of the street and away from her like nothing happened. (This has to be the nonchalance of Wanted.)

But what happened next blew my damn mind.

I was almost to the end of the block, already having left her behind (mentally as well as physically) on the opposite side of the street, when she appeared next to me on my left, power walked passed me and swayed her well-proportioned hips right across my line of travel to the opposite side of me.

To say I was in disbelief would be an understatement.

I don’t walk too fast, but I also don’t walk slowly either. She had to have double-timed her little legs to catch up to and pass me like that before I reached the end of the block – she couldn’t have been much taller than 5 feet.

So there we were at the corner waiting for the light to turn for what was probably 7 seconds, but felt like 700 while my mind tried to comprehend what the hell was happening.

I looked over at her and could sense her sense me…

…and I choked.

The light turned. A beat passed. Then she stepped down into the intersection and slowly began to speed away.

She passed a guy on the phone at the other end of the intersection and I watched him literally lose his mind and become incapable of speech mid-sentence…she was that kind of fire.

Not the happy ending I would prefer, but there is a silver lining.

This experience revealed a lot about this combo of Wanted + Emperor within a short span of exposure.

It. Is. Powerful.

I’ll have to experiment with softening my gaze – I can already be a little intimidating – so this combo might’ve put it over the top.

It also revealed a limiting belief I haven’t addressed before now: that a hot, younger female would consider me too old and therefore creepy for hitting on her.

I’m not that old plus I don’t look my age, but I did just hit a milestone, so it’s messed with me a little bit.

No. It was just a moment of losing the moment and letting self-doubt enter in. Not believing what I was experiencing was perfectly meant for me.

Yet, all it took was that small sliver of doubt to make me hesitate and miss an opportunity to let whatever magic that could’ve happened happen. I could literally feel the internal gridlock between my desire to talk to her to see where it led and that limiting belief holding me back. But, it won’t happen again.

Regardless of the outcome today, I consider this test and combo a win…I got a taste of the power of these subs, some real feedback from the outside environment, and became aware of and removed a limiting story from my brain.

Not bad for a first day. And I’m excited for the possibilities these subs will help me unlock.

Next posts will cover target outcomes I have for this combo.


You know, I didn’t fully appreciate all the nuance within the sales pages for both Wanted and Emperor until attempting to articulate just why I intuited this combo to be perfect for me.

There is so much to unpack.

There are so many characteristics and traits between these two subs that support and reinforce each other that it’d be easier to talk about the one, singular point of potential conflict (that I could fathom) which may occur between these two powerhouse subs.

But to be fair, it’s only my second day so time will tell if my intuition and initial perceptions are correct.

Ok, so what did I come up with?

How did I finally articulate my concept of The Wanted Emperor?

Well to be completely honest, I couldn’t come up with a pithy one-liner – or a two-, three-, or four-liner – to encapsulate it…I didn’t have the time.

And labeling it something like the “James-Bond-meets-Alexander-the-Great stack” just didn’t fit, plus that’s a fucken terrible label.

What I do have is hundreds of lines of notes in my personal journal that I’ll spare everyone here the time to wade through and decipher.

Instead I’ll outline some core values and results potentially enhanced using this stack – these subs are truly an unfair advantage we have given the expectation of success – and I’ll point out the only occasion these two mammoth subs might butt heads.

So here is where I think these subs seamlessly support and elevate one another…

Targeted Core Values

  • Supreme self-confidence in any endeavor
  • Masterful shaping of reality
  • Complete integration, acceptance, and utility of all elements of human nature
  • Stress-free striving towards excellence in any endeavor
  • Self-reliance, authentic expression, and an impenetrable frame

Targeted Results

  • Unlimited possibilities for wealth generation
  • Notable increase in positive attention and respect, in general and from women
  • Enhanced eloquence in all manner of communication
  • Fearlessly-smooth operation in seduction

That’s a condensed list based off of their respective sales pages and my own unpacking of nuances.

Now here’s the ONE area that could be at odds in these two subs…and it has to do with one of my own favorite pastimes: women.

It’s clear from the sales page that Emperor doesn’t fuck around and trifle with time. That sub is about getting clear on targeted goals and then getting shit done. Empires don’t get built by wasting time and floundering around.

But Wanted is no slouch about using time effectively either. Striving for excellence is at the heart of both of these badboys, imo. And excellence isn’t achieved through partaking in frivolous, time-wasting activities. It’s focused. It’s deliberate. Mastery is forged thru the fires of practice. And to be a Wanted man, you will need to have attained some measure of mastery.

With that said, the ability to effortlessly, naturally, and successfully flirt with women means that you will necessarily treat time as a trifle, at least during those moments. How else would you be able to achieve the playful nonchalance of a master seducer?

(A quote I love but can’t remember where from at the moment is: “Never rush. Especially when you’re in a hurry.”)

So you can try the 'ole, “I really can’t stay but I had to come talk to you” bit, but good luck becoming a master seducer from that short springboard. And I’m inclined to think that Emperor will push you to do just that and “hurry it up already” when courting a woman.

I imagine if Wanted treats a woman like a fine wine, or single malt scotch, to be appreciated for all their nuances; Emperor would treat a woman like a shot of Jack – you order it, slam it back, and maybe have another before you leave to go catch the game / fight / show / whatever.

Nothing wrong with either. Whatever floats the ole boat. There’s a time for both.

But this is where I see the two subs potentially needing to have a sit down over a few drinks to hash out the game plan before either one of them has a chance to cock up potentially great opportunities – like I did yesterday XD

I for one have to be aware of this because I’m already naturally inclined to procrastinating for a good bit of fun with a…fine wine. So Emperor may actually help me here.

Time will tell.

Next update here will probably be after this week’s run, unless more magic happens along the way.


I read in another thread that these subs will / may help us produce challenges in our intended growth areas.

Had a big one yesterday. The funny thing is, I hardly reacted emotionally to it at all.

Without going into too much detail, and to keep this post short, I got passed over for a teaching position I’m more than qualified for in a subject I’m truly passionate about.

(I don’t make my living from this, so I didn’t need it.)

Anyway, there was a part of me that felt “well this is some bullshit” but just as quickly I moved on to objectively analyzing it and felt – to steal a line from Jocko – “good”.

I must have broken some sort of speed record because that shift was damn near instant. Faster than it took to write all that.

Looks like The Wanted Emperor has a great effect on framing reality a la “you are the master of your reality and being.”

Also…a quick side note about the sex & romance part (keeping it PG-13):

Sex was incredible last night with a woman I hook up with here and there. It’s not that other times suck, but other times generally aren’t as passionate – and last night was some level 10 passion. The kind that makes your neighbors uncomfortable. Not a terrible side effect of this stack.

The Wanted Emperor already making waves. :sunglasses:


Taking a rest day on what would be the fourth day of subs today. My brain feels like it’s buzzing. Like there’s a serious lightening storm going on in there.

But not in a bad way. I imagine there are a lot of useful new connections being made, and hopefully some not-so-useful ones being unmade.

I’m not a chemist, but something made me wonder about the energy it takes to form and break bonds so I looked it up and found this interesting bit of info I want to save here for later – maybe it’s relevant, maybe it’s not:

Reflecting over the past three days, the most notable experiences were:

  • being non-reactive emotionally when a thing I really wanted didn’t go my way
  • feeling super confident and at ease everywhere I went
  • articulating thoughts and ideas a little more clearly and concisely
  • noticing a decrease in desire to have a casual drink in the evening
  • discovering and dismantling a limiting belief about my age being a thing that prevents me from attracting younger, hotter women

Plus, I woke up today with the idea to block time for a concrete workout regimen, instead of continuing with the haphazard calisthenics I do here and there.

The other thing I noticed is I’m tearing through forum posts here trying to glean information that may help me become more aware of the effects of these subs, like this useful thread here about rest days:

And now I’m looking at picking up an ultima title to enhance the wealth building side of things and RICH looks like the ticket.

So, my stack would be:

Inner Circle is on deck because it sounds really useful across the board, but want to run these two for a couple weeks first.

We’ll see. Taking it easy. Have to keep reminding myself: consistency before intensity.

Side note: sharing all this information publicly is a new thing for me, and definitely outside my comfort zone. Part of me wants to delete and remove everything I’ve posted. Which I may do. Want to dig deeper into why before deciding.


Wasn’t planning on it, but taking today off from any loops of Emperor and Wanted.

I’ve had this interesting sensation where it feels like waves of energy originating from my brain and flowing throughout my body. With a sense of it emanating outward as well.

The sensation is more pronounced when I open my focus and consciously expand my awareness.

Interesting stuff. Don’t know what it means, but wanted to make note of it here for future reference.

As far as more concrete effects go, I posted in the main Wanted thread, but my FB dating account got disabled yesterday, so that was funny.

Is it a Wanted manifestation to make me more mysterious and not easily availble? Sure. Lets go with that.

But seriously, I’m fascinated by that occurring because I had been thinking of disabling it for the past week or so anyway…and it just…happened. (insert spooky twilight zone music)

Going to try and follow the advice of the experienced users here and keep my listening schedule to a minimum. Do the less is more thing.

It’s tough though because even though I just started, it seems like I’ve already associated the efficacy of the subs with the physical experience of playing the subs – when it doesn’t seem like that’s the case with everything I’ve read so far here.

So far it’s been 3 days of 2x Emperor & 2x Wanted. Then I wanted a break yesterday, and I’m still feeling something today, so more rest.

That’s 3 days on, 2 days off so far. And only a thousand more to go.


Another rest day today. Makes it 3 days on, 3 days off so far.

Today felt good. No “fullness” feeling in my brain and smooth sailing with my extracurricular activities.

Had an interesting experience that I hesitated writing here, but decided why not. It’s of interest to me to track going forward and other Wanted users may experience similar effects.

I had a woman ask, “did you get bigger?” when we hooked up.

I haven’t done anything to make that happen manually or otherwise so it was a surprise to hear, but it’s definitely not the worst thing a man can hear – and could’ve just been that blood flow was awesome today.

So this is after a total of 6 loops of Wanted this week. Won’t know if it’s legit until I do another few rounds of…testing.

Looking forward to Week 2 of The Wanted Emperor stack.


Excellent journal, @summit. Love the way you write your journal entries.

Also, your name also aligns with you climbing up the mountain summit :wink:


Glad you’re enjoying the read, @Lion.

The only way to get to The Summit is by taking one well-placed step after the next, and my name reminds me.



Well, I had my first run-in with reconciliation yesterday. And thanks to people’s entries here on the forum, I was able to identify it and not get too in-my-head about how I felt, and things I have / haven’t done.

It wasn’t a fun ride.

Not much else to report except a couple things that happened on Sunday…

I got the itch to “go out” late in the afternoon, so I got dressed (a little more put together than I normally would) and headed out to get some sushi.

Two noticeable differences in my behavior occurred:

  • my first choice of restaurant had a good-sized line, and I immediately chose not to wait (where normally I am fairly patient)
  • and my second choice sat me immediately, but they failed to bring me a menu within my first 5 minutes there, so I got up and left.

Both of those things aren’t huge deals, but they’re not in-line with past behavior where I would’ve been more patient (because I really enjoy sushi), so I figure it was an Emperor-energy thing. It was completely non-emotional. And even though the menu thing made sense because they were really busy, it wasn’t in line with what I wanted to experience. Simple as that.

Found my way to the bar next door and ate nachos instead, which were good, but what was better was the service and the ambiance. It was exactly what I wanted.

Here’s where I felt the overlap of confidence, nonchalance, and attraction of The Wanted Emperor stack really shine.

Got a good number of looks, some strong eye-contact from a cute server (she strolled by my table when she didn’t have to…and then disappeared), and I felt completely comfortable being there solo while literally everyone else was in a group (I’m generally fine solo, but this felt like I owned the damn place).

That’s basically it. Nothing dramatic. But I figure these little shifts will eventually add up to something big. Time will tell.

I’ve been going back and forth debating whether or not I’m going to add RICH to this stack and alternate it with Wanted, since they both have energetic scripting. Not sure what that means, but figure running them on alternating days would work.

Probably add that in next week since I wouldn’t mind a ridiculous upgrade to my income.


Reminds me of me on Emperor 3. Pre-Q

If you search the word “tanning” by me it should show up. I was pissed lol


Yup. Emperor does not like time wasting.

I am noticing a trend with WANTED. The sub nudges the user to improve their style and appearance. Still early days though.

Adding RICH sounds like a good idea. Give it time though (another month perhaps).


Noticing this as well, I’ve been on wanted since the hour it was released and I’ve had this extreme urge to get a haircut asap, sadly the barbers only open from Friday when the social restrictions are lifted, other than that I also spent quite a bit on new clothes that are really different from my normal clothing style, like I normally enjoy minimalistic fitted t-shirts, but since the 3rd day of listening to wanted, I’ve bought 4 shirts, with different fit styles and been trying out more styles (like layering, tucked in with sleeves up, etc.)


Had a bit of a roller coaster experience over the past week. Overexposure probably played a part because I was running a couple loops of Emperor and Wanted every day for 5 days, plus I threw in a loop of Inner Circle on a couple days.

Not doing that again. The up and down was a little too much and lowered my work productivity, so I had to take some extra days off of subs.

Today would be my fifth day of rest and I feel pretty good, so I’m itching to try running one loop of my complete stack (Emperor, Inner Circle, Wanted) today, take tomorrow off, and see how it feels and how results differ when I implement a 1 day on, 1-2 days off listening schedule for the next week or so.

I want to figure out what listening schedule is optimal for my subconscious to process and execute so I can spend less time in recon and more time reshaping reality.

Except for the second day of rest where recon was the worst and I didn’t want to do anything at all, a great overall mindset shift happened this week…

I’ve done some form of exercise or movement skills training for 6 days straight, and today will be the 7th. Nothing crazy or over-the-top. A cross-training mix of cardio, calisthenics, kettlebell and movement training is all. Things to get my heart rate up, work up a sweat, and/or increase functional strength.

Going from barely working out this past year and carrying an extra 20-30 pounds of weight to shifting into the “it’s time to stop fucking around and get it done” gear feels good. Really good.

Wanting this mindset shift was the reason I almost bought Spartan as my first sub, but it’s cool that the combined effects of the The Wanted Emperor stack has nudged me to raise my standards for myself and effectively overcome that complacent, lazy inertia and renew a commitment to achieving my peak health and fitness.

Looking back, it’s not a bad trade-off for lower work output and some recon.

In fact, an interesting thing happened when I was on a morning run that’s never happened to me before (and another cool effect I attribute to Wanted)…

…but instead of rewriting it here, I’ll link to the post.

That’s it for this entry.


Want to track a couple things in this entry: a crazy-but-awesome dream, and the start of a new listening schedule.

First the listening schedule.

For the first two weeks on this stack, I did the 5 on / 2 off thing at 1-2 loops of Emperor + Wanted. (Inner Circle got introduced in week 2 at 1 loop every other day.)

The first week felt like I was on a constant high. I felt un-fucking-touchable. But the second week… Well, what goes up must come down, right? (At least when it runs out of fuel and hasn’t achieved escape velocity or escaped the gravitational influence of a massive body – look, I’m not a scientist but you get what I’m saying). Turns out that that exposure level was WAY too much for me and sent me into some serious recon for most of the second week. Not fun.

But there was a silver lining, and I experienced a major mindset shift at the end of the second week…which I wrote about yesterday.

So the experiment for this next week or two is to see if I can create / experience another shift with less exposure, and presumably less recon.

Today is Day 1 of the new, experimental listening schedule: 1 day on, 1 day off (maybe 2 days off as needed) where I’ll listen to 1 loop of each track of my stack:

1x Emperor (first thing in the morning)
1x Inner Circle (second thing in the morning)
1x Wanted (in the late afternoon / evening)

At the top of the range with the 1:1 schedule, exposure will be 3-4 hours of each sub over 7 days (so approx. 21 hours total sub exposure over two weeks…for those without a calculator). Sounds good to me, but we’ll see what happens.

Now that crazy-but-awesome dream…

First of all, this dream happened last night on my 5th day of rest from sub exposure. Which, if I understand / remember what I’ve read on the forum here, vivid and/or crazy dreams mean the sub is getting processed…right?

Maybe that’s what’s happening. Maybe not. I tend to have pretty vivid dreams anyway.

So here’s what happened: the dream starts with me setting some new boundaries and guidelines with prominent figures in my life that made them lash out and say some shitty things to me. Testing me, so-to-speak, to see if they could sway me.

I was a rock. An immovable object. And I felt completely calm and powerful in my stance in the dream. Not stubborn. There was a “knowing” that they needed figure shit out for themselves and I felt compassion for them. A tough love kind of situation.

So that part felt good, but where it got awesome was when the dreamscape switched and I was part of a covert team of operatives in hostile territory, and there was this red-headed beauty with a perfect body on the team. And she was un-fuck-with-able. She was mesmerizing and charismatic. She had all the qualities of a high-powered, independent woman. And she was dangerous.

Well, I did what anyone else would in that situation and proposed that we have sex and an ongoing relationship, with the potential option of exclusivity. She rejected that outright and I felt pretty bummed about it, but I kept my cool. Did I mention she was standing in front of me stark naked while I was proposing sex to her?

So, the best part of this dream wasn’t (only) that it was a potential-sex-with-a-hot-woman dream. It was the underlying feeling of concrete confidence. The absolute self-assurance. The skillful navigation of a complex emotional environment.

Feeling a massive attraction to a beautiful and accomplished woman, keeping cool and moving on after a rejection, then having her come back around to express her vulnerability and begin to get intimate…that was all icing on the cake. A cake I would’ve liked to enjoy.

Now, why tf do dreams have to end right at the best parts? Every. Time.

Of course I tried to go right back to sleep, but the dream changed.

I’m going to start listening to the Dreams LIFEcharger so I can harness the power of lucid dreaming…for science. lol

So why am I sharing this dream?

Because it really left an impression on me and made me think that these subs are having effects at such a deep level already that (and I’m speculating here) my mind will play out my ideal, new behavior patterns in dreams rather than wait for the opportunity to arise in my waking life.

(Also, Wanted probably has some “James Bond”-esque scripting.)

But idfk. So I’m throwing it out there. Looking back at this post months from now should be interesting.

My loop of Wanted finished as I completed writing this entry, and I have to say it feels a lot “heavier” than when I listened to Emperor + Inner Circle earlier.

Maybe I need to eat more. I’m operating on a caloric deficit today.


It’s been a hell of a week…but I’ll just highlight two things that stand out the most:

First, I had such intense recon 6 days ago that I was pretty much useless for 72 hours (the 2nd and 3rd day of processing were the worst). And when I say “useless” I mean: not being productive, not having fun, not doing things that elevate me, nada, nothing, zip, zombie, etc.

Might as well have hung an “Out Of Order” sign around my neck. lol

Now, I’m not 100% on this, but I actually think it was the addition of Inner Circle during that 3rd week that did it. Qv2 is no joke…as has been repeated on other threads.

There were thoughts that bubbled up to the surface during that time about drawing new people/mentors into my life, which was a limiting, negative belief stemming from some past, deep trauma, so I’m almost positive it was that sub that caused my almost 3 days of somnambulant behavior.

Ok, so that period was intense, and I was more myself on subsequent days…but the thing that’s really awesome and kind of blowing my mind is what happened today.

I got a really aggressive email from a client, who I’ve had a great rapport and working relationship with, where he demanded a refund on his (not insignificant) monthly payment …and he said a bunch of other stuff that wasn’t cool in the email too. So basically, he was attempting a breach of agreement.

Needless to say, my first thought was, “wtf?”

Here’s where I’m still both surprised and delighted by the obvious work this stack has already done for me…

Of course, I felt some kinda way about it. I won’t write what my initial thoughts were in case there are some underage kids reading this.

But, I was able to tap into a colder, logical, rational side of myself and I unequivocally shut that shit down immediately. Like a sniper shot to the heart, albeit in a more professional manner, of course.

And I didn’t do it completely cold-hearted either. I added a touch of kindness and compassion because he obviously was going thru something.

I’ll say this about the situation before I say how it ended. I was pretty fucking annoyed, to say the least. Clients / customers will talk shit and hate because they “didn’t get the promised results” (most likely because they didn’t put in their side of the work or some shit happened in their life and now they have excuses…whatever), sure, it’s par for the course, but this was different.

I’d had a good relationship with the guy and provided some outstanding service for him, so his angry, bipolar sounding email got to me…for all of 10 or so minutes before I composed myself again and wrote my response.

Pro-tip: record your conversations with your clients. Tell them that you’re doing so, of course. But this is how I was able to drop the hammer…because I had irrefutable proof.

Well, not long after I replied, I got a voicemail. It was a vehement apology from the guy and he had the craziest reason I’ve ever heard to-date…

…his WIFE was the one who emailed me, using his account. And there are a bunch of other details that I’ll spare you.

So why do I think this is anything but an amusing story?

Because of how I dealt with it.

There was this quality of my personality that expressed itself…I don’t know exactly how to describe it…but I was completely comfortable in absolutely squashing him like a bug, regardless of any negative reviews, feedback, or recourse he might take because of it.

It felt really good, too. I felt empowered. And all I considered was my exposure and where I might be vulnerable.

Sure, I’d have preferred to have another happy client, but he’d apparently chosen his path. So, I was willing to let it go pretty quick.

(By the way, we’re all good. I have zero hard feelings about it.)

If I had to give credit to a sub in my stack, this is definitely the work of the Emperor hands-down.

The other effect I can sense more this week is my focused attention on my wealth building strategies, and reevaluating my standards.

I’m being pulled more and more towards skills that will help me increase my wealth-generating ability.

To be continued…


Saint Sovereign reading this like:

Haha! My neighbor! :call_me_hand:

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@summit I saw that you are doing a 1:1 schedule. Are you doing 1 on 1 off continuously with no extra rest days? I’m trying to figure out what would work best. This week I’ve been doing 1 on 1 off, and plan to take an extra rest day at the end of the week. The effects are definitely more pronounced, but that could also be because it is a custom track.

This is exactly what I’m doing. Listening to 1 loop of each sub in my stack on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and taking the other days off for processing time.

And yea, I agree, the effects are much more noticeable. A small example would be, I woke up yesterday (a processing day) and decided to clean the bathroom first thing in the morning.

Can’t say I’ve ever done that before in my life. But it’s an example of me raising my standards across the board, which is definitely an effect of running my subs. And it just felt…right.

Saw that you stepped up and took on a leadership role in your journal, @JayFlex. I’m curious…was that on a rest day?

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No it wasn’t, I listened to my custom first thing in the morning. I’m a fireman and we were out doing a drill. I noticed my crew chief was struggling to get through the drill so I made suggestions to help move things along and finish the operation smoothly. My management was very impressed, they were still talking about it today during training.

Today is a rest day and I have noticed a difference. I wrote about it in my journal a few minutes ago. I’ve had a lot of mental clarity today. It could be recon, or it could be I’m finally being honest with myself about what I want. Most likely it’s the latter.