Good combo for Emperor ZP?

Hello, I am new to using Subliminal Club and started with Emperor ZP a few days ago (Following the recommended use schedule) and I wanted to ask personal opinions for another ZP that goes well with Emperor ZP. Now mainly what I am looking for is something to help with attraction from women towards me. So far the two that have interested me the most were Libertine and Wanted but other choices are welcome. I have also been working out more and Emperor has helped tremendously with my self discipline and willing to push myself and I noticed Wanted has Physical Shifting. If it helps me put on muscle that would be great.


Hey @Uber_Elysium and welcome to the SubClub community. It’s good to have you here. Emperor is a very well rounded sub covering a lot of bases, so it may be good just to stick with running it solo for a few weeks to get a feel for how it affects you. After 21 days of running the sub based on the guidelines, take 5 days rest, and then you can decide what best suits you at that time.

You’ll find that with ZP subs you’ll be transformed at a profoundly fast rate and it’ll be good, especially being new to SubClub and ZeroPoint technology, to get a strong baseline of Emperor first before deciding to add more.


These journals may provide some insight into how Emperor meshes with Libertine and Wanted: The Wanted Emperor; Becoming Harvey Specter (EmperorQ & Libertine Ultima); Libertine Ultima and Emporer - A Review.


Thank you for the response I will keep all of that in mind!


Hell yeah, thank you for the articles, I will definitely gives these a read!


Emperor is a great all around sub : wealth, seduction and status. You can steer it any way you want. It is even more effective if you pair with a more specialized sub.
Want more money? Pair with one or two wealth or money subs.
Want more sex? Pair it with a sex or seduction sub.
Want to be more productive? Pair it with a productivity sub.


Nice I will keep this in mind, Thank you!

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