Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

@Houdini I feel that this is true. We, including myself are always thinking about the high price of things aiming towards the poor house. We have to learn how to ride the wave, think positive and realize things are changing all the time. We must all help and work towards a better balance where we all can live financially in peace.


First day running a full 15 minutes of CWON. I started with 3 minutes, worked up to 5, then 8 and now 15. I may announce this as a new recon reduction listening pattern, or a pattern for beginners.

It not only reduced my recon significantly, but also helped me understand exactly what CWON is doing.

It seems that CWON is acting as a results booster, or “results uncoverer,” for lack of a better term. By this, I mean that I’m starting to express the scripting of titles I ran awhile back but saw little results from, like Love Bomb and even EmpFit Stage 3.

Now, I’m starting to see all of those come into play, especially Love Bomb. I’ve also been extremely careful with my diet for the past few days — my fiancée has too. We’ve cooked everything at home, and the meals have been extremely healthy. I’m still dealing with the body urging me to eat unhealthy, but I’ve been able to suppress them.

The calm confidence and sense of hope that comes from this is incredible. This is outperforming the Hope modules I put in my old custom (Qv2, not Zero Point).

The effect on the people around me is incredible too. Everyone is nicer, wanting to chat with me, do favors for me, etc.


Daaaaamn you’re tempting me with this. heh.


I would imagine CWON and Love Bomb would have incredible synergy


So would each listening day slightly increase evenly? Or do you listen to 3 minutes until you feel reduced recon, then listen to 5 until you feel reduced recon, then 8, then 15?


I’ve started noticing this recently as well. It’s only minor stuff e.g. $15-$20 value items, but I’ve received a number of unexpected freebies.

Also, when I make the effort to connect to people they respond instantly. It’s almost like flicking a switch, you can see them suddenly opening up and smiling like they’re happy just to know me.


I second this question. Very curious!


Noticing this as well. Yesterday was full of moments where this was occurring, especially with women. There was just an interesting vibe that kept occurring, and while it didn’t seem overly sexually charged, it felt like I could’ve easily pulled a phone number if I had so inclined. I’d really be interested seeing someone pair CWON with something like Libertine or another sexually charged title.


Reduced recon, then I increase listening time.


I’ve noticed that women are more interested in me when on CWoN as well although I cannot compare it to Khan or Libertine. That attraction doesn’t feel sexual although that spark is there with no doubt.


Experienced this too. After only one loop.


From earlier today:

I’m using my WANTED + Statk custom ( Troublemaker ZPT) with CWON (only started this yesterday)

Now @SaintSovereign i have an idea, which I think many people would also appreciate, and so would I:

Can we have CWON as a module that won’t count as a core for customs? Maybe a nerfed version, or modules that act similar to parts of CWON?

Because CWON is turning out to be an extremely good sub that can not only fit in any stack and improve it (Similar to ME), but it also feels like it just makes people admire you and love you, like a combination of all the attraction auras you guys have as modules (libertine + LB + Aura of Craving + approachability + DIA + etc.).


Naw. lol. It’s a core. CWON has A LOT of scripting. It’s just written using that new methodology.


The intensity of the scripting and the intensity of my dreams on CWoN make me think you did to ZP the same you did to Q changing it to Qv2. My guess is you removed the Primer or you reduced its power. That makes recon feel different, more intense yet easier to manage.


Only been running it 3 times but it is really really smooth


Well, was worth a shot :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note, how’s ME mixing with CWON for you?


I got reaaaaalllly good at strategy games. lol. So far, I’m only doing three minutes of Mind’s Eye. I haven’t tried the entire loop yet, but MEZP always had a bit of a subtle effect on me.


Going out in the sun seems to resolve recon for me. I have to stay outside long enough to get that “okay, it feels good out here, but the heat is starting to drain me,” feeling.

The red light therapy seems to have a similar effect, but isn’t as potent as actual sunlight.

On another note, upgrades are indeed coming. I’m not quite willing to call this Zero Point v2 yet. Normally, we probably wouldn’t go back and upgrade every title for changes like this, but I want to test the new version of Q, which is designed to make it easier for me to upgrade titles.

If all goes well, future upgrades will become much easier.


What if a person had just ordered a Custom?

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I imagine their NEXT custom would have the upgrade.