PLEASE READ: Qv2 has reached EOL status

Alright, let’s all chill and not respond to him.

I understand he’s incredibly frustrating, and I understand that the ignore function simply doesn’t help, and that we’re trying to reason and protect the forum but he simply doesn’t listen to a word we say.

All his posts are are repeated questions/answers and ‘I want to hear from the founders/creators’ in caps. We’re wasting our time replying to someone who simply just ignores what we say because we apparently aren’t on his level.

Just don’t reply and report his posts if you truly have an issue. This is a note to myself too :upside_down_face:.


Hahaha! This shows that Sage Inmortal works 100%.

This is the number one sexual atractor! It doesn’t matter which sexual appealing subliminal someone use. Guess why ZP, Q, Qv2,Terminus, Terminus^2 nor Terminus^n would not work…

I’m not using Sage :sob:

Hahahaha! This is priceless! I laughed and almost pee on myself.

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Pffff ! I am using my Zen custom when reading his posts but sometimes I lose my patience :rofl:


More importantly than anything I’m about to say:

You’re completely ignoring the trajectory of a company like this as well as the creators, Saint and Fire.

That means you’re trusting the products more than you trust the people that put hours and hours of their inspired time and individual purpose into creating them.

That’s not very logical, lol.

You do know that this stuff is connected, right?
These guys move forward and get better, it’s literally hardwired into their subconscious minds.

Given the nature of their work… there are the markers of and even a high probability of divine purpose… but that’s their business to explore, not mine.

They are constantly in a manifestation exchange with the collective (us) in a way where we both get closer to ours goals and elevate.

If you don’t trust that, then that’s your own fear.

In terms of congruent results which honestly are the only thing that matter…

ZP is objectively better than Qv2.

Qv2 is definitely backwards.

Your confusion comes from a strong lack of knowledge about stimulus, results and mechanism of subliminals.

That’s exemplified by your analogy in which you compared subliminals to ADHD medication.

You’re missing way too many variables…

In fact, what you’re proposing is actually impossible.
It’s impossible for someone to respond better to Qv2.

Define “respond better”. If we’re talking about congruent results, which I hope you are, since it’s literally why we’re all here…

Then ZP is scientifically an objective upgrade because of its higher focus on congruence. The concept of Zero Point and pushing reality, is a more fully fleshed out and higher form of embodiment/congruence.

It is objectively more congruence based than Qv2 both in literal technicality (script and wording) and in theory… and expectedly ALL results on the forum have shown a higher degree of congruent results. It’s literally all over the forum.

ZP works better for everyone. The thing is, some people because they lack knowledge and have a distorted sense of how subliminals work (one example of this being linearity), they will believe based on some contrived incorrect based conclusion that Qv2 is somehow better.

They themselves cannot accurately gauge the success of their results.

Show me a SINGLE instance where Qv2 worked better for someone compared to ZP and I will give you 1 million dollars.

The reason I will never give you a million dollars no matter what you share, is because what you perceive as “results” and what you’re testing is not based on congruence which requires deep belief change/work but more leaning toward consciously noticeable and fast acting state shifts. This is the only thing that you can compare with previous tech compared to ZP and even those are present and arguably more superior on ZP. The thing that everyone is after is congruent embodiment of what the subliminal is designed to do objectives-wise and overall/long-term speaking, ZP will get you there more reliably, more safely, more personally and more powerfully than Qv2.

This whole thing stems from you not knowing what congruent results are. The scientific method applied, would actually prove that ZP is better. The claim is 100% scientific.

The absolute irony of your stance is that, it in and of itself supports that ZP > Qv2 in terms of results…
because you personally feel that you respond better to Qv2 in some cases over ZP (don’t lie)… that leaning towards Qv2 more than ZP compared to others has shown that you’re less congruent than them. I mean just look at the thread, lol.

Let’s examine your analogy:
This part:

makes sense but here is the part your missing.

Subliminal = stimulus
Individual’s subconscious/belief systems = Psychological and biological make up

People’s subconscious minds are both EXTREMELY SIMILAR (mechanism, design, purpose, creation, default workings etc) and EXTREMELY DIFFERENT (belief systems, fears, sensitivities, propensities, inclinations etc)

The reason why ZP is objectively an upgrade is because it’s superior in how it taps into the EXTREMELY SIMILAR parts of our subconscious minds… the domain where individualness is the lowest and collectiveness is the highest.

Does that make sense?
So it’s not as simple as “well everyone responds differently, so you don’t know”

Our biological makeup comes in different shapes, sizes, colors and ultimately expressions but no matter how many billions of different interpretations and expressions there are… the overall, encompassing and underlying laws and boundaries through which they coincide in are all barely distinguishable and arguably identical, especially if you know what we truly are.

Also, @MadaraUchiha I’ve told you about this superority complex stuff before…

I don’t know how old you are but until you’ve faced that part of yourself in your lifetime, you will never be fulfilled.

You’re going to get blocked on the forum because men aren’t going to put up with you. Nobody is going to take you seriously and you’re not going to make any friends.

You will never have a fulfilling relationship with women, because that frame of self-hate you’re operating from is going to leak into everything.

You are depriving yourself of intimacy and social connection.

You’re going back on forth endlessly on internet forums… to what avail?
Are you really fulfilled in your life and enjoying yourself? Do you love yourself?

Look in the mirror and really be honest with yourself for a second.
I want to see beneath that super intelligent millionaire and see who he really is.

Did people ridicule you because of your ADHD?
I read that some children are at greater risk of being bullied because of their ADHD.
Why do you have this overexaggerated need to protect your ego?

You can be confident and feel proud of yourself without having to belittle others.

I don’t know you personally, but I promise you that the superiority complex you’re letting off in your posts is a strong indicator that you’re suppressing parts of yourself that you don’t want to face, quite possibly a trauma.

It’s completely separate from your ADHD. They don’t go hand in hand but the disposition can increase the potential of that manifesting in your subconscious through experience.

Either way, it’s not aligned with your true self and you have some learning to do.

None of this is new to you and you’ve known this for a while…
You just haven’t been listening to yourself, so here is yet again another reminder.

I’m not trying to play any games with you, listen to what I’m saying here. I’m dead serious.

I can tell you’re still using Qv2 subs, look around.
Most of the forum is strictly on ZP and leaving you in the dust.

You are becoming incompatible to their congruence.
At a certain point, people will have outgrown you so much they won’t even respond to you.
What then?
You’ll literally be a ghost. Is that what you want?
These are all great people too. People that you probably have more in common with than anyone else you met in real life… and here you are again pushing them away because your fragile ego is more important. It’s always going to be like that until you change. Especially with women. Forget about having a fulfilling intimate relationship with a woman unless you face yourself. It’s you, who is depriving yourself of social connection and intimacy through your ego and lack of self-love. It’s not the ADHD.

No friends, no lover and not even the forum that you’ve spent countless hours on and made hundreds of posts on respects you. This is your future unless you get your act together. Show some compassion to yourself.

Species who don’t like to evolve have no existence.

Start being honest with yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of. No one is judging you


I followed your journal and posts and they are one of the best.

Nevertheless i have to disagree in some respect.

Don’t worry, i won’t demand the million dollars :joy:

The thing is, the “old” technology of Qv2 and Ultima hasn’t been surpassed in every area.

Take this 2 examples:

Paragon Ultima and the rapid healing of a tumor.
Libertine and the incredible sex adventure with a celebrity.

We still have to find such things with ZP

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Could I have links to those journals please?

A slave who has 10 million dollars is still a slave.

A free person who has only 10 dollars is still free.

What constitutes wealth? What constitutes freedom? Answer for yourself.


Interesting to see the success numbers. That’s a nice upgrade folks, congrats!

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The healing of the tumor was described in the description of Paragon Ultima in the sales page.

The seduction of the celebrity story can be found in this journal:

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Hello, wonderful SubClub community,

I wanted to make a friendly public service announcement after seeing this disaster unfold. For those of you who don’t know you can ignore/block someone on the forum to enhance your experience. Here is how it works:

Step 1: Go to the person’s profile.
Step 2: On the upper right-hand corner you’ll see Message and Normal.
Step 3: Click on the Normal icon. That will give you multiple options. You will see Normal, Muted, and Ignore.
Step 4: Click Ignore and select a timeframe.

If the person has hidden their profile you can still ignore them. Go to your profile and click Preferences. Then click Users and you can ignore the person by entering in their username.

You’re welcome.


I accidently posted the same thing twice there, lol.

It’s funny when people remind me to use the ignore function. I was even suggested to use it by a moderator recently.

The reason it’s funny is because I’m one of the first people to encourage others to use it.

Here is the thing with Ignoring people and this also applies to Blocking people on other forms of social media. I learned this on ChosenZP.

This is not a shot to anyone, but just my opinion and my explanation on why I stopped using this function and believe that it shouldn’t exist.

You might think you’re being mature and setting a boundary, but from a social development standpoint it’s an incredibly immature and childish act to just eradicate someone’s existence like that from your view. You cannot interact with another human being in such a negating manner. It’s not natural and it trains your mind in an unrealistic fashion. You’re treating someone’s presence, thoughts, personality and energetic existence no different from something on Ad Blocker. If you are built within with compassion, understanding and have a healthy sense of empathy, then you automatically see the problem in that. An act like that comes from pure judgement, and zero understanding. You learn nothing. It’s not something you can do in the real world.

The one’s that you want to ignore the most are the one’s that you can probably learn the most from.

Read that twice.

“Why are you wasting time and energy replying to someone?”
Energy is never wasted when you have intention.

Just because it appears that there is no effect, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.
There is a lot more going on than people think or are taught to believe.

Everything you’re seeing is feedback. There are no coincidences, only extremely precise and intentional manifestations. This includes people.

Lol, well you get a million dollars if you can show that Qv2 worked better for someone compared to ZP.

So let’s see your examples:

Paragon Ultima healing a tumor…
This person would have to develop another tumor and use Paragon ZP to accurately gauge if it’s better.

You can’t say it hasn’t been “surpassed” because these are super specific manifestations and one-time things.

It’s like with me, I used Wanted Qv2 to manifest my current partner, but that’s a one time thing.
I can’t really replicate it with Wanted ZP in a way that’s better, the dynamic for what’s better doesn’t work like that. You’re basing it on something situational. I can say, that without a doubt Wanted ZP is 10x better in every single way and I can easily manifest new partners.

When you’re saying “surpassed” that’s a subjective standard.

I’m well aware of the Libertine Ultima experience of Saiyan4Blue
Something to note, is that he himself reported that the newer versions of Libertine have gotten better since the first one.

For that specific manifestation/experience with the celebrity, he was also using Stark Q and Diamond Ultima, which is a crucial detail. It’s not just a Libertine result. Remember, Stark is fame related and we’re talking about a celebrity. I’m pretty sure that on ZP, he could manifest celebrities left and right if he wanted to.


At least 3 significant modifications were made to ZP Scripting as the Preview progressed:

  1. The results of Mind’s Eye – released on Dec 31st – were so good, that it was decided to add elements from it into most future releases.

  2. The 14th Feb release of Quantum Limitless had new recon reduction tech in it.

  3. Saint & Fire considered the original Physical Shifting scripts of Wanted ZPP to yet be a work-in-progress. By 15th Feb, this tech must’ve also reached their satisfaction level – as that’s when they released Emperor Fitness.

My personal definition of "early ZPP files" is anything that was released before Mind’s Eye. Big/Popular Majors on that list are: Chosen, Wanted, Emperor, Primal Seduction, Sage Immortal, and RICH.

As the Q store is fully ZP-fied, my assumption is that when Fire was writing those ~150 Q Modules, final updates to these Core scripts would’ve also been completed. As the early files were all single stagers, the hotfixes could all be done pretty quickly.

Also, Qv2 being removed means the new buyers are now only getting the ZP files. We would want them to have the best version possible, not something that was kinda a beta release.



Oh, really? I’m running Wanted in this circle, so it means Wanted’s physical shifting doesn’t work in full?

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Surprised pikachu face. Are you telling me that the physical shifting on Emperor and Wanted gets even better!? I’ve already had crazy results with Emperor’s physical shifting so I can’t even imagine how much further it can go.

Did @Fire also update the cores with their completed versions when he updated the Q store or are they the same as in the main store zp preview?

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I come to this thread and all i see there are certain members throwing their toys out the pram and throwing their underwear at Saint and Fire.

All i can say are two things. This whole EOL thing is a natural process within the ecosystem of SC the last 3 years. Why are people complaining now ?

Why did the dinosaurs die out ? yes to make room for new evolved species. Do you think blood giant reptiles are gonna live in harmony with mammals i think not !!!.

Why dont we see people riding on horses to get to work these days like hundreds of years ago ?. Answer people use trains and automobiles.

Enough moaning and complaining like little girls who had their favourite doll thrown into the garbage bin. Get a life man and stop moaning.


No, it will be EVEN BETTER!


I agree with the general premises you put forth @Luther24 but I do want to mention that I personally had a better experience with Wanted Qv2 versus Wanted ZP.

The fact that @Simon mentioned that the physical shifting tech in Wanted was still a work in progress makes a lot of sense to me, because it left a lot to be desired. Immediately after I started WZP I had by far the worst acne breakout of my life, so there’s definitely something up with that.

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I don’t understand why we don’t see the long term in things. Like if I begin listening to a sub for massive physical shifting and I get insane acne I know that the script is doing something positive. Do we need nothing but positive and amazing results to trust a program? What if the way forward is by first taking you back slightly and there is no other way?

I say this because it’s true. Some of the weirdest ‘backwards’ effects have led me to the greatest physical shifts forward

And I’d hate for them to dilute their programs to appease to our have cake and eat it too attitude with things. Like we wanna grow taller and be super sexy with no back pain recon runny nose or even a tad insecurity