PLEASE READ: Qv2 has reached EOL status

As in “site cannot be reached” message on the browser when trying to access the forum?


Ah yes. I got this after a while too . So it worked out.


Yeah, not saying it was him, but we definitely had one. Just had to reboot the server and turn the protection on.


I mean coincidences happen, right? :clown_face:


Not all of us are @friday or @Invictus :sob:

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Must admit that that’s where my intuition pointed to too. Then I thought “naaah”

Whatever it was, glad to be back.


final ZP versions? What do you mean? Which titles still don’t have final ZP? And what makes them non-final?

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He’s asking whether the ZP versions everyone has are final since this period was dubbed the “Zero Point Preview.” Not sure yet. We’re about to conduct a final audit of everything right after we upload the objectives. Those that need updating / hotfixes, we’ll release.


understood. thank you


I was curious myself

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Omg man.

As i said earlier i absolutely am NOT rooting against subclub.

Wtf dude im literally using your products right now.

Why in the world would i attack your forum?

What exactly would i gain by that when i already told you your products have literally replaced all my other self improvement strategies?

How would it then help me in any way to attack your forum right now?

To be 100% clear, i absolutely did NOT ddos attack this forum.

I also got a weird error earlier and was unable to access the forum but i cleared my cookies and then it was fine again.

I also want to remind you that this is NOT the first time someone has tried to set me up like this.

Remember that day where someone was obviously using a software to literally flag all my posts as spam?

There is obviously someone on this forum who is actively trying to make me look bad.

Again, im literally in the middle of using the forum to research and decide what products to use when my washout ends. I have absolutely nothing to gain from attacking your forum.

Whoever DDOS attacked you i would guess is the same person who was using a software that day to suddenly flag all my posts as spam.

There is someone on this forum who is actively trying to set me up.


You sound 100%(to give some measure and made it more"scientific") like my ex-wife! This is not a compliment!

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IDK you kinda do that all on your own lol


This is exactly what she would said! Do you have mirror? ( Sometimes is a tool for self-reflection)


Gee!!! I couldn’t tell…

Who would do such an evil thing? Hummm…

To know who that could be, please use one of these :


Alright, let’s all chill and not respond to him.

I understand he’s incredibly frustrating, and I understand that the ignore function simply doesn’t help, and that we’re trying to reason and protect the forum but he simply doesn’t listen to a word we say.

All his posts are are repeated questions/answers and ‘I want to hear from the founders/creators’ in caps. We’re wasting our time replying to someone who simply just ignores what we say because we apparently aren’t on his level.

Just don’t reply and report his posts if you truly have an issue. This is a note to myself too :upside_down_face:.


Hahaha! This shows that Sage Inmortal works 100%.

This is the number one sexual atractor! It doesn’t matter which sexual appealing subliminal someone use. Guess why ZP, Q, Qv2,Terminus, Terminus^2 nor Terminus^n would not work…

I’m not using Sage :sob:

Hahahaha! This is priceless! I laughed and almost pee on myself.

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Pffff ! I am using my Zen custom when reading his posts but sometimes I lose my patience :rofl: