Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

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Pot meet kettle

Most likely not. @Malkuth would never compromise your delicate sensibilities


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Please stop


I can’t see who you’re replying to, but just a reminder that this feature exists lol

great feature


Gonna second that one. Guys there’s different perspectives here, different communication styles, and just cuz it’s zp doesn’t mean there’s no reconciliation. Please this thread is just getting out of control

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Can we please focus on ZP @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher will handle this

Any idea on the listening schedule when multistage ZPs are released? 21 days for each stage? or 45?

Once Emperor Fitness is out, is it a good idea to stack it with Spartan?


I actually was not sure and had to go and check. Sarcasm [Oxford Languages]: “the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.” There was definitely irony. Some playful mockery. No contempt. So not super-sarcastic. More just an ironic way of making a point.

That is already a reminder.

But do what you need to do.


We will probably know about that when everything is converted, but it will probably be the same thing, except you might be able to get away with only 21 days per stage.

Not 100% sure yet.


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@Mourn please take some time to cool off.

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I am perfectly cool. Merely defending myself against their mockery. Rofl.

There’s no need to be right. And there’s certainly no need to disrupt this thread. If you feel like someone is going at you, you can build a case and report them. But please, respect others who will be reading here.

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For sure bro, I respect everyone who deserves it, but I was just making a point about them, but it aight now.

Everyone, please read this.

Hi @Mourn.

I’ve noticed a pattern to your interactions here. They tend to escalate in a negative direction, even when you think they aren’t. You seem to provoke others, even when you think you’re not. I don’t think it’s because you’re smarter, better, harsh, or well-endowed. I think you are partially using this forum as a way to feel superior.

This forum is here for people wanting to improve themselves and help others along on the journey.

Whatever you think you are doing that elicits these negative reactions from others, even if you think you’re not doing anything, even if you think you’re not doing anything wrong, stop it.

This isn’t a discussion or debate, this is a warning.

If I think you are mocking, denigrating, belittling, insulting, demeaning, provoking, ridiculing, taunting, or baiting others, then I will ban you.

If I think you are acting in a dismissive, condescending, smug, harassing, gloating, humiliating, or contemptuous way towards others, then I will ban you.

If you continue to attempt to evade responsibility for your posts or explain away what I think you are doing or assert that you’re being misconstrued, then I will ban you.

If I think you are using this forum for self-amusement, self-aggrandizement, attention seeking, or self-validation, then I will ban you.

If I think you are reframing your negative posts as something positive, neutral, or innocent, then I will ban you.

If you would like to remain on this forum, show us how smart, self-aware, peaceful, calm, vindicated, successful, and mature you are in regards to cultivating a forum environment of respect, harmony, and empathy.

You seem to use others’ negative reactions to your posts as proof of what you think is superiority or specialness. Could it be that the reactions you’re getting from others might indicate something different than what you think they mean? Perhaps you can use others’ reactions as feedback to re-evaluate your interpersonal interactions to adjust your perceptions about and actions towards others in a way that creates rapport with and joy in others.

Or is it a matter of you rejecting others before they have a chance to reject you?

Or looking down on others so if they reject you, it doesn’t hurt as much because you thought they were beneath you anyways, so what difference does it make?

One more thing, I’m glad you have access to ZP. I think it will actually help you in ways no one yet understands, especially in the areas you don’t think you need it.


21 days would be awesome. Means that we can complete 1 listening cycle of a multistage in 4 months including the rest days.

Dragon Reborn → Emperor Fitness → Khan → EOG

I wonder if running 2 multistages is possible with ZP