Mini loop duration question

OK. So start with fifteen seconds and then increase by five or ten seconds until the sweet spot is hit?

Last question about this I hope. That may be two questions

I recall Saint mentioning that. I realize microloops are a newer thing. I was just looking for clarification

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Just ran fifteen seconds of Genesis-Mogul. I will run fifteen seconds of Index Gate on Saturday.

fair enough

I am not going to lie. I don’t understand how this works but I will do as instructed.

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You can probably start with 1-3 minutes since you’ve been running longer for awhile now. Then, find your sweet spot by monitoring results vs. recon. Some people will not need microloops. I, however, HAVE to use this strategy or I find myself lost in recon. It’s the only way we can make stronger and more effective titles. We wouldn’t recommend microloops if we didn’t think you could benefit from them greatly.


Thank you. I will start with one minute of the two titles in my stack and go from there.

The biggest issue is that people automatically assume that “more is better,” which as we’ve said multiple times, that isn’t necessarily the base. Sometimes, a “gentle push” is far more beneficial and enjoyable than a “hard push.” People have a tendency to treat running full loops vs. microloops as some kind of “challenge” rather than what it is – what is more effective.

Obviously, I understand the concept of wanting to push through obstacles faster, but remember that changing something too fast could also cause destabilization in anything that you’re changing. Same concept as going to the gym and trying to lift weights heavier than you are capable of doing. Can destroy entire chains of muscles in your body.

Now, since we were going to reveal this in the new instruction manual anyway – Zero Point powered subliminals have “break points” in all the scripts that contain the totality of the whole, but within that one section, and the following “break points” build upon the last. In essence, each ZP title is a mini-four stager. So, to start out with a microloop and focus on that while building up over time, is MUCH MUCH more effective than trying to do the entire whole at once.

TADA. The “secret” of microloops, which as we said – was based upon practicality, and not any kind of mysticism or forbbiden techniques. Nothing but pure innovation. This method allows anyone to get benefit from a title, regardless of whether they run the full thing or not.


This is in both ZP V2 and ZPV2 Max?

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So basically the whole script is repeated 4 times within the full ZP loop, with each consecutive repetition/breakpoint being a reinforcement?

Did I understand that correctly

This has been in Zero Point since it started. Remember, the first version of Zero Point had a “Primer” and then a “Flow” section. We just removed the primer because it was taking precedence over the rest of the scripting.

EDIT: We tell as much as we can – I would’ve thought that someone would’ve remembered this and came to the conclusion that the script was split up in discrete – but interlinked and in a unified manner.

Without giving away the entire process, yes – this is basically the idea. But, I wouldn’t say the entire script is repeated 4 times. More like, themes building upon themes. That’s about as far as I’m willing to disclose. One could greatly, greatly benefit from just running the first section, as usually, it’s very powerful in its own right and could actually lead to better results.

There is more to how it works, but we’re sharing the basic concept so people can wrap their heads around how it works, as the new instruction manual will be coming very soon.


That’s good enough for me haha.

I’ll keep listening to my 3-5 min loops, and slowly expand upon listening times, so I can get those themes building upon themes down the line :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it!

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@SaintSovereign If I start with one to three minute loops should I stick with that for an entire cycle or increase it within the cycle. Either way how much does a person increase it with each incremental? I sincerely apologize for all the questions. I want to clarify things so I don’t have to ask again.


The new instructions will have more guidance on this, but it’s up to you. I increase it by 30 seconds to a minute each time. I like to test a higher time and see how I fare. If I get bad recon, I move it back down. If not, I stay with it.


I noticed, that with KB1 I felt the effect of reducing my sexual urges only after increasing listening time up to 15 minutes, whereas they were still very prominent during the first 2 cycles with only 5 minutes.

Could this be due to some building up of the theme. Some new content that wasn’t there on earlier “stages” of KB1?


This Tuesday I did a ~55 second microloop of my BUILD custom.


Genesis Mogul
Nouveau RICH
Khan Black 4
Product Lab
One Purpose
Destiny Directive
Debt Annihilator
Safety Net
AI Whisperer
New Learning Experience
Book Blitz
Free Pass
The Lines
The Way of ROI
Cosmic Navigator
New Dawn
Radiating Health
Cashflow Catalyst

Did the micro-loop between sometime between 10 am and 11:30 am.

First manifestation noticed: (Genesis Mogul, Nouveau RICH, Cashflow Catalyst, Product Lab, One Purpose) During a meeting at 12:30 pm, I noticed that my mind started generating business and money-making ideas. The meeting was not related to that, so after some brief chatting about the ideas, we moved on to the actual purpose. But I definitely noted what had happened.

Second manifestation noticed: (Book Blitz, New Learning Experience) On Thursday morning, after an early waking and meditation, I ‘suddenly realized’ that by breaking books down into very small sections, I could make great progress in the texts that I’d like to read. (Was largely inspired by my sister.) I started immediately. And continued today. I set 5 pages a day from each book as my target. And so far have read 4 or 5 times that.

Yesterday (Thursday), I increased to a 2-minute loop. So far, no obvious effects noticed. Also, no noticeable recon.

(One other interesting point is that yesterday I continued from the point where the track had ended on Tuesday. So Tuesday I played 0:00 to 0:53 or 0:55 or so. Then yesterday, I played 0:55 to 3:14. I don’t usually get this granular about listening practices, but since I’m trying out micro-loops and this is the conversation, might as well mention it.)

Another point: I’m playing one program, yes. But it’s a custom with 3 program cores (Genesis Mogul, Nouveau RICH, and Khan Black 4), so I think it would be inaccurate to say that I’m staying light and focused. That’s another reason that I’m very motivated to work with micro-loops.

I’m only playing three days a week each week. Tu, Th, Sa. Tomorrow will be my last play of the week. I’m still considering whether I’ll opt for 1 min, 2 min, or 3 min. Whatever is the most effective road to results, that’s what I want.

It’s possible that I may have over-exposed in the past but ignored it because I wasn’t experiencing major recon disturbances.


p.s. Thanks to @NatureDad for opening up this topic in the first place. It has led to some real gold being dropped by Saint and Fire.


And thanks to @James for his persistence and his relentless questions that finally pricked the bubble.

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Any insight as to why? I was an early adopter of the microloop strategy as soon as it was brought up on the forum and I’ve never looked back. I’m glad there’s a solution to keeping me out of the never ending recon I dealt with but I’m also really curious if you have any theories on why this is necessary for some individuals.

Do you guys (and gals) listen to microloops each day or a “normal” ZP schedule?