Dealing with superiority recon?

I’m good, thanks for the offer though.

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What you can do is record your voice and then upload the link of the recording. I almost did that on subclub forum once because I felt the exact same thing haha

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I also think khan black specifically is very enticing, I want that sexual liberation and I’m not sure I quite have it.

How do you know this? Has this been confirmed?

yes it’s been confirmed

Read the whole thread. It’s a goldmine of revelations about ZP.

Now, since we were going to reveal this in the new instruction manual anyway – Zero Point powered subliminals have “break points” in all the scripts that contain the totality of the whole, but within that one section, and the following “break points” build upon the last. In essence, each ZP title is a mini-four stager. So, to start out with a microloop and focus on that while building up over time, is MUCH MUCH more effective than trying to do the entire whole at once.


This is not just recon. This is your own shadow emerging. The fact that you recognize it, however, is a good sign and you can consciously work through it, just as you’re doing. Just recognize that everyone is on their own journeys, and at the end of the day, just trying to live in a very disconnected and difficult world.

Also, microloops and washout. You’ve been running hard stacks at full length, which we keep advising against.


Also, @ouroboros post above is exceptionally solid.

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I have been, however I’ve switched to half loops, may switch to micro loops or bigger day breaks between loops after washout.

notes post meditation +0.27g of shrooms:

"This path right here. Is this the one? How do I know, how can I walk down upon it knowing it may fail? I’m not invincible, am I?

I wonder if by the end we’ll meet again, this path I’ve taken is filled with scars and bruises, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m you.

I want to become better. I want to truly connect to women, but it feels as if there’s an impenetratable ice wall between me and them. Where do I even begin? Who do I trust? Even positive signals lead to nothing, and yet sometimes negative signals are there just to mask the underlying attraction… Nothing about it makes any sense.

I want to change, but I can’t change if I don’t have a clear goal, and it seems that with every woman I meet that goal is ever changing. It seems that every small misstep will make them leave. Walking on eggshells.

I do want to change, I truly do, I truly want to connect with women, but it feels that to do so I have to sacrifice myself in the process, to overexert myself over and over again, and yet the other side barely reciprocates. Is it hatred towards them? I don’t know. Maybe so.

Why is it never the other way around? Why is it always the man that has to initiate and suffer rejections? Why is it so acceptable? It feels disgusting.

I do not find enjoyment with women, nor do I find it with men, or humans in general. It takes a very special person to enter my heart and to make me feel something, anything, really.

How am I supposed to love and forgive when there’s nothing but constant spikes along the way? I’m me, but it seems that even that is not good enough.

It’s easy for me to cut off people. Far too easy. But then I end up all alone. So what’s the point to this endless loop? I just want love. One woman. One path. One life. "

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Haha I imagine it’s SB giving you thoughts like that. WB and Primal alone would have you more aloof/carefree/easy-going. Where I live there actually aren’t many obese people. There’s actually lots of attractive and in shape people with lots of money, so I can’t relate :man_shrugging:

Nothing in SB would cause a superiority complex. Contrary to the ideas of some edgy individuals, Discord and Reddit circles, being “superior” and glorifying “darker” traits to the extreme simply represents a lack of understanding of the vast expanse that reality actually is.

SB is an exceptionally positive subliminal, and as with all of our titles, it attempts to help promote a sense of respect for people - even if that is through simply leaving them alone and letting them be.


yeah women have a ton of insecurities and crazy huge fears of being rejected/abandoned, they are humans too you know. but the problem is that your average woman out there is drowning in options so they don’t really have to put any effort. another dude will show up in like maybe 5 mins. the standards have risen WAAAY higher. 30% of men are virgins btw (studies show). most of the time i’m like “why do you have to self sabotage?” “why do you feel not worthy?”, sometimes i get annoyed at them but i can’t save nobody.

what’s crazy is that if you go to east europe, latin america or africa girls don’t self sabotage, if they like you they just go with the flow. they are feminine and trusting and soft. the actual problem is daddy issues in the west because of the rise of feminism. creating trust issues in women and demonising men. women are super tramatised in the west and because they are so afraid of their safety they pick higher status men to make themselves feel safe

get out of my head brother. that’s exactly how i feel, it sucks. they are just little girls that are afraid of being hurt. they need some love

you feel rejected and unloved by them, same here. that’s something to heal

  1. see above 2. honestly bro if you can, travel to a country where women are feminine and love and respect men, here in the west it’s just meaningless hookups and they think they are queens. there;s no connection. women’s standards have skyrocketed also. thank feminism for destroying the relationships between men and women and the family. so yeah it’s not about you. make a tinder of an overweight girl and see how many matches she will get. answer: more than a male model. yes, it’s true

nowadays it’s all about creating a high status instagram then it’s super easy. but still meaningless hookups with low value masculine women. solution: get the f out of the west


Really appreciated what you wrote, @jaguar. But there was one point I wanted to reply to, and so of course that’s the one part I’m going to emphasize now. :joy:

These are known as growing pains. Whenever a system evolves or develops there will be hiccoughs, instabilities, and various issues. That’s not a sign that things are getting worse…and it’s also not a sign that things are getting better. It’s a sign that things are developing.

Life has never ‘made sense for everybody’. There was never such a past era of ‘perfect’ health or ‘perfect’ social adjustment for all people. More like, if things happened to be not going right for you, there was a decent chance you might be forced to shut the eff up about it and suffer in silence.

Our ancestors are apes. We are primates.

Yes, that comes with issues.

We’re doing okay.


it is becoming a trend definitely here in China….Same type of bullshit just flowing in the air…I had the “privilege” to get into those “feminism” group and witness those obnoxious things they had been ranting…I could really see those hatred energy welling up and drowning all of them…they just get a sense of belonging and such…they are jaded…I dont blame them for it…but ,I just made up my mind and realize that some people they are just not suitable for healthy relationship…because they have some internal issues waiting to be resolved…before that,they will just constantly draw to the same toxic situation and it is no one responsibility but themselves… :neutral_face:


Yup. This is recon all right. I can tell you exactly what’s happening because it’s happened to me.
Your insecurities are surfacing, and this “I’m better than you” attitude is a defense mechanism used by a lot of insecure people.
The key to getting past it is to face it head on and figure out why they’re there.
It’s fairly normal and if you stay on your path, it’ll pass.


isn’t “daddy issues” when a female didn’t have a present masculine fatherly figure in her life as a child and now she tries to find it in a partner? That’s why she wants to call him “daddy”? Because he is a fatherly almost guardian like masculine presence to her?

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Feminism changed the way relationships work.
In the past women needed men for basically everything. In Germany they weren’t even allowed to have jobs without the consent of their husband. That lead to women depending on their partner in a bad way. They were forced to stay with an abusive ass oftentimes.

Emancipation changed that greatly.
For the better at first, for the worse lately (in my opinion).
The problem is, that men weren’t able to adapt to this change. We, as a sex, are still looking for what it really means to be man. When you look around, you see softies, nice guys, machos, but authentic masculinity is a rare thing.

This change in the way of how relationships work led to many breakups, many divorces, many sons growing up without a father and even more growing up without a male role model.
Which led to them becoming suboptimal fathers.
And that’s the same for women. Many grow up without a solid father figure, leaving them with daddy issues.
But as hot as it may seem to be called daddy during sex, a broken relationship to your parents always leaves you unwhole, because parents are always the archetype of men and women.
Meaning, embodying the devine feminine (or masculine) is very hard, as long as you don’t heal this relationships.


Among other things.

It’s also widely recognized that wartime economies in the early and mid-20th centuries played a big role.

And the transition to an industrial- and then electronics- and now an information-based economy. The need for ‘heavy lifting’ is just not as prioritized as it once was in the project of ‘making a living’.

Things change. New challenges, new problems, new solutions.

Leading to new choices.

Personally, I think economic realities tend to precede the ideological cultural shifts that go on in societies. But that’s a matter for debate.

I think this is inaccurate. Or otherwise, it’s so general that its accuracy is not particularly useful.

I personally know examples of women who grew up without present father figures and who went on to embrace traditional nurturing gender roles in their families.

I also know of many women with ‘strong, stable’ present fathers who opted out of the traditional ways of doing things.

It’s futile, in many cases, to try to reduce large-scale societal changes to just one simple causative factor.

We’re not so easily predictable, I think.

It is ultimately you who are responsible for the adult choices that you make in this life; to face challenges and difficult situations with courage and honesty, or to hide and run from your reality.

This is not determined by your parents. Especially not once you’ve passed the age of adulthood.

Having the ‘right mommy’ or the ‘right daddy’ does not fix everything.

Sooner or later, we have to stand and face the situations of our own lives. It is an inevitable encounter.

And I don’t think there’s any one simple factor that automatically determines how those encounters turn out.

But I think that showing that courage to face the realities of one’s life and situation, with both humility and audacity plays a major role in how things develop and turn out.

May we all—men, women, and beyond—find the courage that we need to live this thing.


I thought of similar thing this morning on my way to school. Many believe we are only a product of our surroundings and that our lacks are only a result of our parents and “their mistakes” but that is only something we tell ourselves. Making oneself a victim of our “random setting” is a choice.

When you look at it - the greatest figures in history were not determined by their parents. The terrible king can still be succeeded by a king with greater heart and more wisdom, Gengish Khan was a self made world conqueror. His absent father or mother didn’t “make him” into who he was… even Alexander the Great hated his father.

Your parents are not a deciding factor for who you become in the process of your life. That is your choice. Great parents, terrible parents, mediocre parents, absent parents…. you are you and you are in control of your choices and ways you choose to live and be. You can be a beggar and blame the world or you can be a legend that lives on for centuries from now on.

Greatness comes from within you. It’s not something you “need the perfect complete family background “ for. (Not to mention everyone has issues with their parents. They are never what the kids want them to be. It’s really not as important as people make it seem).

We hold our own limitless power within that cannot be bound or broken by anyone around us. Sure many will never wake up to this and will cowar from fear but not us. We know all is in our reach. We are born from kings. Greatness flowing in our blood ever since the very beginning of the mankind. We decide our direction and as long as we remember who we are meant to be, what we value and walk that path, we are doing great. We are free from the imprisoning thought that we could be as simple as “victims and creations of other people’s mistakes”. We are better than that. Each and one of us is limitless. Our mind our best friend and weapon.