Main Store Titles Requests

This would be Wanted, wouldn’t it?

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Lol @KingArthur that’s the ultimate compliment right there… sounds like Ultimate Student is going to be the next Sub Club title :wink:

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Ooh! Now we have to manifest this title on SubClub!

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A subliminal that enables one to travel, live, work anywhere at anytime for any purpose, regardless of visa restrictions or local regulations.


So want something like this. The following was the 8th post in this thread. Hope SaintSovereign and Fire show our similar requests some love:


Or perhaps we could create a custom subliminal that meets those goals.

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We should put our heads together and brain-storm man. Maybe create a new thread.

Right now am reading the ZP thread and after that, will think about the custom.

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We can start from this.

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@King - excellent. Will comment in that thread in a while. Today is a super busy day.

What’s the most manifestation developing-specific title on SubClub? I’d love to see a title specifically meant to increase powers of manifestation in any area of life,.


@Billions - my guess is Alchemist. But it has loads of other stuff in it so it would be cool to have a single stage Manifestation-only title

ZP will probably enable Alchemist to be a single stager one day. But yeah, I was really thinking a manifestation only title. Perfect in any stack.

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There’s Sage Immortal - perhaps it might be betrer than Alchemist in terms of manifestation.

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I do remember someone saying that Mind’s Eye was a manifestation machine in the Qv2 Upgrade thread.


How about one for hair loss/regrow hair?

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Wanted can help hair regrowth

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Late response but I wanted to take note that DD appears to have some Primal.

Increased libido was mentioned which reminds me of my testing of Primal:

Can we please get Libertine Bomb? Libertine and Love Bomb in one title.
Seriously why is this not a thing yet?


Would you please put this on the Roadmap?

Lineage as a full grown major title