Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Always wanted to close the gap from 179 to 180, and got to 181.

I would suppose that subconsciously that’s what my ideal physicality would be - taller. Every now and then I’d wonder what I’d like the sub to do, like conscious guidance: hollow cheeks, lower body fat, bigger shoulders, better hair. I’m working on what I could do in terms of diet, skin care and fixing my style. But did nothing for the height, heck, wasn’t even expecting it to be this fast. Height was the last thing on the list, I expected that I’d have a leaner body, hollower cheeks, finally get hold of my hair and by that time, maybe half a cm. Surprised as you are


I am glad for you

May it work for me too

I didn’t even know that this can happen or that such a script is in wanted

Fucking phenomenal


Your height gains are fantastic, @Phoermes. Were you using the Solace or Qv2 track? Am wondering which one gave you fast results.

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@Yazooneh had experienced a 3 cm height gain on EF too, at the age of 28.

So yeah, SubClub scripts can do that. :+1:t2:

The forum software tells me that I had posted the same link on post #475 above,
and I’m repeating myself here … at post #1475.



1000 post numbers apart, who would’ve thought?


Mostly Solace and some Ultrasonic


I’m still growing but im detached from results, it’s very slow but consistent


A popular effect of Wanted.



I ain’t on wanted, I’m generally detached from all physical shifting results outside of muscle growth and fat loss


Naaayy he is taking growth hormones :slight_smile:

I don’t do growth hormones I gained some height on ef due to trash posture being fixed, the height inducer module did it’s own thing but again very slow stuff


@Phoermes amazing bro. Your age makes me hopeful.

you experienced the height growth on wanted?

Yes, on the standard WANTED from the mainstore


Crazy results bro

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Wow!!! Thats amazing

Although someone said something which raised a question i think its @Invictus ,

isnt physical changes from subliminals actually super unormal? Which may harm you since your body cant handle it sometimes duno

Just like steriod subliminal or things that raise your testosterone, its something that your body cant do normally, and it may harm your body especially physicall stuff and hormons

But i guess subliminals are all about breaking your limits,

I did a one week off sub and then start again my custom Wanted. I suddenly realized that I can do cold phone calls without stress and very naturally ! I hate calling people that I don’t know, like selling them something. But Wow ! I did it since Friday in a very cool manner, James Bond manner :sunglasses:


Not quite like steroids. One affects you physically because of chemical reasons.

The other affects you physically because of mental/psychological changes to your personal outlook (inlook?)


Its interesting im always open minded about things

The human potential is huge,

Definitely gonna include the height EF module in my paragon custom!

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It only goes as fast as your body can handle so should be fine


Definitely. And also…

Just remember that all of these suggestions are auditory; meaning they can be replicated by your mouthpiece in the form of affirmations (though the formula lies with the Guys)

I say this to remind others that the power does lie with us to do some… Crazy stuff :slight_smile:

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