Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

I wanted to summarize the past 2 days but I said screw it… it’s gonna have holes if I do so.

I lost track of time. I thought yesterday was Sunday, imagine my surprise to find out that’s not the case.

Losing my myself in my meditations - it’s as if the world stops, nothing exists but what I’m working on… in this case, my chakras and aura, cleaning, protecting and empowering them. And also removing all negative connections I happen to be linked to.

I’m constantly having sexual thoughts. Spent about 20min nonstop indulging in them.

Right now I’m working on putting in muscle and Convict Conditioning appealed to me… been reading it for the past hour, getting soaked into it. There’s an 80% chance I’ll start gym today.

My aura is expanding and is feeling hot.

Got my gym program sorted… will be starting today later on.

ZP continues to amaze me. As I’m watching The Expanse, I get this calling… to do yoga and I couldn’t shut it down. It kept on getting louder till I said screw it and immediately I started doing yoga. As I was done with it, I started meditating on my energy… out of nowhere I said “I love you Myster”. Made me realize there’s no running away from me, I come first in order for everything else to fall in place.

Gym was good - I feel it’s gonna get quite intense over the next couple of days.

Why does ZP kick in at 8min of listening? That’s when I feel my energy rising… it’s feels good.

There’s deep works that’s taking place. I’m acing my meditations and yoga… feels so natural and I seem to have reached another depth of calmness.

As I was going to the store, passed by my neighbors(all females, 2 different houses) and they were nicer when I greeted. Something about the one on the 2nd house, the way she looked at me, i could feel the lust, passion… we made a connection for the time ever. As I was nearing the store, another woman who happens to live around my neighborhood(must be a visitor, cause this is the second time seeing her) the way she smiled and kept looking down and trying to remain cool while clearly was nervous - it was nice to see that. On my way back, passed by the 1st house and the mother was now hanging around out, along with the others(she’s very attractive, and a visitor too) and the way we made eye contact, as we greeted each other… if we keep this up somethings gonna happen.

I’ve lost interest in way too many women I was engaged with, I’m now looking for something unique and of quality.

Gym was better than yesterday and I fear tomorrow it’ll be more intense than today… Even so, I’m eager for it. Day by day I’m evolving and I love the man I’m becoming more of.

I haven’t had much practice, in fact before ZP I hardly did any flirting… but now😊and I’m so good at it, everything I know just starts coming out naturally. Game I studied years ago is at the tip of my tongue… and fingers🙃


Mind if I ask how old are you @TheBoxingScientist ?

Things I noticed from Wanted ZP:

  • I tend to question everything in terms of the girls I truly want like it’s making me re-evaluate every action with the goal of how do I meet my dream girl?
  • I noticed im rejecting girls because they dont fit me.
  • Girls are chasing hard and qualifying themselves but I really noticed being quiet and attentive is something that I’ve been extremely cognizant
  • I want connection and chemistry more than sex … For me I noticed I love going to bars more than clubs because it allows me to get to know the girl a bit more and see if we have connection… I used to love the clubs and the raw sexuality from it, but now im more reserved for sure and really going there to just have fun, but not really to pickup girls at all, but somehow I always end up going home with a girl lol
  • Supreme self confidence where subconsciously I can’t even fathom not being attractive lol. I feel and know that I am 10/10 and the girl would be lucky to be with me

Like I always used to think and act like if a girl is physically attractive thats the end of it and ill go for her, but now I look for beauty things like energy, aesthetic (like fashion, how unique she is), kindness, presence


I was very extremely shy person…i am being funny around girls in gym right now
One girl told me why you always looked very serious?.. And she was right i was always in stress mode…that *ucked my face…and anyone specially girls can easily noticed that…

I really need to remove that subconscious blockage from my brain and become more attractive…I hope wanted help me to achieve that


I am always happy when i read reports like this welldone bruv on your progress :slight_smile:


I am in my 50s :slight_smile:


Ahh I see, well the reason I asked is simply because that plays a factor in who you attract for sure. I was a bit confused at first with your frustration when you said you kept attracting women in their 50s…

I have a suggestion that may be helpful and it has worked incredibly well for some of my friends in their 40s.

I’d suggest to perhaps place yourself in the shoes of a young girl who loves older men… Because I assume that’s your goal right?

Now first step is really getting crystal clear on the girl you want…
First Question is: What exactly is it that your looking for? Fun? Relationship? Marriage, Kids?

The reason thats so important because it makes you cognizant of what exactly your looking for. Because you could be looking for a wife but your intention and focus is on the casual hookup and a girl who is looking for marriage could sense that energy your putting in the world and be turned off…

Second: Demographics… Why would you not want a girl who’s 30? 40? 50? Where is she going to be? What’s her dream guy that she wants to be with? What things does she do? What’s her type…

Because here’s the thing… I love playing games where the odds are stacked on my favour… What’s that demographic that absolutely loves @TheBoxingScientist. I go to hip hop clubs and I live in a city where black people are less than 1% of the population… Chances are every girl that goes there loves black guys. It’s a club so chances are younger girls…

For you I’d suggest perhaps going to country clubs, charity events, fundraisers, yacht clubs, entrepreneurship organizations, volunteer at animal shelters, volunteer at non-profits, yoga & pilates classes…

Next: do the f****King work. Wanted works. I’ve been getting insane results on wanted before ZP on Qv2… but it’s not everything man. Theres no sub thats magically gonna turn you into Brad Pitt overnight, however it does put you in the mindset and attitude of someone who is Brad Pitt.

So If I was a hot girl whos into older men… What am I looking for?

  • Good body, (nothing too crazy, just lean and some decent size)

  • Style - My rule of thumb: All black everything is always clean. Don’t dress with “trends” just stick to a clean all black outfits always works, simple, easy and ALWAYS attracts girls. It says your clean, smart, mysterious and not a try hard. I’ve always gotten compliments on how I dress and I’ve been wearing all black for the last 3 years lol. Something like this:

  • Well off Financially/Career Wise

  • Grow a beard. Keep the silver hair don’t dye it. Salt and Pepper Beards are a panty dropper for girls. Best thing you can do right now to instantly add 2 points on how attractive you are is growing a beard. If you can’t, grow a goatee. Im telling you this is an easy hack to be instantly more physically attractive.


Thanks for sharing some great advice :slight_smile:

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Great post, love it. Just curious how old are you btw :)?


Libertine seems to be working more effective then wanted to get younger women attracted to me version 1.

I ran two loops today and my interactions were on a different level. Girls were alot more open to joining me on a date instantly.

Will continue to run wanted twice a week for the physical shifting and use libertine before i go out hitting on girls.


Maybe you can try Diamond,



This reminds me,

Elme Sex Mastery Journal

also, Invictus mentioned that he was more social on Diamond. So it seems that sexual energy is responsible for that.

Edit: Damn I am bad with posting something from a different thread. It is in a Diamond ZP thread.


Thanks @Deadpool will take alook.

Good point Diamond does create sexual energy. Which might also have the libertine effect perhaps stack it with wanted.

Another thing is emperor also works well to attract young women. Its just that sometimes it gets them all fiery.


I mean Diamond is ZP, and it has long programming in it against Libertine’s instant result but for a limited time so I guess Diamond will be probably a better choice.


I’m trying to see how Diamond goes with my PS and Wanted stack.


I am in Prague right now my emperor custom is working well on the ladies here will report back later.


Happy belated birthday!

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Prague, City of Hundred Spires, beautiful city :slight_smile:

Checking in with @yoda and @Brandon

How are your headaches?

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They’ve chilled out haha. But it’s definitely mainly down to sleep for me. I slept late again today and I have a very slight one but I’m sure it’ll be gone later when I nap.