Main Disc. Thread - DIAMOND ZP with / without ME [Now Available!]

Naw, no anti-porn. Directs your sexual energy toward pleasing your sexual partner, though. That could be what’s causing the anti-porn effect.


Initially I got confused with the ME abbreviation. It could be better as MEnh or something.

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Diamond ZP w ME - 11 Days Review:

Disclaimer, following post may include some sensitive information. If you are under 18 please follow the law, be a good boy and do not read this post. Though I try to limit my language as much as possible and will leave out some details.

Erection Quality:

  • Just woke up with the craziest morning boner. Ever since starting Diamond, my erections have been absolutely incredible, but today we reached a point where it even started to hurt because I was reaching the limit of my underwear. If this trend continues, I am soon gonna need new underwear.

  • The erections themselves are unbelievable. I think I could compare myself to any pornstar who is taking drugs and would win. Hardness, volume, everything is pushed up to the absolute maximum. I never took viagra but I am sure that is what it feels like. Diamond might be even more effective.

  • I have not measured the size as to be honest I do not really care. I just listen to the ME for the other benefits that come along with it for men. But because every time I have an erection it is filled with blood to the maximum, I am certain it is 1-1.5 cm bigger than usual.

  • With Diamond Ultima I was walking with a boner all day long getting horny by the smallest things, sometimes creating uncomfortable situations. With Diamond ZP, the boners ONLY appear at the right moment when I need them. I like that change a lot! It makes it feel so NATURAL.

  • Results started from day 1, just a few minutes after finishing the loop. However, since then it was a steady improvement, having better results on rest days and slightly worse results on listening days before listening to the file. See graph: (The days marked green are listening days.)

Stamina Improvements:

  • I am suffering from Premature Ejaculation since I can remember. On the first day of listening, I almost felt 100% in control to the point where I actually had to almost “force” myself to ejaculate by consciously giving the okay that I now want to. It felt like the actual level of excitement at which I go over the edge (the point of no return) got increased. That right there would have been a game-changer.
    Sadly, this level of control subsided the next day and never came back… While, I am now definitely more in control and can start and stop almost whenever I like, I still feel like the point of no return got decreased almost back to the old level. I already tasted heaven but now I am back to only like 20% improvement from where I was in terms of time until I ejaculate. It might be reconciliation though.

  • The difference in stamina between Diamond Ultima and Diamond ZP is like night and day. This was immediately noticeable from day 1. Diamond Ultima almost made me “lose control” whereas with Diamond ZP I feel in full control. Even if reach the level of no return, I feel like I can stop the process if I like. However, control is nice but it only gives me a few minutes more. If the actual level of no return would get increased as mentioned above, I think I could easily have sex for 30-60 minutes while holding diamond-like erections all that time.

  • One very interesting change happened related to my dreams. Whenever, I had sex dreams in the past and I entered the woman, I always had severe Premature Ejaculation in it (much much MUCH worse than it is in real life). However, I had a sex dream a few days ago and for the first time, I had (total) CONTROL over it. I always had this notion that as long as I do not have control in my dreams, I will not have full control in real life… This might be the first sign that my subconscious pattern is changing.

  • If you had a stronger version of Diamond, I would love to try that and see if that can finally cure my PE. Until then, I am going to continue running this version and see how it goes after more days of exposure.

Orgasm Quality:

  • Orgasms feel absolutely awesome. One time, I was SHAKING from pleasure. But it is not only the orgasm that got improved but the whole experience itself. Even simple things like slowly touching or stroking now feel so great that you even lose the desire to watch porn. You only need yourself and/or a partner.

Other effects:

  • What’s very weird with Diamond ZP, is that it seems to make me more social. I doubt there is anything specific in the script so the only way I can explain it might be the ZP Primer. Since listening to Diamond I am having an absolutely BLOOM when it comes to relationships with others. I made so many new friends, deepened relationships, reconnected to people, dropped others, had incredible experiences just in a few days. When I started Diamond, I dropped my Emperor/Stark/QL custom and I suspect that the ZP Primer is currently pushing the results from it in overdrive mode. In the first days, I only listened to Diamond ZP as the only program and I literally had people in shops or even female cashiers in supermarkets initiating conversations, telling me for example about their cats LOL. That was also when I wrote this post:

I have the same thing going on for me
This diamond ZP provides a very healthy sexual energy, it feels right for so many reasons.

It’s far from the obsessing aspect that sexuality can have, it’s a very warm one instead


@Melior Interesting that you choose the word “warm”.


This reminds me,

Elme Sex Mastery Journal

also, Invictus mentioned that he was more social on Diamond. So it seems that sexual energy is responsible for that.


so it wasn’t just me :rofl:
during the test I felt like I was using a social sub because of how effortlessly I was talking to strangers and made new friends, and it has been making me wonder something ever since;

wouldn’t this make it a better option for some people than something like Daredevil?
I mean, you get to be social and charismatic, while being the most “pleasing” person around :wink:


isn’t one of the effects of NoFap is that the built-up sexual energy makes you more charismatic and social, or something like that?

could be related


Wow, i am using diamond in my stack and that is totally true. With Sex Mastery the energy is more raw and animalistic, reading your comments i noticed that i am way more fluid in conversations and ppl want to connect with future events and all that.

Thak you guys for adding this to my awareness.


Oh my, diamond seems incredible!!

Would a loop or two do something in a longer term? (like next few weeks after having ran it), could be good to supercharge the sexual energy

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Lasted for 48 min, minus foreplay… around 40min. It’s as if our souls were intertwined. I have never had a girl moan like that, I thought the neighbors were gonna start banging on my door. And the way she was pumping me up, she unleashed a part of me I never thought I had.

I was dominant - very dominant… and here’s the cool part, it was only one position but with variety of emotions. Ranging from slow deep eye contact to hands on neck and hitting the g spot with a faster pace.

[Edit]: I forgot how many times she came.


Great result!

How many loops did you run? Stack it with anything else?


Total is 7 loops, same with Wanted. By that, I mean 1 loop of it and Wanted every other day.


Bro! Now that’s something I aspire to.

Did you use DIAMOND with the male enhancement or the one without.


I’m using the one without.


Oh and you played the ultrasonic for both of you?

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No, coming to think of it… it would have been more amazing if I did

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Man! If this was the experience without both of you running it together, then incase you listen to it together…oh boy oh boy oh boy

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Bro🤯but I’m good with just me listening until I get into a serious relationship… cause the bond we share now is quite intense, I thought this was gonna be a one time thing but we both wanna do this again.


It’s looking good so far :wink: All the best, dude!

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