Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

Imagine stacking ROM and EB for 4 consecutive cycles.

No, I’m not crazy YOU’RE CRAZY! :sweat_smile:


Because I want to. And for example, if I compare something to a measure like Kilogram, it does not mean that my thinking is all around this measurement. I am just using it as a reference value.
But if this is a problem I can use something else.

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Imagine Athanaxos imagining stacking ROM and EB for 4 consecutive cycles.
Just crazy :slight_smile: .

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It’s not a problem for myself personally, but I’m afraid it might become a self-imposed limit in regards to what might be the most optimal thing for you.

I’ve talked about a concept before, which i referred to as “Natural Flow”, and this concept of mine refers to individual flow of a user based on how much they expose to themselves to specific titles, even in a stack.

Your highest flow factor might be hidden away in the duration you listen to, not in pushing boundaries with newer/other titles.


Is not a ROM designed for a revelation of our possibilities and such? So in that case any of our false beliefs either regarding your flow factor or anything else can be easily dismissed by ROM, so we are safe :slight_smile:


Wanted to post this since yesterday, but got to dig even deeper with RoM today, reaching a new “conclusion”.


Haha… haa… if you don’t hear from me after March next year… odds are I didn’t make it :sweat_smile:


I’ve never ran renaissance man or sage yet. From my experiences on RoM, I feel like a renaissance man and a sage all put into one. Like RoM is the mind of a sage and renaissance man. Bringing me new information and guiding me to create more. Creativity is boosted and having fun creating through my imagination.


Too many things happening to type this twice. My latest journal entry covers make ROM effects.


You want flow. Go outside and find a water stream. Listen to it, watch it, feel it flow. Be like water. Move your body in a pleasurable sensual way. Water is a great spiritual teacher and healer. Imagine water flowing like a waterfall in your minds eye. Let the flow take you. Surrender to the stream of life. If you let go of all control you surrender to the grace of flow. Ease, flow, joy, glory.


Thanks for the advice but here is a freezing temperature outside. Like below O celsius.

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What I see is that it gave you more knowledge instead of making you better at the practises?

What I am personally looking for is this:

  • Become way better at meditation and be in meditative state for longer periods of time
  • Have a steady yoga practise where I atleast practise yoga for 5 times a week
  • Reveal hidden knowledge about myself and the Universe. Be guided towards spiritual mastery.

What would you recommend?

Thank you for the in-depts answer btw :wink:

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@Malkuth I just hope it is not pushing us toward a Xi Ji Ping ideology :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

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sorry sorry it was not funny !

@Malkuth Could you tldr your journey on DR and what it removed ,cleansed ,transformed ?
Does it also manifest extra tools or people you will need for healing?


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Bring some ice with you inside and watch it melt :wink:

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This is a subtle question.

Because knowledge is funny.

It can be immediately applicable. As when a teacher or coach corrects your form. This knowledge-based adjustment leads to an immediate improvement in practical effectiveness.

It can be applicable in the mid-term. As when a better understanding of developmental principles enables you to set up a better training program for the next 2-5 months. This can streamline your growth process, though you won’t see the effects until 6 months from now.

It can be applicable in the long-term. As when, for example, you gain a clearer understanding of how your practices relate, in the bigger picture, to practices that you may not even be considering yet. This can help you to plan and direct your growth over time.

And then some knowledge seems to not be very applicable at all. It’s just interesting. :rofl:

My favorite knowledge is experiential. And I’ve found that this is definitely getting enhanced by Sage Immortal as well.

For example, for the previous 2 to 3 weeks, I found myself spontaneously doing a kind of kinesthetic/somatic/vestibular movement practice with my eyes closed. I found it helpful. That was an intuitive practice. I didn’t get it directly from any of the teachers, but it was still inspired by connections that they helped me to make.

Sage Immortal helps with both experiential knowledge and informational knowledge. Not just one.

My path is similar to yours but not identical.

The truth is the way I practice is exactly like what is described in Revelation of Mind/Revelation of Spirit.

I don’t want to become “better” at anything. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with practicing to become better. But it’s just not where my heart is.

This is just me personally. I don’t think my way is best for everyone. I didn’t even choose my way. It’s just my soul. And your soul is yours. And it’s perfect.

Anyway, for me: I practice as a way of aligning to the What Is.

And that’s it.

Better. Worse. Meh.

A person could practice to an amazing degree and then unfortunately get injured in an accident. And then what? Should they feel terrible and give up practice because they’re not a master anymore?

I say no way.

The beauty, for me, lies in what we we orient towards.

The way I put it is like this:

Every plant tries to grow towards the Sun. But if they were to actually reach the Sun, what do you think would happen?

It’s in the ‘reaching towards’ that I find what I seek. The opening.

Okay. Anyway.

Back to the point:

What you’re describing is The Alchemist. It’ll give you that direct boost and support to your spiritual practices.

For becoming better at meditation: The Single Point, Metamorphosis, The Alchemist and others
For being steady and committed to Yoga: The Alchemist, Avatar, Metamorphosis, Foundation and others
For revealing hidden knowledge about yourself and the Universe and being guided towards spiritual mastery: The Alchemist, Sage Immortal, Revelation of Mind, Revelation of Spirit, The Flow, The Wonder, Spiritual Freedom, and then so many of those modules from the Alexandria module pack. Haven’t memorized those yet.

Although I’m not strictly goal oriented, but I do relate to your goals. My own custom has a similar focus.

Anyway, you’ll find an excellent way that may or may not look anything like mine. When you do, I look forward to learning from you.



is this already published? :thinking:

tldr: still have way more to go with DR.

also tldr; it knocked me out and did mysterious things under the surface as I stood to the side and looked on cluelessly.

it works on everything @Akephalos. At least in my understanding of it.

love, sex, self-esteem, spirituality, job.

it removes blockages throughout your entire system.

I started getting better manifestations at work.

Suddenly people were contacting me for cooperative opportunities that were interesting to me.

I literally got called upon to sit on the committee of a woman who was trying to study and explore the internal shifts that happen when a person goes through a spiritual transformation process. As part of my work.

Unusual, to say the least.

I also suddenly got put in charge of a department. And various tasks in which I wasn’t interested just got cancelled or transferred to someone else.

I would have been amazed if I hadn’t felt so freaking zoned out.
