New Idea for a subliminal. Open to different possibilities

So I have been running RoM and have been getting phenomenal results. New ideas and greater insights into the nature of reality.

I had his idea for a new subliminal that has not been suggested on here.
A sub for opening you up to different possibilities.
When I say possibilities I’m not talking about potentials( A, B, C, or D). It goes beyond potentials and into possibilities that you have never considered before.

Let me explain more of what I’m talking about as this is very high level of thinking. We all have a default way of thinking about things that are blocking us from accessing new possibilities. What if this old way of thinking isn’t serving us but actually limiting us?

When you think about something, do you automatically go into judgement about it? If so? What’s the value of holding on to this judgement? Could you let this judgement go?

When you are in judgement you are limiting the thing that you are judging. What if instead you asked an expansive question about it? For example. What else is possible here that I haven’t considered yet?

Not all questions are equal. For example. You ask. Why does this always happen to me? Or. How come this is always happening to me? These questions don’t open you up very much. Instead ask. What is this? What am I aware of? Can I change this? If so? How?

Here’s another example to help you understand this more.

When kids are little, they ask what often seems like a thousand questions each day. But that curiosity and ability to question doesn’t always stick with them as advance through the education system, according to

Inventor Albert Einstein’s birthday on Monday, March 14, prompted author Warren Berger and a number of other question-oriented organizations to [launch Question Week], held March 13-19. Einstein became well-known for his curiosity and ability to keep asking the right questions, as seen in these quotes.

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes,” Einstein said.

“It’s not that I’m so smart,” Einstein said. “But I stay with the questions much longer.”

If asking the right questions and using imagination helped Ablert Einstein solve problems. Could subliminals do the same for us? If so? How?

So I’m inviting all of you to come into the question with me. If you have any questions or ideas that would expand upon what I just said please do so. Let’s master mind, brainstorm to come up with totally new ideas and questions that haven’t been discovered yet.


Is this a continuation of this?

Not necessarily, it could be. What I was talking about was water being a teacher and healer and holder of information. Watching and observing flowing water can help you understand the nature of flow state. Everything is easy when you let go, and let the current take you downstream to all the things that you desire.

Or maybe its a continuation of Saint’s response to the question about @Invictus flow factor.

I can see a connection with this. When I’m in flow. I ask more questions and stay in that question for longer and longer. I’m not criticizing anything, just asking the question and being open to different possibilities. I ask. Wow this is fun, how does it get any better than this? I’m very open and eager to see what unfolds naturally.

I think this one is all about beliefs and separation from the ego. What you don’t know you won’t see or recognize, you might still see other possibilities but your beliefs will bring you back to your usual choices. I experience it with stocks… freaking beliefs…

Exactly, we sometimes hold onto limiting beliefs that don’t serve our highest good. If you’re open to new possibilities then more possibilities present themselves to you. What you focus on grows more and more.

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Beliefs are to keep the world stable for ourselves, even if they are hurting us, it is the experience we know so keeping these experiences might be seen helpful for the expectations.
(That in itself is a belief and not a fact!)

So which subliminal could help?
Limit destroyer or rebirth, so a new one is not necessary.

Yes, do you know of Neville Goddard’s work? I’ve been doing work on my self-concept( The beliefs that I hold about myself). Basically creating a new self image and instilling new beliefs about myself. For example. I am always able to create the change that I desire with ease. I am calm and relaxed even in stressful situations. I communicate clearly and effectively. I am loved and adored by my friends and family. I am cool, calm and collected. Anything I say after I Am is going to be my experience.

This is great inner work. But what I’m actually talking about is possibilities not potentials. Here’s an illustration that helped me understand.

Imagine you are a goldfish in a small fish tank. As this goldfish you could only grow as big as your container. This small goldfish bowl is like 10% of the capacity you could grow to. You could not grow any bigger because you are in a small fish bowl. Now you put that same goldfish into a large lake. What happens to the goldfish? You grow way larger and any other goldfish that lives in a small fish bowl. Why? Because you have a greater container to grow in. There’s more oxygen, more resources so thus the goldfish naturally grows larger than the one in the small fish bowl. Now put that goldfish into the ocean, its way bigger any any small goldfish bowl. The small goldfish bowl is the 10% and the ocean is the 999%. So what container are you currently living in? The 10% or the 999%? The 10% small goldfish bowl is the one that has a very limited capacity and is not open to new ideas or possibilities. Like a small prison that you just accept that things are just they way they are. The 10% tiny fish bowl isn’t even aware that there is an entire vast open ocean out there. In the 999% ocean you have much more possibilities and choices available. You could grow much larger with more space and resources.

I hope this example creates more clarity about what I’m talking about.

A subliminal that opens you up to more choices and possibles.

I’m receiving more and more ideas about this topic the more I focus my attention on this. RoM doing a phenomenal job. Here is another idea that just dawned on me. Law of attraction in action.

Create a self-concept that opens me up to more choices, questions, and infinite possibilities.
I am open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
I am receiving new ideas that have never been considered before.
I wonder what magical, glorious, phenomenal, choices I can choose now?
How does it get any better than this?
I wonder what new possibilities are in store for me?
Are there any other ways I could be doing this that would create greater and greater choices for me and the world?
What could I create today that If I did would totally change the future for even more abundance for me an others?
What am I not willing to be aware of that if i was to be aware of it would dynamical change my reality.
What assumptions do I hold onto that could be greater than ever before?
If I could choose anything, what would I choose?

These are just some questions that could spark inspiration for greater and greater possibilities and choices.

What in this world is thought of as impossible that is actually possible? Could I change my point of view about this to one that would make the impossible, possible? And if so. How?

Well, what if the goldfish can see beyond the glass tank? He could grow bigger.

What if the goldfish is in a bigger tank but perceives it as small, will he then still grow big?

Is the growing a reaction to the circumstances or is it a perception?

Can you grow bigger than what your circumstances predict or not?

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I think that could be a possibility.

I don’t know that yet. I would have to keep asking the question until I get some more awareness about that.

I believe is all perception.

I like how you are asking more questions and being curious. If you stay with these questions longer you will eventually come to the awareness of the truth. When that is I do not know. Just stay with the question and continue to be curious about everything.

Is there „the truth“?
I don’t think so. You might get „a truth“ that you can understand and accept, so one that fits with your beliefs of reality.

I know what we need guys : Another seduction subliminal!

What do you think @TheBoxingScientist I need someone as wise as you to advocate for new seduction subliminals to get laid.


I sincerely hope you’re being sarcastic

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Why would he be sarcastic? That is exactly what we need right now, a spirituality-based seduction sub seems like the perfect addition to the artisan line.

We can call it “Revelation of Sexuality”.


I kinda like where is is going. It’s giving me more ideas.

What sex could my body receive more than I ever could have possibly imagine?
I wonder who my body would like to have sex with?
What generative energy could I create through more sex?
Body, would you like to have more sex?
What blockages do I have around sex and relationship?
What could I receive from this person that I could have never thought possible before?

Greater possibilities and choices with sex sub.

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This is what we need Napoleon Hill talks about sexual transmutation. We need a sub that transmutes the sexual energy into the higher chakras. @RVconsultant can you please talk to the founders about this.

Revelations of Sexuality is the way.

Also ask Fire about releasing hero to the veteran users like @GoldenTiger @bombayduck and myself.