Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

How is RoM different from Sage Immortal?

Trying to decide between the 2 and looking for some more insight.


Thanks @Alphamale your a cool guy actually and i like your posts you think very deeply about things and are not afraid to share those with others.

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Interesting insights @BreathingJaguar tellme how would say ROM is different from HOM, sage and RM as they all follow overlapping themes.

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They are extremely different. Have you looked through the descriptions yet?


Yes but Iā€™m interested in the experiences of the users.

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Ive been reflecting a bit and im really wondering, is there any experiment that could clearly show manifestation is a thing? And has such a scientific experiment ever been done?

What do you suggest if I am currently on the second cycle of EOG 1, QL1, DR 1 + EF 1. 2 cycles per stage, so it will be also next 6 months.
But RoM could have some shocking revelations and it can totally change the direction in which I am heading, but right now IDK if want to change my stack and with what or wait until I am done with all 4 stages.

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Thanks brother
I am also human with flaws and reconciliation, so spare me if there are any errors.

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Finish your current cycle then look at adding in ROM.

Yes, but my stack is full so therefore I was asking for some advice. How can I add something to an already full stack :slight_smile: ?

Well in that case you will have to remove something from your existing stack my friend.

You do not say Sherlock :slight_smile:

If you mean empirical scientific evidenceā€¦ None

Okay, well, before the question gets lost:

Iā€™m running Sage Immortal but not yet RoM.

Sage Immortal is like an internal lodestone that pulls you towards teachings/teachers/practices, and also pulls teachings/teachers/practices to you.

It just does.

Since starting it, I have:

  • relearned and resumed Chen style Tai chi practice

  • resumed Zhan Zhuang or Standing Post training

  • found an excellent article by Karel Koskuba that helped me to much better understand fundamentals practice and with implications that went far beyond the original context

  • had the work of approximately 6 or 7 excellent teachers dropped in my lap

  • manifested a most excellent sourcebook on Daoist Nei Gong practice

  • Had my view of Daoist practices recontextualized and revolutionized in good ways by the work of Scott Park Phillips

Thatā€™s all I can remember right now. But thereā€™s definitely more.

Almost every day/week some useful resource is drawn to me or I to it.

Revelation of Mind, I think, is completely different. Itā€™s you coming home to the Nature within you. More like The Merger of Worlds, but deepened and broadened.




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Would you say one is more gradual path, the other is direct pointing (advaita, zen etc)?

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Yep. Damo Mitchell.

With work responsibilities, Iā€™ve, so far, only made it through the first 2 chapters. But in either Chapter 1 or 2, he included a simple 8 item bullet-point list that in a very casual and offhanded way, communicated and enhanced the essence of what Iā€™d managed to learn about taijiquan since the time Iā€™d studied it 23 years ago. hahaha.

So, Iā€™m in.


Just adding that RoM with MEv2 in my stack has been causing some very interesting scenarios when debugging code / tracking down bugs. I spent the last half hour or so admiring the symmetry between boolean, bitwise and setwise or and figuring out out how to transform one into another for simple equalities and inequalities, as well as the fact that rewriting the query in this way is more efficient anyway in that the passes over the dataset are less and less.columns need to be memory mapped at once.

Insights keep coming about the code as I turn it in my head. So I think something of the visual/cerebral aspect is definitely kicking in.


I hate freaking paths, man. haha

Iā€™m just being candid now because Iā€™m tired.

Just live. The Cosmos is freaking mind-blowing. No matter how many times you get promoted, youā€™re never going to take it over.

Iā€™m (half) joking. Donā€™t take me too literally. (but feel free to take it seriously. :wink: ).

Itā€™s been a long month, and itā€™s just getting started. :joy:


Seriously though.

Iā€™d call RoM, the path of no path.

Iā€™d call Sage Immortal, the path of paths.

Both are beautiful.

:blue_heart: to you @Sungaze. May your/our paths be :sunny: and :heart:.

(just my view)


After this

ā€œSafely develop and enhance your energetic systems, helping you process more information, execute the title better, etc.ā€

could we have the same fast flow factor as for example Invictus?