Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

This is statement describe clearly the (zp vs other versions ).

This is a historical statement in subliminal club Forum and never mentioned befooooore .

What mentioned before was the following

  • Will I have the permenancy of results .
  • If I stopped the sub will i still manifest the same result.

Patience is for the most wealthy in the broader sense of word .

The wealthy in health will not run paragon
The wealthy in relationships will not run daredevil
The wealthy in intelligence will not run QL
The wealthy in money will not run Mogul,eog,etc
The wealthy In meditation mastery will not run alchemist
And so on…

Regarding the ZP perceptual shift

While driving today passing through the city down town flashed to me in the real world the old down town form and structure (the stores , the pavements , car style every thing ) I usually pass through there daily going to the office . This is the first time this happens to me . This form was from around 15 years ago .

What happened to me is not DEJAVU I have alot of experience with DEJAVU .

Edit : now I am reading transurfng second book Forward to the past
The first chapters speaking about what we call perceptual shift but with the name of “Shades in the scenery”

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This is not from overexposure @SaintSovereign, this is the honest truth. This is from following regular listening pattern instructions. I have been trying to figure out this whole recon thing for quite a while, so doing something like overexposure would be suicide and ultra counter productive.

Edit: to change over “expossing” to “overexposure” lol.

The official recommendations are also WAY too much for me.

You have to figure it out.

But I know what you mean, it’s not “new user friendly.”

Then again, Saint said many times this is a “club” (hence the name) of people into experimentation and testing things, not “button pressers.” However due to the growth, I think many people came here expecting to just run it as mentioned and all is well.


Having been running subs for 6 weeks, I’ve been doing great with standard listening schedule. Today is my last listening, then 7 day wash out. Next cycle will be with billions schedule which puts more rests in the cycle than standard.

With a few early days of anger on regeneration, I’ve been doing awesome. CFW has helped immensely. I have to say the reconciliation I experienced has been more positive than negative and nothing I can’t handle.

Granted I’ve only used two subs consistently with Psragon Ultima randomly, so I can’t speak to more. Will be adding Elixir next cycle.

I think there is a huge issue with patience as many have mentioned. I like that we start with the every other schedule then based on individual experience, one should reduce listening days until negative effects reduce.

It is 100% true, the sub is a tool, WE change and that change takes time. The urge to rush results is nothing but counter productive. I’ve learned so much since I joined and I’m grateful for everyone’s feedback.

Whatever Saint does, he does for the best interest of the whole. Which isn’t always great to hear but he has the best vantage point and also all of the liability unlike us.

I’m just happy to be a part of this club :slight_smile:


I had recon with ZP right from the beginning following the listening recommendation so I’m a big proponent of an additional ZP light version.


@AlexanderGraves sounds like AC is giving your remarkable results may i ask that you share some of your experiences ?

I posted a bunch in the AC tips and tricks thread. Or you want like a list? :smiley:

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Thanks will have a peek :slightly_smiling_face:

It really does make me wonder why some are good with the 15 and others need to go down to 5 or even 3. Like others here 15 minutes was way too much. I remember some days it being so bad I almost couldn’t leave my bed. But as I’ve come to observe more rest days isn’t really the answer because the rest days can throw me even deeper into that fatigue. Light and consistent seems the way to go for me. Almost 3 full days to recover from a 15 minute loop and that would have a tendency to make my daily life functioning more difficult.

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Anyway, a quick report:

I ran 3 loops over 5 weeks of Ascension Chamber so far. One of them only 5 minutes.

At this point, if I subconsciously want something and don’t have any conscious thought about it, it WILL happen within minutes. Like the subconscious pizza from yesterday:

Other things that happened:

  • Didn’t feel like having a call (coaching) at a certain time because of tight schedule, but was consciously determined to do it anyway. Person rescheduled themselves 10 minutes later.
  • I am thinking of fancying a certain grocery, my wife buys it without me saying a word
  • Was thinking of an old RC Hovercraft I had as a child. Suddenly my mother brings it in when we visit her

Many more smaller things I can’t recall now.

It also manifests bigger things, but it depends a bit more on if I have blockages towards it. Then it doesn’t happen right away.

Mind you, I don’t do any visualisations right now intentionally. However, being INFP-A my mind was ALWAYS very visual. I imagine a lot of scenarios, etc in my mind. The daydreamer. Which obviously helps with manifestation.
Including the feeling part. If you do the Neville version of manifesting stuff. But this also worked money-wise back in the days (literally imagining and feeling how I would get an email with a sales message and then it happened).


This all sounds very intuitive to me. These results that you’re getting are considered to be really desirable in some religions. According to some of these religions, these are the things that begin to happen in your life when you align yourself in a way that pleases god. Not interested in talking about religion, just wanted to mention it. Maybe you’re tapping into your inner chamber to connect to your outer world.


Guys and gals

How do you experience recon with ZP?

Ever since i started using ZP i had almost no experiences of recon. I just cant even define recon cause i dont have that much of an experience with it personally

Im not the fastest to respond to subliminal influence, it takes maybe more time with me with certain stuff, maybe thats recon

But in terms of emotional turmoil and Depression, feeling lethargic etc, i have no experience so far

Things are very subtle. Results come but in a very slow and steady pace. Not explosively and fast

So thats my experience with zp recon so far of 2-3 months of running it

So maybe my reconciliation comes in the image of slower results than average? Im not sure. or its just how my journey is folding and its not recon

Other than that never seen any recon


Also nice stuff from paragon zp here

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So you’d say that your days are just normal ?
appart from some results from time to time

What subs are you running appart from paragon ?

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Yes this is by far my experience, just regular days and results pop every now and then like every couple of days i would notice some small subtle change and i would record a voice memo to journal

I ran 1x Stark ZP 1x Paragon Zp for almost 2 months

and honestly those 2 months i wasnt seeing something really noticeable from stark like idk, i liked stark Qv2 better. But maybe paragon is taking priority cause its a healing title, but until now my journey with stark could be better . Like i cant define really what changed with stark until now

I just feel some cognitive enhancement a little of that but im not sure if that was me before or not. But anyways im sure its just a matter of time till i see better and better results happening.

Today is the end of my first cycle of 21 days with my custom zp

So ive been running my first custom for about 21 days now alongside paragon

1 loop (Ascension, Stark) custom ZP, 1 loop Paragon zp

Things are great overall


Is there any reasons why you keep running paragon ?

Healing no matter the type usually take most of energy, you don’t run and make muscles with a teared quad do you ? Or you still don’t run and make no muscle right after the operation or the week after ?

So like anyone here could suggest if your need for heal has lessened you should consider to no longer use paragon

If your “quad” has healed it’s time to walk and if he’s good go back to “running”
Is the metaphor good enough lol ?

If you’re facing any medical conditions don’t forget to consult your doctor
A sub is not a replacement to any treatment

So to resume everything
You have the choice to either focus on healing if it’s important or “get out of your bed your healed enough goddam” and go after what you want lol

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Yes and no,

The main problem that made me purchase paragon zp was a skin issue, a real troubling flaky scalp. Real flaky not just regular small dandruffs

After 1 month 13 days something like that the issue was almost gone like 99%

However im still worried that it might come back. Cause ive never felt fresher in my life. working out freely without worrying about how my head is looking and if

So the main issue of what made me purchase paragon is totally gone.

And now im thinking also for paragon to help me with a couple of health concerns that i have that i didnt focus on before, cause before it was just pure i need to get rid of the flakiness of my scalp i just cant deal with it anymore

Now i wanna see if paragon helps me with:
1- improving eye vision,
2- improving my digestive system and healing it,(since ive done a surgery 3 years ago where they cut 85% of your stomach and that really hurts and messes your digestive system like on a whole new level)
And a couple more

Theyre not major but i think somewhat important

I thought about it.

But i think you can still run paragon with another title or custom and see results still from both and walk your journey right? I know of me and @SaintSovereign who do that i think like running paragon for overall health

But maybe paragon is slowing the progress more than the usual as a healing title

But im seeing improvements for now and results slowly creeps into my life.

I thought about maybe reducing the exposure of paragon instead of removing it all from my stack, but i dont know how to do that like how it would look like

Like instead of listening 4 times a week to paragon every listening day maybe ill go for 3 days of listening or 2, and by reducing the days of paragon i will replace the loop with another loop of my custom
(7 day a week is like 4 day of listening with the pattern, the 3 days are rest days so no exposure )

Actually thats a nice idea :slight_smile: i think i answered my question lol,


Yes you will still have some results with other title but the healing take the lead no matter what

Also big dandruffs are also a problam I have, I can asure you that a lot of the time it’s mostly due to some psycho-somatic reasons, it’s a form of expressions for stress, and it’s not because you’re so used to the stress and can’t feel it anymore that it doesn’t express itself in other shapes ! (dandruff,aches, insomnia blah blah blah)

You seem to have valid reasons to keep running it
And your end solutions to use it less seems to fit your needs, so well done ahahah

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@SaintSovereign can you comment how healing titles such as paragon zp or others can slow the progress of subliminal growth?

And how much of delay is it causing, like is it seriously not advisable if you want faster progression?

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