Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

As I was reading through the thread a bit, I’m reminded of some of the greats of times now gone.
There’ve been a few people who had great insights into our reality and they died having hidden or destroyed their findings because they knew the world wasn’t ready for them and maybe wouldn’t be for another thousand years, probably wishful thinking even then lol. But I digress…

I’m guessing Subliminal Club will continue to innovate and come up with many amazing things. As a species it isn’t even up to us what they release and share with us. I know not everybody would abuse everything and are doing just fine with ZP following recommendations. But I hope that abuse resulting in holding back new technology can be avoided, although the masses will still be the masses for a reason. And the innovators and guiding lights will still be around, just won’t be doing what everyone else is doing so we’ll be lucky to stumble upon them as we have with Subliminal Club.


@Avengers68 bro how’s your QL st3 zp going??

A real monster :rofl: One loop every 2 days is enough ! I have to prepare the work I have to do because after that I am in a total productivity mood BUT If I have not prepared the work I will be in total focus for any other activities. I found myself totally immerged in a social media. I suddenly realized that I spent 3 hours in this activity much to much. So thats why I had to channel this monster !


That sounds like a little nerfed NZT pill :pill:


I’ve listened to RICH Crypto ZP for a couple of times already this week.

Are you talking about some ZP → ZP upgrade?


I remember the actual posts you made on the days following this one…



Felt like reading them again. :hugs:




@Hoppa - was talking about ZP. Did a check in my Downloads and I stand corrected:

I first looked for the RICH Crypto ZP thread which I didn’t find so based my judgement on that.

@bombayduck, @Avengers68 - only 7 more titles left to be updated to ZP.

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Is Sex and City released yet ?

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You can watch it on HBO.


I guess, he is talking about Sex and Seduction ZP title.


SC guys are writing the last strings in the script :joy:


Even though I saw this coming from a mile away I fucking cracked up!


At one point I was sleeping about 10 hours a night. Dreams might help with assimilating the script. Nutrition. Exercise. Water. Organic food. That’s what I do.




Not sure, but honestly, you should possibly stay away from any alpha title. If anything would boost testosterone, it’d be those. That includes Stark ZP and Daredevil.


I know that I already mentioned it somewhere but on ZP when I’m out

I see almost every single time at least 1 individual that I used to know in my previous school when I was younger

Especially girls (probably some sort of wanted manifestation)

And yes that 's definitly a ZP manifestation because this never happen to me that frequently on a daily basis


It’s almost like they can’t stop gravitating toward me against all odds

They have to see me in this total random event of our daily life after so much time


Thanks for answer , so after I finish Ascension I will rather postone my alphaness to next year till my legal isues will end. I’ll Be Back!


This is my last day on washout, tomorrow I’m starting with Stark & HOM.

I’m loving the results I’ve been getting. And I noticed how I’m well aware of the changes that take things. The way I plant seeds for the future when it comes to dating. I’m clearly not the same as I was prior to ZP and I have a feeling I just barely scratched the surface…. What will be happening as the bloom process takes place as I play my next rotation, I’m ready for it.

Today I noticed a message from some woman that has a thing for me. The love I’m getting from these women is increasing, especially with the ones who I fancy to have something deep with.

And I seem to have control over my insanely high sex drive, these past days it has sky rocketed. With my stack in play as well as Venus and Mars being in Capricorn and I happen to have Venus and Mars in Capricorn on my chart. It’s a good thing I got my partner to help me out. And I seem to be having her fall deeper and deeper in love with me. I like how we both know this ain’t for the long term. And now I got my eyes set on a couple of women from around here, as soon as I’m done with my project, they’re next.

I was chilling with my partners 1 year old. I absolutely love how I just dropped my guard with her as we were bonding. The feeling is indescribable, so vulnerable yet so masculine… and more. Just giving love unconditionally… watching her fall asleep while I’m holding her, it was so peaceful. This happened yesterday, now I’ve been craving that feeling. I want to be like that in my relationships.

The cashier that was serving me today gave me a discount on my earphones, she even told me to come thru if I’m experiencing problems with them… this has never happened before.

Eye contact is increasing, the way women eyes get so glued to mine it’s like we having a conversation without uttering a single word.

Men and women continue to greet me and most of these people are older than me.

And when I walked in another store to buy chips… saw hot women there. Noticed how all of em had their eyes on me. As I’m about to walk out, one of em locked eyes with me. I felt all good emotions as well as that inspired action so I gave her a compliment… Then left her hanging.


Elixir ZP is one of those titles? That’s one title I’m actually looking forward to. In April I’m going to pause my stake for a month and do some serious healing. Regen ZP and hopefully Elixir ZP.

Edit: @sid just informed that it’s been released.

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@Gilligan Elixer zp is ready

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