Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Thank you, much appreciated!!

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Legacy ZP not appearing on my downloads. i got the pre order version.

Give me 10.

Took much less than that. You should be good to go now. @Jes1946


thank you @SaintSovereign

I wonder which sub would help with this? RICH?


Please update Aegis Initiative C19 :pray:

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R.I.C.H. with Mind’s Eye…while running Mind’s Eye, you’d want to imagine your friend telling you how they are headed out to eat or whatever. Whatever you know that person would do if they had money left over after paying their bills. This would imply they’d paid their bills already.

You’d also want to imagine with whichever sensory rep systems are easiest for you to handle.
I’m very adept at auditory, so I’d imagine hearing them (noticing the tonal qualities of their voice) telling me how that meal was.

EDIT: You could do this just with Mind’s Eye actually. I bet R.I.C.H. would help though.


Thank you my friend :metal:

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I manifested some great sex this way once. The trick is to imagine something AFTER your desire is fulfilled. something that implies it. I imagined the post-orgasmic glow…still riding that wave down…but this works with just about anything.

EDIT: And it really helps to tweak the submodalities(sensory qualities) of what you imagine so it seems as “real” to you as an actual event. Rather than some visualization or imagined thing.

OK. I’m done haha


Sharing that Alchemy.



@SaintSovereign any idea when ZP customs are coming out ?


Isn’t that Neville 101? “Imagine of your wish being fulfilled already.”

But yes, worked best for me also so far when it comes to manifesting!


More like Neville 100. Neville wasn’t the greatest at explaining stuff all the time though.


When you will have time , can you consider to answer my question above?

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Watching zero point preview :))
Just kidding, its the sacred geometry
But I am sure they are connected

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Eager to see Executive in ZP, might even buy Limitless-Executive to finish my research paper.

Khan made my work focus drop like crazy :eyes:

But my sex, woman and a confidence is high af…

Edit: There ya go I got limitless executive!


The last titles to be updated in ZP


  • Limitless Executive
  • Ascension for women
  • BLU

Am I correct ?

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Yup, as well as Boxing Mastery X. Also don’t think RICH crypto got the update either.


Rich Crypto is already updated

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