Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I recall seeing the post you’re talking about. no update so far

It’s here. A quick search of “unisex” in this thread

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It’s unisex, but that didn’t change the way we approached the scripting. Check out the testers’ experiences – they’ll tell you just how potent it is. It’s alpha leadership, not “alpha male.” That’d be Emperor and other titles.

It’s the power level in the last version the tester’s used. It’s not at the power level of the original ZP test. Though we believe it’s completely safe, you can bet that someone will run it for 50 loops straight and ruin it for everyone.

Same goals as before, just in Zero Point format.


@Invictus Which version of Wanted did you tested? I need to know to do my testosterone level comparison and know if I used the same version you used which gave you results similar to RAD-140.

Thank you SaintSovereign!


Have Fire and you considered with Zero Point’s official induction allowing members with a set criteria defined by yourselves (membership length, post quality, etc etc) access to the more higher powered option? :slight_smile:


Chosen is a leadership/inspiration/hope subliminal and Khan is a Sexual Dominance subliminal. I believe there is something inherently masculine with sexual dominance compared to leadership.

Yeah but that’s where the problem is… Masculinity is defined as sexual dominance by society but in my opinion it is more closer to the definition that Chosen is, the masculine spirit in my eyes is leadership, hope, inspiration, courage, confidence and taking control of life in the fires, its the undying spirit that the sub represents from the description.

When the darkness seems impenetrable, CHOSEN imbues you and those around you with an undying hope and belief that pierces the darkness and guides your way. Indeed, CHOSEN guides you (and your close ones) through the most hopeless situations.

You will not go astray.

Furthemore, an earthshaking courage and fearlessness will start manifesting deep in your heart, helping you be the sword that cuts the path through the dark for yourself and others.

Courage is not all - on CHOSEN, you will develop other virtues in such a way that it is impossible for others not to be in awe of you.

Temperance, justice, prudence, dignity, magnificence, truth, magnanimity…

Im not saying that a girl can’t represent those qualities, but in my perspective thats what true manhood is. For me personally it is much more masculine than Khan. And thats okay.

I’m just saying this sub alone sounds incredible and as is absolutely perfect for me because it represents for me Marcus Aurelius, if you’ve ever read the book called Meditations you’ll understand why I think Chosen is the Divine Masculine. Removing those masculine qualities and making it unisex really removes the Divine Masculine essence it has.

My suggestion is that perhaps there can be a female and unisex version of it. But to make it unisex in my eyes really kills that Divine Masculine spirit it has.

Theres a popular saying that goes along the lines of: Liked by everyone loved by none…


Much gratitude for not saying “quantity”… :sunglasses:


I like to throw in Limitless Executive Ultima on days at work when I need a productivity boost. Can we still throw in an occasional Ultima on off days between our three ZP titles?

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Will Spartan ZP have all the physical shifting that Wanted had in the test versions?


I don’t think so, but I did ask the same question several days ago and never got a response (that I saw, my bad if I just missed the reply) so I’m eager to hear the official answer as well!


Thats when one stack it with Godlike Masculinity, I guess

I don’t think the idea of splitting it into unisex and a male/female version makes it more effective as you think it does. Through Subclub magic, it’s equally effective regardless of what you identify as. Adding more specificity in terms of gender identity wouldn’t increase effectiveness and further increases the complexity of having to create more versions of the same product.


I understand your point, it seems indeed to me that it could fit Marcus Aurelius’s Stoicism. What I meant by Khan is sexual dominance is more linked to the “raw sex” aspect of masculinity. Your vision seems to be closer to the value of masculinity, which are, in essence part of Chosen. Temperance, justice, prudence, dignity, magnificence, truth, courage, fearlessness, virtue, respect… These are all qualities that great men could be qualified and are in fact referring to the Yang (masculine energy). I could see a woman embody that energy, because it’s more “in the way of acting” that you can exude your masculine energy.

It would be hard for me to describe the sexual dominance, I would use the word “Virility” to describe it, it’s really more linked to reproductive strategy used by males to empregnate female rather than the “masculine”.


He answered the other day. 3 more. That’s the official recommendation.


Yeah in my opinion Chosen is everything hyper masculine. The true masculine essence.

For Wanted idk haha Wanted Qv2 Worked for me almost too well so if Wanted ZP is now Unisex from its previous manifestations regarding women I find it a bit odd. It makes sense to make it Unisex because it removes the complexity of more subs being created, but the original Wanted was insane…

I didn’t test the final one that made the cut, as it wasn’t in my final stack, so I don’t know about the effects of the 15 mins one.
However, the last one I used, which was 30 mins, was strong enough that I did chest workouts 2 days (one after another) without much soreness and feeling the change happening easily.
I think this version got cut into the 15 mins version that will be available in the preview.

If I had that one then I would have started my journal already, don’t you think :wink:


That couldn’t have been said even better. Thanks for clarifying my polarizing comment hahaha thats exactly what I meant. So yeah I was speaking purely on principles and how the “way of acting out” those newfound qualities can be unisex in a way.

Masculinity based on my definitions is the principles and concepts of qualities of great men, those qualities aren’t really exclusive to genitalia so it makes so much sense that this would be unisex because I placed my own definitions and label of what it is as masculine…

Makes so much sense. Thanks again for understanding my view man, I really love how you can understand through all that miscommunication done by me haha


It does connect you with that lost masculine essence, but its not hyper masculine. Similar to Godlike Masculinity that’s in many of the titles. A female could harness its effects. Although, it would then be more like Jeanne D’arc rather than Jeane Luc-Picard; bright side is that they’re both French :slight_smile:

It has a maturity factor to it in my case during the tests, as well as something spiritual, since you’re aspiring to become an inspirational leader. Living in the spirit is the way to become inspiring


Based on that definition I think WANTED would be more appropriate to label as a Male Sub because its goals and description is really to make women want you haha so based on that goal alone would moreso diminish its potency a bit.


If memory serves me correct, he also said no subs on rest days either. You need rest days. @BLACKICE