Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP

Hi Jaguar are you serbian ?

Where is Friday ? he is very quiet these days since he came back from his date.

Libertine ZP - First review

I cannot stress enough how much of a BLESSING it is that ZP subs are only 15 mins long. I was super busy the whole day and there would have been no way I could have run Libertine Ultima. This short run-time is such a luxury especially with boosters like Libertine where I always had to pre-plan my day or decide between not finishing business or coming 2 hours later to a party so that I could still manage to run it before the event. Now with Libertine ZP it is so easy… I came home 1 hour before the date, started the loop, showered, dressed, giving the aura around 40 mins to execute.

3 mins in I began to move and dance sensually. After the loop finished I became hungry and decided to drink a glass of raw milk with some full fat raw cream, which helped a lot. 15 mins after the loop finished, I would say the aura was already built up.

Okay, now to the date.

It was less of a date and more of a simple reconnecting with an old high-school friend of mine, whom I have not seen in more than 2 years. I knew that she currently has a boyfriend, even better to test the power of Libertine… I thought :smirk:

The moment she saw me her eyes lit up, getting excited like a little girl seeing Santa Claus. We hugged for a waaaaaaaaaay too long hahah. I started to build some deep eye contact, and I almost immediately noticed the sexual spark which even made me slightly uncomfortable so I backed off. I really felt a sense of pleasure watching her beautiful blue iris.

We went for a walk and had a ton to talk about. I noticed how SOCIAL I felt, just like I had ingested a few glasses of white wine, mixed with the playfulness of my inner child coming out. For the future, I would say I was a bit too playful and aloof but I just felt so great, joyful and „free“ - just like a true libertine haha.
I was still leading and dominating quite strongly though, dictating the way, being naturally one step ahead, stopping to allow eye contact, moving her to create moments, basically locking us in while leaning away and having awesome body language.

We ended up having A LOT of body contact, the MOST I ever had while walking. Hugging here, hugging there, side hugging, arm around her, her arm around me, etc.

We later talked about her boyfriend for a while. I might be interpreting too much but I could not let go of that notion that it seemed like she was subconsciously telling me that she would drop him for me any time haha.

Then some manifestation happened, where we noticed that we both have a quality each of us almost „desperately“ looks for in others but pretty much NOBODY has.
Without going into detail what it is about, I am certain you can imagine that our connection deepened 100x after that. I solely count Inner Circle for that though which is the third core in my Wanted Khan custom. Some of the manifestations I am encountering in the last weeks are just unbelievable, this is now the second time I find a girl with that quality since the release of ZP, while I was looking for such a person, no matter even if male or female, and could not find ONE in a matter of 2 years.

I then had to leave her as I still had some business to do for that day, so we promised to meet soon again. We later exchanged some note-worthy messages. I would have loved to post the original but as we did not communicate in English so here is the translation:

Me: „(fill in some love texts) :heart: :heart: (fill in some love texts) :kissing_heart:
She: „(fill in some love texts) :heart: :heart: (fill in some love texts) :kissing_heart:
Me: „Be careful what you write, not that your boyfriend gets jealous haha“
She: „ :roll_eyes:
She: „One must be allowed to like other men“

The nuances are hardly coming over in the English translation. Especially her calling me a „man“ is - unlike in English - quite an unusual word choice, almost a compliment, in the language we communicated in.

Some thoughts on Libertine:

Libertine does not feel like the old version of Libertine AT ALL. It feels like a mix between True Social + Libertine Aura + Primal Seduction with a touch of „Libertine-behavior“ + freeing from social inhibitions + the RAIKOV module (Deep Trance Identification), coming together to form a fully-fledged subliminal. Especially the Raikov part is interesting as Khan made me watch some Hank Moody (Californication) videos yesterday and I seemed to have modeled his behavior in many moments during the date perfectly.

P.S. more thoughts on Libertine:

  • Another girl (actually the second girl with the same quality I mentioned above) just texted me if I want to meet her tomorrow :wink:
  • Some sexual banter with one of my past girlfriends over instagram
  • Humor and wit turned up to 100%
  • Had a really funny banter with my best friend; again I felt as social as when I consume some alcohol. This might sound strange but this is the best compliment I can give as since the dawn of time I looking for a strategy to achieve that effect without the booze:

Might be too early to tell but LibertineZP seems to bring out exactly that behavior


I thought DiamondZP is great, but LibertineZP is EVEN BETTER. I really would love to have the updated script of Libertine in my Wanted Khan custom hahah


Looks like they listened to the review of how and when libertine was used :v:

Actually, Diamond is exclusively for sex, the attractiom that comes from it is a leak of sexual energy. Libertine is more appropriate for dates and party.

Tbh Friday, I’m tempted to run libertine rather than my loop of wanted tomorrow just to see if I can manifest some people in my life :thinking:


Reading how good Diamond ZP and Libertine ZP are, it makes me reconsider strongly which core to keep in my custom and which ones to keep outside as ZP. However we are not going to have ZP custom anytime soon so :frowning:

What is your current stack?

Yes, sure they are for different purposes. Though what I meant was more that it feels like the ZP technology (scripting method) itself got upgraded in Libertine ZP.

Do it.

DiamondZP + my Wanted Khan custom. You can find the list of modules here:


I’m on it Boss!

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Surely libertine is not a product you can run every other day right ? i thought its best to run it when needed.

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Saint confirmed for me yesterday that running it long-term would increase your “baseline” aura.


That‘s exactly what I thought before testing it myself.

But now seeing how good it is, I am actually considering adding it to my stack. Libertine seems to be so much more than aura.


Interesting perhaps I can run libertine at one loop every other day this is good to know.

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Well, the concept of ZP’s aura generation seems different.

Reality passes through you, which means you change, and that change generates the aura!


I am getting reconciliation out of the sudden… I think Libertine just deals with my fear of success.



I like when I feel recon sometimes. Because then I know it’s working :slight_smile:
Just going for a reframe there.


You make me want to drop paragon for libertine @friday. If the benefit is like THAT…then I do see a reason for it to be in a stack for weeks.

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Very nice. Your description of Libertine ZP is spot on. We didn’t just “mix” those subliminals, but looking at the script, I can see exactly what you’re perceiving.


It might be best used as a situational title. That’s why we’re having the ZP preview. If your results indicate it should be / can be, we’ll update the instructions.

We always suspected that ZP could be used as both long-term programming or short term effects.


So do the official recommendations still apply to Libertine ZP.?
Im currently running 2 ZP titles+ Qv2 custom. Will i need to drop 1 title for LZP or can i add it to my stack situationally.?


This has me confused as well. It seems incompatible with trying to figure out whether libertine is best run situationally.


Can you tell me if those are new additions to the script or if they were there all along but I did not notice until ZP? For example, the social aspect or the raikov effects.

I listened to Libertine yesterday on my rest day. Shall I now take another but this time proper rest day or can I continue with my stack? My dreams indicate no reconciliation and I feel fine too.