Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP v2

15 minutes gives me recon a lott of the time LOL

So sometimes 3 minutes, sometimes 45 minutes, depends on how you feel, right?

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45 minutes god no LMAO

anywahere from 3-5-7-9-11-15

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I would normally say that you are a mathematic genius, I am impressed :slight_smile:

I haven’t used Libertine and have wondered what an aura of lust would be like. Well, I may know because I’m starting to realize that the girl I was getting with for a couple months is pretty lusty in temperament, including by her own admission. I remember that I had wanted to hook up with her shortly after I had met her and I didn’t know quite why, other than that her nice personality seemed so pleasantly inviting. So maybe an aura of lust is simply experienced by the recipient as a desire and comfort to hook up. Does that ring true?

Over the course of months, I kept noticing her pleasant and charming aura, which I thought was an aura of love. Whenever she left me, I wanted to be around her again. After having been with her sexually for a couple months, she says she is afraid the relationship is based on lust. I would think she would know because she is more experienced than I. Now I’m starting to think it was lust the whole time. I am jealous of her lust embodiment and aura. Should I run Libertine?


Not necessarily. People sometimes misunderstand auras as some kind of mind control. I can only answer for ours, but this is how it seems to work:

Basically, you naturally produce an energetic aura – all day, every day – regardless of subliminal input. The aura you emit is based upon your subconscious beliefs – all of them. What Libertine (and our other aura subs) does is target the “sexual energy” in your natural aura and ramp it up to your current maximum.

That current maximum is based on your subconscious beliefs and traumas regarding sexuality.

The aura is still being expressed through you, as all Zero Point titles do. There’s no “external manipulation.” Two different people will run Libertine and project two different auras, since again, we’re optimizing and maximizing the natural sexual component (or frequencies, if that helps you imagine it better) of your natural aura.

This is why we include healing scripting in some of the sexual titles. As the healing scripting helps you breakthrough past traumas affecting your views on sex, your ability to express your sexuality grows stronger and the aura gets stronger.

For those of you who are energy sensitive, have you ever had a situation where you were very sexually aroused to the point where your face and body feels flushed and hot to the point where you can feel the waves of heat flowing off you? Among other things, that’s your body putting out an energetic signal that you’re open to sexual activity, and your partner will be able to pick up on that signal. Libertine essentially ramps that signal up.

To me, pheromones are “less moral” than a title like Libertine. Pheromones are literally faking a biological signal (not that I’m dissing anyone who uses them, this is philosophical), where Libertine brings out your own sexual expression.

For example, look at @Friday’s excellent analysis of Libertine ZP v1: Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP - #45 by friday

Notice that it brings out a lot of sociability in him and he defined sociability as playfulness and being aloof. That aloofness is part of his natural personality somewhere, as the script doesn’t generate “aloofness,” it tries to generate the behavior already within you that’s most likely to end in a sexual interaction based on who you are.

When I tested Libertine, I experienced something much different. I became quiet and a bit withdrawn, but I was locking eyes with everyone and smiling (more like a smirk) / nodding my head. Normally, when I’m out and about, I don’t pay much attention to everyone else and I’m very focused on a single thing – whatever I went out to do. But the sociability expressed as me being “on the prowl,” and being more aware of my surroundings.

So, keep this in mind if you’re going to run Libertine. It’s not necessarily the best for trying to maintain a relationship. The name alone should tell you that it’s about sexual expression. Love Bomb or Heartsong is better for deepening connections with established partners.


It will still be considered the 4th title in a stack. No harm in testing it but keep your eyes open for recon or anything else that comes from running more then the official recommendation.

Hopefully when the LifeCharger comes out, we will get a version of Libertine we can run in addition to our 3 title stack without having to worry about recon and such.


Personal experience suggests if I use a ZP title with “fast acting” components like Libertine as a major title for a cycle I can then use the title as a booster. I’ve noticed I can use microloops (1-7 minutes depending on what feels right for the situation) of a 4th track up to twice a week without getting noticeable recon or energy drain while also getting the benefits of the title.

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Libertine ZP v2 has been properly named. Download whenever you’d like.


Are all these updates just renaming the files? No build updates?

Just asking because if it’s just renaming, I can do that in iTunes with a Python script much faster

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Thanks for all the unnoticed work

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I wonder how this with ZPv2 MAX and latest aura tech would work…

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Wanted Black is an aura title with ZPv2 Max version. You can try it to see and feel the MAX aura

Many users give good reviews about it: Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

For Libertine and other titles it will take a while to be updated to Zpv2 Max version

Hi any idea how this libertine zp v2 works for females. Need it for my wife as she has become completely asexual and I want her to feel more aroused and sexy . As I already have this title in my downloads, so I wanted to give this a try first than purchasing a new one. Any ladies here who can reply or any men who have tried this on their partner with positive results

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Divine Diamond might be a good bet here. Haven’t tried on a long term partnerthough. But just by running it girls get aroused.


Bro, thx a ton for advise but presently I don’t want to buy another title, I already have bought 7 titles of Subclub but only unisex title for sexual arousal and lust generation is libertine. That’s what wanted to utilised it to the fullest, and was seeking help/ advise regarding the same. Thx anyways, do you have any results with diamond devine ?

It should help if you run it

  • Attract beautiful people, instill lust in others.
  • Experience a renewed passion in your relationship, become admired for your powerful sexuality.

sex gets crazy. Like when you have sex it’s like time stops completely and you both melt into one, In this magical act of worshipping each others body mind and soul.

And she did not even listen to it, Have to have both listen sometime.

One time I got so aroused I could not even had sex because I just had like a mental orgasm seeing her naked body. But after a few deep breaths and just cuddling for a bit it calmed down.

And after sex, she just stood looking at me naked without saying anything with wonder in her eyes.


Libertine have been good in social situation and approaching but did not notice much difference when actually being intimate with a girl I already knew.

I don’t run libertine anymore.

Okay thx bro got it , so I should look towards diamond now … phewww . Too many choices @ subclub

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