Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Are you stacking it or are you running khan solo?
I was just going through my journal now and noticed similar effects in stage 2. I caught myself going through the photos of my ex on Instagram and a girl who rejected me.


I am stacking it with Spartan but It’s probably Khan’s effect.

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Yeah but me going through those bad experiences and reminiscing on them kind of helped me reframe my mindset towards ladies. I used to feel so bad due to rejection and my past experiences it helped me get rid of that so in your case i don’t know how or what’s going on but you noticing similar effects only means its khan stage 2 doing its work

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I thought the same. Khan ST2 probably makes you process old experiences in order to help you have new and better ones with a stronger mentality.

I have a question on action taking on Khan. Do I have to consciously search for literature on seduction to learn how to seduce women or does Khan automatically give you all the knowledge you need to seduce from the inside?

I’m sorry if that was a question already asked.

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My understanding is it guides you from within, maybe based on past encounters (not entirely sure about the mechanisms), to do better with each encounter.

It definitely couldn’t hurt to study up on existing seduction techniques/systems though. I think the more of that you bring to it, the easier Khan can do what it does. Whatever that is.

I would suspect that even seeing examples of others either scoring or washing out would help inform Khan on your behalf.

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hey man.

its been over 2 months now.

are you still seeing this effect from kahn stage 4?

I am. So much so that I have restarted khan from stage 1 and plan to do two cycles for every stage because I had the feeling that going on the full journey would reap tremendous benefits in this area. I think I’m on my 2nd week stacking khan st1/wanted right now.

So far the biggest change is that I am spending a large amount of time and energy in developing and learning increasing my financial knowledge and success as an area of self improvement in my life and this all happened very smoothly and naturally. The biggest practical benefit is that I added two sources of income besides my main job. However, my favorite benefit is just this sense of enjoyment around learning how to make more money and just being interested in it. I never had that before.


its interesting you say this because im currently running stage 1 as well and then my plan is to jump to stage 4.

how is stage 1 going for you?

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Insightful. I can’t keep track about the amount of insights about my life and concepts and beliefs I thought were true being seen through on a daily basis. I’m journaling much more because the amount of conclusions, questions and realizations I am having about life and my “self” are too much to keep on paper.

I put self in quotation marks because I am experiencing khan st1 as a total breakdown of my ego. By ego I mean the sense of a permanent identity tied to a specific story and state of being which would limit what could happen in my life. Imagine asking yourself “how do I know that is true?” for every thought that goes through your head and everything you encounter from other people especially that which you take for granted as true and realizing the foundation of 99.99 percent of beliefs you encounter are built on wisps of smoke. I mentioned before khan st4 made me much more of a observer then a talker and its even stronger on khan st1 because observation/awareness is the only thing I can rely on with this paradigm of ultimate skepticism and doubt I am experiencing.

Funny enough combining it with wanted really upgraded the “enigma” scripting in that title. Right now life is the ultimate mystery to me so I can’t help but reflect that back to the people I interact with on a daily basis. It’s fascinating to watch people seduce themselves in trying to “figure me out” or pin me down when the truth is I’m trying to remain completely open and without preconceived notions and in truth feel as dumb as a newborn baby yet paradoxically my life is going better because I’m not sabotaging myself with limiting beliefs as much anymore.



my experience on stage 1 right now has been nothing like what you describe though i do not think i would even want to experience what you seem to be going through so i guess its a good thing i have not.

but you seem happy with results so thats good on your end.

its interesting you always keep wanted in your rotation it seems and thats a product that has never really seem interesting but seeing how much you like it makes me think i should at least test it once.


Have any of you tried combining kahn stage 4 zp with mogul zp?

If yes, please share your experience.

I just started Khan… so for a full review of it, you’ll have wait at least a year. Lol

You shouldn’t need a review to differentiate between Khan and Primal Seduction.

Primal Seduction turns you into the primal seducer by combining inner game (Primal) and outer game (S&S). This turns you into a masculine sexual man, who is skilled in the art of seduction.

Khan… is the most comprehensive Alpha Male program ever created.

It might help you to better understand Khan, by how it compares with Emperor.

Saint’s breakdown of Khan vs Emperor:

If you have time and want to become the ultimate sexually dominant badass while experiencing a deep and broad growth in all levels of your life/self, then I’d run Khan.

If you want to become pro-active with your dating life, then run Primal Seduction.

It all depends on what you’re prioritizing and what your goals are.

The Khan archetype is a primal seducer, but it’s far more than that. The sexual and social dominance is dialed to the absolute maximum.

With Primal Seduction, I’m able to be super liberated in my primal sexuality while being a natural with women. I can create sexual abundance in my life, but that’s about it. The extent of my growth is capped. I need a broader and more comprehensive development/growth which is why I’ve started Khan.

My theory as I’m running it, is that Khan takes primal sexuality/power/social dominance and allows you to live your entire life through that filter. It’s the most complete liberation of man.

Primal Seduction focuses on sexuality/dominance in a niche of self/reality. It’s for a specific purpose. It’s more narrow and specialized. It doesn’t express itself through your entire reality, it expresses itself through a part of reality.

It’s a tool to become better at seducing women through learning and not being afraid to learn while tempering that with your wild, inner sexual nature. It’s not meant for overall growth and development of a man on all levels.

Just because I can get laid all the time with beautiful women doesn’t mean that I’m the best, most powerful, most confident, most attractive, most charismatic, most masculine and most socially dominant version of myself, etc. There are an infinite number of things to improve upon and that’s the game of life. The growth never stops…


Reading Khan’s Objectives sold me on running full Khan stacked with my money custom.
As soon as the custom is in my hands, I’ll be doing that.

I’ve been running Wanted, S&S and Chosen lately. Great stack. A woman friend even said today that I’m “just like a guy. Take 12 hours to respond and then it’s one-word answers.”

Another said “You’re hot and cold lately.”
So Wanted definitely works, but my custom is Emperor and EoG4…I’ll be stacking that with Khan stages. Not sure if/what a 3rd sub might be. PCC perhaps.

Khan, here I come.


Question for you guys i’d appreciate your input on.

How do you personally define the Dominance talked about so much in the description of Khan?

For some reason, probably wrongly so, i’ve always viewed dominance as a negative trait, every situation I can remember where some guy has been trying his hardest to come across as dominant he’s actually just been viewed as insecure, I seem to attach the need to be dominant as just lack of confidence in yourself.

Reason I ask is that i’m currently running just Wanted and would like to include a second sub for profound inner growth. Above all else I value freedom, the freedom to go where i want, when i want
and just simply be myself, that includes standing up for myself if anyone tries to impede that freedom of expression.

I’m torn between Primal and Khan. Primal specifically mentions being free so maybe lines up more with my goals, but I like the sound of Khan’s long journey and going through multiple stages of development.

I’d just really appreciate your opinions, I want to keep my love for freedom and independence whilst not becoming that jerk obsessed with being the most alpha guy in the room.


First, the textbook definition of Dominance is to have power and influence over others.

This is a valid concern. In fact, I would go as far as to say that this is even a good concern. Because it shows that you value not being a bully.

And this freedom is what you will get with Khan.

Let me explain from personal experience. I was the typical nice guy when I started Khan 3 years ago. I craved freedom and abundance.

Those 2 I have yet to work on but what I did get was oodles of Masculinity and Dominance.

Masculinity is easier to accept for men (debatable in this day and age I know). It implies self-discipline, stoicism, masculine energy, ambition, etc (all the traits described in Godlike Masculinity).

What is Dominance though? It is the natural outcome of your rise in status. Where when you dominate your life, others want to be like you and will look to you for help and guidance.

This isn’t necesssrily a bad thing but an equal value exchange. You are the leader and you teach your followers to be leaders in due time.

To dominate others is to have authority through knowledge, experience, competence, confidence and power. Can this be misused? Yes. But that is when the exchange of value isn’t equal. Where you take, take and take even more from others and don’t give any value in return.

Being Dominant is natural for the strong for they realize that people need to see strength in action. And that is where you show them what a leader is like by your example.

When you are strong, masculine and dominant, you are free to express yourself. No one will be able to take away your freedom because you are above them in fearlessness (although you do have to check with yourself for humility in order to be able to learn and grow).

Khan is an extension of Primal, the wild and free man. You can’t go wrong starting with Primal and doing it for a couple of months. After which you do Khan. Khan. Be even more Primal. More Mogul. More Sex and

Don’t worry too much about this. As long as you journal while running Khan and be a little self-aware, you will be able to be the alpha without having to be a jerk.

The association of jerk being an alpha comes from the jerk’s ability to get girls and bully others. But this is a short-term advantage since due to a lack of self-improvement and massive ego, the jerk ends up being unattractive and dominated by a bigger bully or a KHAN.

Choose to be the Khan. Dominate your reality and take what is yours!

EDIT: I would recommend you having atleast some level of financial success and your own residence before running Khan. Else you won’t be able to make full use of it.


This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks for such a detailed response man

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The difference. Want/Need vs Have/Is.

The other side of the Dominance coin is Submission.

What kind of man will people willingly submit to?

The kind of man who’s judgement and decisions people trust, because they know that he understands them, and cares for them.

That is Khan.

When you go all the way with it.




Does I Am also have removal of negative subliminal programming such as with Khan total breakdown?

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Possible but best to enter a support ticket for that answer.

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