Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I used to be INTP as well, back in early 20’s in college.

Just redid the test now out of curiosity and got ENFP, and I don’t know how to feel about it lol.

Only thing that changed is my career (from being a shut-in college student to a high school teacher) and that I got more in touch with my emotions.

Based on what you said about how this is a test for cognitive functional frameworks, I don’t really understand how someone’s results can change so dramatically…

Edit: care to recommend a stack for a newly ENFP-er? If you have a moment to think about it

Edit-2: I know it’s not a personality test, but reading through the “personality profile” pages for INTP and ENFP on 16-personalities, I feel like a mish-mash of both, like I have deeply-rooted defining traits from both. Confusing.


I took the MBTI thing when Saint asked private ZP testers to do so. Mine came back as INFP. Not really sure what that means in real-world shit, because I don’t put a lot of stock in tests like this that are based on purely subjective answers, and not something concrete like brain scans.

BUT assuming I am a INFP, what sub stack would you say that calls fo?

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I wonder if this is why I was led to HoM and Emperor. Explains why all of my creative projects failed miserably.

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I think infp tend more to be on the dreamy creative side,(i myself took the test and it says INFP)

Although i disagree with just running titles that only fits your “personality “ or whatever you call it. Cause we want to run subs to fix our issues. Our lackings and our short comings.

Although infp tend to be really lazy from what i read on reddit or tend to not to like to work, but this is a general statement. I bet everyone likes to stay in bed at 5 am rather than wake up and hit a run in the morning and then workout and stuff

But i think. Stark, RM, QL would be perfect for an infp

Or Ascension + Stark + QL
Or Ascension + Stark + RM

gonna try out stark with my stack maybe next week or something im running paragon alongside ascension, im curios how would 3 zp titles would work


That’s clearly not the approach being taken: Restrictive/Grounding, Expansive/Growing, and Balancing.

It sounds like it’s channeling your strengths in order to help you grow (in your preferred direction) and expand.

No matter where you choose to travel, any decent navigation plan must include your starting point.

An airplane ticket for a flight that departs from a different city from the one you are in, is not going to be much use to you. You won’t be able to get on the plane.

On the other hand, once you correctly identify your local airport and make your way there, you can fly anywhere else that you choose.


I feel like ALL of them are Expansive to the NeTiFeSi.
Will wait for a better understanding of the SC Framework.

RM is certainly Balancing as it helps with experiencing & expressing Emotions.


Right now, Khan stage 4 solo is going great.

I planned to use it as a tool to get myself creating and acting on Vertically Coherent Challenges. My intention was to act more randomly in the beginning and generate a pattern later – like I would on Daredevil or Stark.

K4 ZP however, is bringing Wisdom to my approach. I’m now using Systems Thinking principles to make decisions … something I’d expect from EOG, but not Khan.

This is a bit too mature for a social dominant archetype.



I was gonna say this. Because my result of this test changed 3 times in my life so far.
Currently I am an INFP-A, apparently. I never was the E but the other things changed, which is weird to me. But that might be my Gemini nature :wink:

Well, anyone who travels the path of Enlightenment (whatever the fuck that means (and I am by no means that guy, I don’t know shit)) will eventually realize, he was mostly trying to escape reality of the physical world by daydreaming about a much better astral place.
This then is when you truly integrate spirituality in your soul. When you accept there is more, you may even spend time astral projecting and aligning yourself with Astrology. You learn about manifestations, etc. Maybe you even do magick. But in the end, your life is lived on this planet. This is where you need to set things right.

Still, reducing the ego to a healthy place in this externally validated society is a good path to tread.

Also, is that really Hermit? It reads like him, for sure :smiley:


Oh man! I really like this concept and analysis. Now am really curious for the INFJ stack. My guess is that it will have Renaissance Man in it.

When this framework is done, it would be a valuable addition to the Support Hub.

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I have a theory about this from spending decades as someone I am not (then again, I am INFP so I def need a sense of purpose, as well as a bunch of spiritual placements, so that might just be me).

Find yourself first, then fix issues. Or rather, focus your MAJOR sub around your personality to gel nice, and use the other 2 slots to add skills that you need.

For example, here is how I PLAN to run subs going forward.
Stark seems to run VERY well for me, although I am not E. But the sub will likely make me just an introvert that is public. I will run it with Chosen and RM at some point, to see which one becomes my actual major sub.

This then I will run for quite a while as the Major slot.
Then I add 2 subs that either are result enhancers (like ME) or add things I need (like more money, or sexual).

MAJOR: Stark
Result Enhancer: ME
Skill: Primal Seduction for the sexual edge

Then after 21 days, I rotate
MAJOR: Stark or RM
Result Enhancer: Limitless, QL, etc
Skill: RICH

Rinse, repeat.

I mean, this is how I built my customs. The Major cores to aid the personality I have, supercharged, result enhancers to maximize, and a bunch of skills I need, like money.
I think this makes sense to run the actual stack similar.

On another note, Astrology also helps you a lot to find a sub that works for you. But it’s not easy to learn that :wink:
You can also use Jungians Archetypes if you want and match them to the subs. But I do think, first running something close to your personality is helpful.

And then there’s healing, which is its own thing :smiley:


Damn, I did the personality test and had ISTJ-T :slight_smile:



The recommendation has always been a MAX of 3 products per stack.
This is due to the fact that 3 is the maximum number of subs you can use, while getting all the results, with optimal speed.

Everyone is different, because of which, their capacity to handle subs, and executing them per day, changes.
You might believe that running a sub alone can give the best results, but here I am, running 3 main subs, with a 4th sub on the side (depending on my mood), without any diminishing results.

So my point: 3 is generally the maximum number of subs allowed to be in a stack, but some perform better with less subs, doesn’t mean recommending 3 is wrong, or counterproductive.
Hope that helps.


Well this is quite an unexpected result, but digging in it, it does make some sense.

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Interesting, those 30 days of staying power wasn’t mentioned anywhere before, was it?

It should also be mentioned, that the baseline still stays higher. So - IMO - it’s not that after 30 days of your last Sex Mastery sub, you now suck in bed.

The more you run them, the more they become your new reality, each loop at a time.

Still, 30 days is REALLY long and explains a lot why I still get recon from CFW sometimes :smiley:

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Here we observe a man boldly taking questionable action towards freedom. The sad expression is due to seriously underestimating the chafing effects of horseback riding in a Kilt. I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.

< / JOKE >


So do you think the better approach in your opinion is to make your strong points more stronger and powerful to balance the shortcomings of the side that is less powerful?

i was wondering actually past couple of a days wondering about if i should go with this approach or just focus on my strong points and thus it will balance my overall skills

Or i should focus on the side that i suck at and improve it so i could have both skills ina. Good shape at least

But i also know that no one is perfect like you have to have one side stronger than the other. Its the way of life

So what is your opinion friend, what approach do you take, would love to hear some perspective:)


Yes! I think this will be the best approach!

Stark is awesome i loved that sub. It gels so nice with me very awesome.

I ditched it for emperor, which didnt work well for me. Its something im kinda not good at

But this theory is awesome, like a major sub that gels with you. And 2 sides for the skills you lack!

@Malkuth helped me with that idea too

Like i got kinda depressed or not feeling so good of running titles that are so slow in results like emperor

But if i take this approach of a main sub that gels so nicely with me. And add 2 subs thats needed for some skills (like ascension for discipline and inner power) (paragon for healing my body)

That would be an awesome idea, actually thats the best approach i think to take.

I got really disappointed of running titles that dont gel with me that are super sloww man like really slow, but theyre actually the best choices to kill my shortcomings

But this approach is basically GG EZ :sunglasses:

LETSSSS GOOOO :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Also how do i decide which sub to use on which day?

Like if i use 3 titles

Ascension + Stark + Paragon

How do i decide on which to play when?

Is it better for me to play stark alone ?

Or ascension lets say alone i have some issues with the sub the most.

Cause i know you have to go like this

Day 1: 1x first ZP title 1x 2nd ZP title
Day 2 : OFF
Day 3 : 1x 3rd ZP title

Like how do i decide what to run when? Like if i struggle mostly with ascension is it better to play it alone on the 3rd day?

Or is it better lets say to play a title that gels with me greatly like stark on the 3rd day?

Or maybe it doesn’t matter?

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Being an INFP as well I never considered stark long term. I had it in a custom at one point but never really returned to it. The fame and attention were both something I wanted and didn’t want at the same time. I’m very paradoxical in that respect. So it confused me whether I had limiting beliefs or it was something I genuinely had no desire for.

But by any chance do you know your enneagram type?

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I feel the same way as you do.

I actually dont know how do i feel about fame in general

Its weird.

Enegrams test .i just discovered that recently

I think im 4 wing 7 or something like that

Hahaha i know you wasnt talking to me but i thought i would share.

Its weird aint it? Like the internet. Like you could talk over someone and you wouldnt be rude for doing so hahahah

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